The Young Lion

Chapter 965: Sprint

In April, in the match against Monaco, Aldridge made a team rotation. The 6-0 advantage established in the first round made the second round of the game completely a walkthrough.

Monaco’s ambitions were met, and Deschamps did not admit defeat, but Millwall’s group of aggressive teenagers and Audridge’s pragmatic anti-anti-tactics made them lose in Monaco, but they still advanced to the Champions League half with a total score of 8:3. finals.

On the same day, their semifinal opponents came out.

After familiar with the Premier League, Eriksson also pragmatically played anti-anti-tactics. Chelsea began to enter the best position since November last year. However, they entered the state too late, and there is no hope of contention in the league, but instead They did well in the Champions League and eliminated Arsenal in the quarter-finals. Then they will compete with Millwall for the final ticket.

In the Champions League this season, the most anticipated final in the outside world will be Millwall and AC Milan's arrogance to Schalke Stadium to continue the unfinished war in the European Super Cup.

At least on the side of Millwall, their semifinal opponent is Chelsea, and Millwall is obviously more likely to advance than Chelsea.

At the same time, in the other half, AC Milan defeated A Coruña 4:1 in the first round. It seems that the second round has also lost its suspense. No matter who advances to the semifinals of Lyon and Porto, they will also face AC Milan in the semifinals. Will not be more optimistic about the outside world.

However, on this day, the Champions League appeared shocked.

AC Milan was staged a 4:0 remake by A Coruna!

Ancelotti's black history of being "reversed" adds another page that can't be looked back on.

The defending champion is out!

UEFA Champions League semi-finals.



A Coruna.


The media described it as: the war between the super powerhouse and the three dark horses.

April 10.

Premier League round 32.

Arsenal defeated Liverpool 4:2 at home.

Millwall beat Manchester United 3-1 at home.

The final sprint of the Premier League competition officially kicked off, and the finale is near!

Millwall is still 3 points away from Arsenal!

However, the outside world is more optimistic about Arsenal. First, Arsenal lead the score. Second, although Arsenal still have to take care of the FA Cup, they will compete with Manchester United in the semi-finals for the FA Cup final ticket. However, compared with Millwall In the round of the Champions League semi-finals, it is clear that Millwall's task will be even more onerous.

Aldrich began to pressure Arsenal at this time and fought a psychological battle!

Before the 33rd round of the Premier League, Aldridge did not talk about the opponents of the game, and specifically talked about Arsenal.

"Aren't Arsenal strong? Yes, they haven't lost so far, they are really amazing. But it doesn't mean that they are very strong, especially when the league may eventually evolve into a game to decide the championship, what advantage does Arsenal have? ?They did not perform well in similar knockout games. Has Arsenal been in the semifinals of the Champions League for so many years? They have hit the league champions with a very mature lineup that looks like they can only maintain their peak state for two or three years at most. But they did not create any shocking results in points. Too many draws are the factors that have prevented them from throwing Millwall away. If two or three draws can become a victory, they may have already killed the suspense of the Premier League. , But they didn’t do it, so I don’t think Arsenal is so powerful, you can say I’m lying because Millwall is still 3 points behind Arsenal, but, look at our lineup, look at some of our handicap The new faces of European fans screaming, Kaka, C Ronaldo, Villa, Robben, just these four players added up to nearly 50 goals this season, I am proud of Millwall, Proud of these young guys, what about Arsenal? Missing this season, will it be possible to compete with Millwall next season? Bogkamp will be 35 years old next season, and Pires has passed 30 last year, Arsenal Are you looking for a replacement in the key position? This is their most promising season to win the league title. Don’t make mistakes. Arsenal, don’t make mistakes. If it's the finale, Millwall is hopeful in Haibu. If Li regains the league title, every Millwall will expect to see that scene happen."

Wenger seemed quite calm about Aldridge's provocation, even talking and laughing when facing the camera.

"Aldrich was silent for most of the season, and finally began to make a sound, hehe, he is rude to Arsenal, look at Bergkamp, ​​you will ignore his age, Pire is also perfect now, If this would be the problem, wouldn’t Millwall have any problems? Southgate, Nedved, Larson, and Schneider, would Aldridge say he found a perfect replacement? No, If he said that, he was deceiving himself, and Millwall wanted to regain the league title, and he was deceiving himself. I believe the suspense will not be revealed in the final round, as long as Arsenal takes one from Millwall before the final round. Points, we will lock the league champion, we will welcome Millwall to Highbury to participate in our championship celebration."

The war of words between Aldridge and Wenger continues.

Until the UEFA Champions League semi-finals started, Aldridge hit back Wenger.

"Self-deception? Last season Arsenal ended up competing with Manchester United. It seems that after just three rounds, Millwall overtook Arsenal, reversed the 4-point gap and led by 3. All Arsenal fans are now most worried about What is the matter? Of course, Arsenal don’t drop the chain, and what are all Millwall fans expecting? It is Arsenal who made mistakes, but not many people think that Millwall will take the initiative to give away the league champion, don’t forget By the way, our goal difference is ahead of Arsenal, a gap of 3 points? Ha ha, if the game ends tomorrow, if Arsenal lose the game, they will lose the championship!"

Aldridge and Wenger, Millwall and Arsenal.

The Premier League this season's battle for the tigers has made Fleet Street admire all five bodies!

The reason is that the performance of the two teams is very exciting.

Arsenal only copied the last two undefeated wins from Millwall.

Millwall also lost only one game this season, and they also have the possibility of a final reversal.

No matter who laughs to the end, this season's Premier League competition will have a new miracle.

In each round of the league, exciting moments are played around the two teams.

Arsenal's visit to Newcastle United was tied. In that round, Millwall shortened the gap between the two teams with only 1 point left.

However, in the round before the Champions League, Arsenal were home to 5-0 at Leeds.

Millwall was tied by Aston Villa on the road due to distraction from the European War.

The gap between the two teams returned to 3 points.

The Champions League semi-final is about to start, with four rounds left in the Premier League.

When the focus of all Europe was on the Champions League, Chelsea finally became one of the protagonists.

This rebuilding and exciting team last summer, in the first season of the Abu era, the league did not touch the strength of the throne, but in the Champions League as a dark horse into the semi-finals.

According to intelligence obtained from the spying military on Fleet Street, Abu had the idea of ​​changing his coaching in January this year, but he was not persuaded to do so only by the persuasion of the staff.

Because in January, the gap between Chelsea and the top of the list has been widened, and obviously it is impossible to win the league title.

Since then, Eriksson has entered the countdown to get out of class at Stamford Bridge.

Since then, Chelsea have played a stable role in the league, gradually opening up the gap with the team behind them, ranking firmly in the top four, and at the same time leaping forward in the Champions League knockout.

Abu's final patience with Eriksson can also be called Eriksson's life-saving straw at Stamford Bridge, leaving only the Champions League.

If he can get past Millwall and win the Champions League this season, Eriksson will become Stamford Bridge’s most popular hero in a century, but if he can’t win the Champions League, then Eriksson is very likely Fired after the end of the season!

Abu offered a generous promotion bonus. If Chelsea can win the cup, the rich boss will not be stingy with money.

He hopes to stimulate the team's fighting power with money.

Because through this season's performance of Chelsea, let him understand that even if he invested hundreds of millions of pounds in the transfer market in the past season, he still can't close the level gap between Chelsea and the top strong teams.

In particular, London’s rival Millwall, in the league, Millwall double-killed Chelsea. In the League of Lions Stadium, Abu did not go to watch at all. It was in January, which was after the league defeat. The news that Eriksson is about to leave class has spread throughout Europe like wildfire.

Now, Chelsea is going to visit the Lion King Stadium, Abu, or chose not to watch the game.

His luxury cruise ship is parked on the Mediterranean Sea, he will listen to the team's report on the deck.

Eriksson was very cautious about the prospects of the Champions League semi-finals. He was cautious and did not dare to boast about the seaport. Fearing that the final result would make him feel uncomfortable, but he could not show his weakness, he quoted diplomatic rhetoric to say something ambiguous, such as Chelsea is not afraid of Millwall. , Chelsea hope to advance to the final...

Millwall is simple on this side. Aldrich does not want to talk more about his opponents, but simply states that the team will go all out. As for Chelsea, he does not care.

The evening of April 21.

The Lion King Stadium is passionate, and the first round of the UEFA Champions League semi-final kicked off.

When Aldridge walked into the stadium, he found shocking slogans on the stands.

A pattern covering the entire grandstand floated across the south grandstand.

On a gleaming gold coin mountain, Chelsea's team logo lay on it, covered with dazzling blood, and on top of the team logo, a blue lion roared with majesty.

Aldridge bowed his head and smiled. The mad lion fans in the stands were extremely proud, but Chelsea fans were aggrieved.

Millwall is ironic that they are useless and rich, or die!

Die on Jinshan!

The Champions League is Chelsea's last front this season and the last championship they can compete for!

If the Champions League cannot reach the finals, this season Chelsea will be all four.

Millwall sent the strongest lineup to play, Aldridge nodded slightly.

From the player's momentum, you can see the inner psychological state of a team.

Young players like Alonso and De Rossi are now holding their heads up and are not afraid of everything. This confidence and murderous attitude is extremely tough.

This is Aldridge's philosophy of training players. No matter what characteristics you are, the skills, the strength, even if you are not reading the game through the ability to read the game, you must have a tough attitude: above the opponent!

For this semi-final, he is full of expectations, even, looking forward to the finals.

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