The Young Lion

Chapter 974: The decisive battle begins!

The mad lion visits Highbury!

In Highbury's stands, Millwall's fans are far less than the number of home fans. However, when this domineering cry shook the sky, it seemed that the home atmosphere of Highbury's home team had disappeared.

With the appearance of the Milwall team, the generals are powerful, and the champion temperament and the king's spirit make them extremely shining!

Millwall is the king of Europe.

Before the king of Europe, they must be the king of England.

Before the King of England, they were: King of London!

King comes!

Arsenal fans in the stands seemed to want to use the shout to fight back, but the sporadic shouts did not form a magnificent momentum, but just made the cheering of the home team become noisy and noisy.

Arsenal fans are the quietest fans in the Premier League, derived from their fan class, most of them from the social middle class, where 99% of the local fans like crazy lions are blue-collar class, there is always a barefoot who is not afraid of wearing shoes Intrepid!

This kind of screaming, ignoring the strange eyes of others, and the fanatics of the mad lion who never had the concept of "lost identity". In their lives, Millwall's faith in life is far more profound than some noble fans.

"This is the fan of the crazy lion! They are obviously going to be anti-guest in Highbury! The crazy lion is in Highbury! What a powerful statement!"

"Looking now, Sir Hall and the crazy lion are really a perfect match. Some people criticized Sir Hall for being too arrogant, thinking that he has always emphasized that Arsenal will fail and Millwall will successfully reverse, but the problem is, if, if If Millwall failed to complete the reversal, wouldn’t Sir Hall become a joke? All his remarks against Arsenal will be recorded in history, and the failure of this season will pin him on the column of shame and be opposed by enemy fans, especially It is the Arsenal fans who have come out and mocked him countless times in the future!"

"Andy, indeed, this is the psychology of the public. There will be reputational gains and losses. If Haikou is unrealized, it will laugh. If you think about it in reverse, now, countless neutral fans are waiting to see jokes or laugh at them. Arsenal, or mock Sir Hall, have you noticed the problem?"

"Hahaha, of course! Sir Hall bets on one person's reputation, but the target of the bet is the entire Arsenal! Sir Hall won, history will remember Millwall's miracle reversal this season, Sir Hall lost, Arsenal returned to the Premier League championship after six years, but the loser portrayed as a clown will only be Sir Hall! This is the problem! Sir Hall does not care about his personal honor and disgrace when he unfolds against Arsenal During the psychological war, he isolated the team from Millwall from the outside world, so that the team was not affected. All the pressure of public opinion was gathered on his own. When Arsenal was in the league because of a draw When he lost points and was caught up by Millwall, people were talking about the entire team of Arsenal, aiming at their player performance. How much pressure would this have on Arsenal? How did Sir Hall’s psychological battle get in return? Millwall calmly and steadily pursued Arsenal in the league and completed the first full season of returning to Millwall to coach the team to the Champions League final! But what about Arsenal? They have been panicking for two months In the environment of the game, the FA Cup semi-final was blocked by the lack of major general Manchester United, and then the pressure in the league was unprecedented. The goal of Sir Hall has been achieved. For Arsenal, as long as they have not won The game was a mistake! A huge mistake! But Millwall also had a draw in the past two months, but no one cared about Millwall’s loss. Instead, Arsenal became more nervous when it came to the final battle!"

"The polite Wenger is tired of Sir Hall's psychological warfare. He believes that Arsenal can achieve success as long as he works hard. However, in England, this football news is a mainstream news public opinion environment every day. The power of the media is very powerful. Sir Hall, Sir Alex Ferguson, they will very sensitively seize the opportunity to guide the trend of public opinion when a specific situation arises, create a better environment for themselves, and create huge pressure and trouble for their opponents."

"Okay, let’s take a look at the starting lineup of both sides. Today’s final battle will reveal the final answer for us. Arsenal have the advantage of home court and have the advantage of points. Millwall looks unfavorable, but recently In two months, Millwall's overall strength has taken a leap. At least they have been reminiscent of the invincible crazy lion that swept across Europe two years ago!

Arsenal started with 442.

Goalkeeper: Lehman.

Guards: Lauren, Campbell, Touré, Van Bronckhorst.

Midfielders: Yongberg, Vieira, Gilberto Silva, Pires.

Forwards: Bergkamp, ​​Ibrahimovic.

Arsenal's lineup is neat and they are fighting at home. The state is okay. I believe they will explode for the championship trophies.

Millwall started 433.

Goalkeeper: Bute.

Guards: Schneider, Nesta, Southgate, Ashley Cole.

Midfielders: De Rossi, Alonso, Nedved.

Forwards: C Ronaldo, Henry, Ronaldinho.

Millwall’s starter had only one surprise today. According to media reports, Larson had recovered from minor injuries in the last round of the league, but he did not play in Elland Road. The outside world predicted that Sir Hall recharged Larson, specializing in this final battle, but Larson still sits on the bench, replacing his starting point is the Portuguese supernova C Ronaldo, it seems that Larson or old injuries relapse Either Sir Hall has other plans, otherwise Larson will definitely be the starting candidate. This decisive battle requires more veteran experience to play a role. Larsen is such a candidate, contributing 29 in the league this season. An assist, if it is young Larson, may break Beckham’s record of 33 assists in a single season, but if it is really young Larson, he will definitely compete with Henry in the Golden Boot Award. Haha, in the use of Larson, I have to admire Sir Hall's unique vision. He is maximizing the energy of the veterans, exerting their experience, and bringing the greatest help to this reborn team. "

Aldridge stood on the sidelines to examine Arsenal's starting.

Arsenal without Ashley Cole, after Wenger abandoned Silvinho, he focused on building the left-side combination of Dutch Van Bronckhorst and Pires, and Van Bronckhorst's offensive ability was completely activated.

Ibrahimovic is not Henry. Henry has a wide range of activities. The combination of the side and the middle is a stronger attack. Ibrahimovic has a natural advantage. For many years at Arsenal, he was tuned by Wenger. This season has also ushered in a big outbreak. , Stepped into the ranks of Europe's top strikers in one fell swoop.

The most important person on the offensive end, one who does not watch the game but only has a very weak sense of data existence: Borgkamp!

In the European football utilitarian football is popular, a word spread in Europe.

"Want to watch art football? Either go to Bernabeu to see Zidane, or go to Lion King Stadium to see Ronaldinho, or go to Highbury to see Bogkamp!"

Bergkamp just passed his 35th birthday five days ago.

In addition to physical problems, for non-outbreak technical players, the decline in technical ability will not be obvious, supplemented by the game experience, the reading ability of the game is gradually improving. The older these players are, the role on the court will also be More obvious.

Speaking of technical ability alone, Bergkamp’s advantage is to deal with the ball, for example, the average player, stop the ball, get rid of, turn around, observe, make a choice, it may take 3 seconds to get the ball in static, but Borg Players such as Camp, first stop the ball perfectly, connect the next turn or get rid of the action even more in one go, and then make a choice, maybe it will be at least 1 second shorter than the average player.

This time seems short, but Arsenal's side storm, quick counterattack, the pursuit of fast!

Bogkamp's ability to find free time, capture free time, and attack in the frontcourt in tandem is invisible without watching the game.

Because if you just look at the data, you will feel that the ice prince is exaggerated too much.

In Arsenal, he has never had a record of scoring more than 20 goals in a single season, only the first four seasons in double figures!

Starting from 3 years ago, Bergkamp's statistics for each season are not focused on goals, but in assists, with 15 assists per season, the number of goals is getting less and less.

Arsenal's 442 is by no means 442 in the standard sense, it can even be regarded as 4231.

If Bergkamp's data is placed on the front midfield or offensive midfielder, this is the top data, and the tasks he undertakes in the offensive cannot be regarded as a pure forward.

In fact, it is difficult to define the specific role of Bergkamp on the field, only because of the number of goals he has scored in consecutive seasons, this season is only a transcript of 4 goals, which makes him unable to compete with pure forward No. 9, or The No. 9, which can pass and shoot, is on a par. The decline in assault scoring ability makes him more like a fake No. 10 in the eyes of Aldridge, which is the core of the frontcourt organization, but has expanded the coverage of the organization to the front line.

As for why it is "pseudo", because he does not have the ability to organize the traditional No. 10 player's position to tear the opponent's defense.

Arsenal mainly counterattacks. Only counterattacks. In a specific environment with wide frontcourt space and broad vision, Bergkamp’s ability to tandem in the center of the offensive system is very critical. Ibrahimovic in front and double backs in the back The assist came up with Pires on the left and Yongberg on the right. Bergkamp transferred the offense and activated the offensive point in the frontcourt, making an unparalleled contribution.

As for Arsenal's set of offensive system, Aldridge made a very detailed battle plan in this battle today. To tear the opponent, he must kill his most critical threat point, or the source of the attack. Will not pin his hopes on the flash of a certain star, if so, Millwall will not go to today, and will not be left behind by Arsenal until the final battle.

The referee's whistle sounded and Aldridge secretly said: The decisive battle has begun!

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