The Young Lion

Chapter 963: sad story

After the game, no media filmed the evil smile in the corner of the Lion King Stadium player channel when the young handsome one-handed pocket left.

6:0 Massacre of Monaco.

No matter how miraculously Deschamps eliminated Real Madrid before and was regarded as one of the most anticipated young coaches in Europe's next generation, all this seems to have become a stepping stone for Aldridge.

Of course, no one would be surprised when Aldridge defeated Deschamps.

When coaching the team was full of invisible conflicts and dangerous, the fierce struggle was concentrated in the 90 minutes of a game, and when Aldridge came home, the greenery was gone, as if the players were switching roles on the court. Derich also regularly performs perfect role transitions between career and family.

There are some small "contradictions" in the family.

Earl and Burt should be of school age.

Previously, tutoring was just foreshadowing, laying the foundation for their better primary education.

By age, Aldridge doesn’t want his children to be special, especially because he lacks more connections and interactions with his peers, which is not a good thing for their growth.

He and Yiwen have been choosing schools recently. They certainly cannot send their children to ordinary public schools. After all, there are hidden dangers of insecurity in the environment. In places like Britain, there are naturally “noble” schools and social elites. Business crocodiles, high-ranking political officials, etc., their children naturally need more security protection and education and management quality guarantee.

Aldridge is choosing a school, and his two sons are not happy to go to school.

Burt just wanted to go to the Millwall training base every day and play football with the children.

Earl’s situation is more complicated. Since this spring, he will not go to the Millwall youth training base. Although many coaches say that Earl is very talented, but playing football day after day, Earl can’t stand monotony. He is even more colorful, like recently, he was addicted to computer games, even after Aldridge lost his temper, ran to grandpa's house, continue to play computer games......

At dinner, Aldridge was discussing these issues with Ewen, and Burt and Earl bowed their heads to dinner and did not want to speak, as if Aldridge sent them to school, but abandoned them.

"Andrew called today to say that he has helped Burt and Earl register for Eaton College in advance."

Yiwen said slightly helplessly.

Aldridge has lived in the UK for many years, and naturally knows the famous Eaton College of the British Noble College. That is the aristocratic college where the royal family will send children to study. It is almost certain that if you go there, you will go there again after five or six years. Come out, even if you are a waste, but you must have been alumni with many elites from all walks of life in the future, good luck, maybe you will have a huge network resources covering both political and business fields.

He smiled and said: "Andrew deliberately made trouble? Isn't the age of Eaton public school?"

"13 years old."

"So, he is making trouble."

"Maybe it's really kind. It sounds like he said something very reasonable. First register, book a place, and then deposit two places in the account: Burt and Earl. The tuition required for several years, the cost of living, etc. , Anyway, probably hundreds of thousands of pounds, in case, in case, after six or seven years, the Hall family is as poor as possible, at least, Burt and Earl are able to enter Eaton public school and live a stable life in high school, waiting for them to graduate the day , 18 years old, also has the ability to self-reliance."

Aldridge was dumbfounded and had to admit that Andrew’s idea was a little farsighted, but the probability that it would happen might not exceed 0.01%.

Before he had finished his meal, Burt and Earl put down the cutlery to go upstairs, and Aldridge immediately shouted, "Come back, sit down, we need to talk."

The two little guys have been reprimanded by Aldridge recently, and they are also a little afraid of their father.

With his head sagged, the two brothers sat side by side across the table, and Bonnie, the youngest daughter sitting in the baby chair between Aldridge and Ewen, laughed happily, and did not know why she suddenly laughed. Ewen felt that the atmosphere should be at this time Seriously, he picked up the handkerchief and wiped the food debris from Bonnie's mouth and picked her upstairs. Bonnie's happy boy voice was particularly sweet, at least Aldridge sounded like this, Burt and Earl I don't know.

Although Aldridge also loses his temper, he thinks he is an enlightened father who will communicate with his children, be reasonable, and very patient. Only when the children are simply rebellious will they get angry.

He looked serious and opened the door: "Today, let’s talk about your schooling. This problem must be solved today. I don’t know if you found it, our neighbors, your friends, Alan, Kyle, Dennis, etc. , They will all go to school, they will know more partners in the school, why are you not willing to go?"

The two brothers raised their heads, and Earle kicked Burt's foot under the table. I don't know if it was Burt's elder brother, so he needed to come forward.

Burt did not shy away, but also asked seriously, "Dad, if I go to school, it will affect me playing football and will make me unable to become a big star."

Aldridge was stunned. He didn't actually expect his children to be in the football industry in the future. It was like Earl gave up training. He didn't take it seriously and smiled.

Child, three minutes of heat, what's so strange?

But Burt has been persevering for almost a year, and has never been tired. It seems that he is very determined to become a star in the future.

Aldrich said seriously: "I went to school to enrich my knowledge and expand my horizons. Maybe you feel that it will be more fun to play something else than to play football when you grow up?"

"No, I want to play football when I grow up and become the best star on the planet, the best star in history."

Burt's answer made Aldridge frown, and Earl looked at the big brother under the dining table and gave a thumbs up.

Good kind!

Aldridge sighed and continued: "Actually, playing football does not conflict with learning."

Not only Burt, but Earl's eyes became suspicious.

In order to confirm his own words, Aldridge went on to say: "Let me give you an example? Do you know who Socrates is?"

Burt immediately raised his hand and replied: "I know! The legendary Brazilian superstar Socrates! His brother is Lay, who played for Paris Saint-Germain, Millwall used to be with Lay in the European Cup of Winners Cup. Do it!"

"Cough, far away! You know Socrates is good, he plays very well? Brazil's golden generation, but he not only plays well, he also has another identity, doctor, doctor, that No one can get the title casually. From his youth, he graduated from high school and went to college to study, he learned while playing football..."

Socrates is a true schoolmaster!

Before Aldridge finished his speech, Burt retorted: "No, no, dad, you said it was wrong. How could it be the same as it was a few decades ago? Millwall's coach often talks about : The competition in modern football is becoming more and more intense, the training requirements are more stringent, and players need to pay more and more..."

Aldridge hated this coach who said these words and was heard by Burt!

Don’t let me know who you are, and promise not to kill you!

Aldridge's right hand held his forehead as if he was thinking. Earl's mouth was already raised. It seemed that Dad had no reason to stand!

They will win this "war"!

Aldrich sorted out his emotions and said, "Well, Socrates is not counted. Do you know who Fran is?"

"I know, I know! Did Fran play for Manchester United before?"

Burt raised his hand again.


"He plays for A Coruña now! It's strange that he performed poorly at Manchester United, but in A Coruña, it suddenly caught fire!"

"Ah, who said no, in A Coruña, Fran, Belleron, Romero, this left-side offensive iron triangle compressed the football field to the size of a basketball court, but unfortunately there are certain limitations, Anche Loti restrained La Coruna the day before yesterday, just wondering if AC Milan will relax its vigilance, eh? Cough, talk about business, talk about business, well, you know who Fran is, then Okay. Fran, finished elementary school in France, finished high school in Italy, and at the age of 16, he applied for a university in Argentina to study political science. He is proficient in five foreign languages! But he is still very famous."

Aldridge said Fran’s academic career in exaggerated tone, but saw Burt stunned, and Earl whispered softly: "I now understand why he was called poorly at Manchester United..."

Aldridge is going to be mad!

He smiled angrily and asked, "Er, what do you mean? Do you mean that Fran is underperforming at Manchester United because he likes to study, isn't he?"

Earl turned his head to ignore Aldridge, and Burt frowned for a moment and shook his head: "Yeah, why did he not perform well at Manchester United? Maybe it was distraction learning!"

Aldridge was anxious and said, "How does this matter?"

"Why doesn't matter? Dad, let me ask you, Barak, do you know?"

The quirky Earl asked solemnly.

Aldridge was almost stunned, patting his chest and saying, "Baby, are you asking the wrong person? Barak? Are you talking about the German midfielder Barack?"

Earl nodded seriously.

If not his own son, Aldridge was too lazy to care about each other.

"Barack was your father's disciple. When Bayern Munich visited the Lion King Stadium at the beginning of the month, Barack also came to the locker room to visit your father in advance, oh, and Klose."

Aldridge stared at Earl with a childish look.

Earl said seriously: "It's good to know who he is. Barack submitted the application for admission to the Cologne Sports Institute not long ago..."

Aldridge heard this, and laughed at the table: "Look, see, even a famous player like Ballack is going to go to school, why do you not go to school?"

Earl strongly smiled and looked directly at Aldridge, saying, "But the Cologne Sports Academy rejected Barak's application on the grounds that the Cologne Sports Academy considered Barak as a professional player's training and competition task, Barack There can be no more energy to complete school."

Aldridge's smile froze.

It turns out that Barak is not a school bully. This is a sad story.

He really wanted to drag Earl over and beat him up!

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