The Young Lion

Chapter 976: Like a flame burning!

Highbury was filled with smoke, and the military song was loud in the stands.

Over time, Wenger's brows grew deeper.

Millwall's offensive restrictions on Arsenal were very successful!

What is the main task of researching opponents?

Formation? Player?

How does a technical and tactical system work?

One thing is the most critical.

That is the player's running without the ball, not where the player is playing.

Just like the outside world can only say that Henry is a forward, but he cannot clearly define what type of forward Henry is. His range of activities is too large. His trajectory seems to be irregular, and he has scored goals and assists in each past season. Both are in double figures. The average number of goals is 20+, and the number of assists is only one season without breaking through 20. That is last season.

Although Nedved did not perform as well as Henry in the statistics, Nedved was still indispensable and irreplaceable in the tactical role, because Nedved's "indirect assists" were second only to Ronaldinho in the team.

In Arsenal, such a person is Bergkamp.

What is the biggest difference between today and half a season ago?

In the targeted marking against Bergkamp, ​​Millwall made breakthrough progress.

From the maturity of Alonso.

No matter how Arsenal plays the offense, Alonso’s main task is to read the opponent’s offensive development trajectory, and then cut off the connection between Arsenal players and Bergkamp. Bergkamp mobilized the offensive to make the frontcourt offensive clear. This is His biggest threat.

Whether Yongberg is on the right, Vieira comes up from behind, or Pires is on the left, and even Van Bronckhorst assists, Alonso has to block Arsenal's team members and Bergkamp The straight line passes between the cutting lines.

Assisted by Vieira in the middle, Nedved confronted the snatch.

On the wing, a full-back is followed.

If Ibrahimovic retreated, De Rossi would follow suit.

The first half of the season allowed the opponent to break the backline, in fact, Alonso could not limit the role of Bergkamp.

What happened in more than four months?

What specific changes have taken place between Alonso and Bergkamp?

Alonso's growth, body, experience, technology, consciousness, and other aspects are growing rapidly. Among them, the body may be the slowest, but it is also an ascending period.

In the same period, Bergkamp, ​​even if there was no progress or regression, also made the gap between the two in one-on-one, or cat-and-mouse games, shortened.

In particular, this is the final battle, this is a fierce battle for a season, a player's physical fitness through the pre-season reserve, the mid-season continuous battle, to the end of the season is about to run out of light, the critical point of the end of the crossbow.

In this respect, Alonso's advantages are obvious, and it is by no means comparable to the 35-year-old Bogkamp.

The stadium is large, Millwall takes the initiative to attack, and gives the opponent a lot of space.

Bogkamp does not retreat very deeply like Zidane, as if he has the control of football from the midfield and backcourt organization and then plugs himself in for further organizational measures.

Bergkamp will find a free time in the frontcourt, then appear in the free position, waiting for his teammate's pass to arrive as scheduled, and then he will take the next offensive move.

Of course Alonso’s task cannot be to chase after Bergkamp. That is the stupidest way to defend. Is the defensive player chasing the offensive player?

Just one or two emergency stops and turn around, the poor rhythm will lose the pursuit of the target.

What Alonso did was to examine the direction of Arsenal’s attack and pay attention to Bogkamp’s position, even if Bogkamp appeared in the air, it didn’t matter, Alonso only had to be on the straight line passed by the ball and Bogkamp Just form the block.

With his defensive position blocking Bogkamp to take the ball, which led to Bogkamp's lack of a deep defensive position after the start of the game, but Bogkamp still needs a lot of excess ball-free running to get rid of the blockade line!

This is a kind of defense, but also a kind of consumption.

Millwall's offensive strategy after 10 minutes has also changed.

Now that the opponent's home advantage has been eliminated after the opening of the game, and the whole team has entered the game, Millwall has to control the pace of the game.

When Millwall attacked, they formed a huge ball control advantage in the midfield.

Ronaldinho never stayed on the front line, he was shocked from the back.

Therefore, Ronaldinho's offensive starting position is often the left zone just after midfield.

Ronaldinho, Nedved, plus Alonso, and two full-backs, their transfer in the midfield will initially tear Arsenal's formation!

Forced Yong Berry, Pire, had to participate in the defense of the backcourt, and can not chase the ball in the midfield disorderly running back and forth, that is just being played as a monkey.

Immediately afterwards, Arsenal needed someone to withdraw from the frontcourt in the middle, but neither forward could come back to defend. Why?

If all are withdrawn, what if the ball is snatched?

Immediately unable to hit depth, it turned into layers of advancement, Millwall's huge midfielder advantage, making Millwall definitely faster than them when retreating, they will not be threatened, after all, Ibrahimovic and Borg Camp doesn't have the ability of a single player to directly break through Millwall's waistline and back line defense.

In such oppression, Bergkamp must retreat to participate in the defense, which will further consume his physical energy!

In the 19th minute, after Millwall's midfield pass and cooperation, he suddenly launched a threatening attack. After pretending to attack the left, he quickly shifted the attack to the right. Cristiano Ronaldo took the ball and completed a high-quality long shot at the edge of the penalty area. Unfortunately, Was saved by Lehman.

In the 21st minute, Arsenal counterattacked. Bogkamp didn't step forward in the midfield and directly spurred Piret's counterattack on the left. Unfortunately, after the center pivot Ibrahimovic passed the ball back to Piret, they were too In pursuit of speed, when Piret rushed to the front line, the player who inserted the back did not follow up. He was cut off by Schneider and Nesta and defended successfully.

Millwall, who was transferred from the defense, immediately initiated the offensive. They quickly passed the midfield. Ronaldinho played with Nedved on the left and then went straight to Henry on the front line. Henry carried Campbell in the penalty area and forced it. A kick shot deviated from the goal.

After 30 minutes, Millwall had a clear advantage, but could not create an excellent goal-scoring opportunity.

Arsenal’s three military lives in this game, coupled with the study of Millwall is not one or two days, the targeted restrictions are extremely in place, there is one point is Cristiano Ronaldo’s immaturity, his play can not achieve intuitive effects, he has Four shots, two of which may be broken if handed to Henry or Larson.

Wenger looked sad on the sidelines.

He already saw Millwall's routine.

In the positional battle, using Ronaldo's speed to play depth, the Arsenal's overall formation was extremely compressed in the second half, so that the threat of Arsenal's counterattack has been reduced a lot!

And Arsenal finally played an attack that advanced into Millwall's restricted area. If the attack was ended and Millwall launched a counterattack, Millwall would shift the center of attack to Ronaldinho's side.

Obviously, when counterattacking, there is more space and more choices. When creativity requires a stronger offensive threat, Millwall will play Ronaldinho’s advantage, and when there is no space, a strong attack will be handed over to C. Ronaldo is using Ronaldo to consume Arsenal, and Ronaldinho uses every physical strength in the most threatening environment.

But like Millwall's targeted restrictions on Bergkamp, ​​Arsenal's trajectory of Millwall's players' activities and offensive routines are also well prepared.

Wenger believes that as long as they do not make mistakes themselves, such as personal stopping errors, passing errors, or slipping, suddenly the brain moves to the opponent to give the opponent a dangerous positioning ball, Arsenal's defense will not be a problem.

The overall defense, four backs and double backs have also been playing together for at least two years.

Like Henry Labian, Ronaldinho Jr., Nedved forward, they were beaten with fear and fearlessness before, but today they are fully absorbed. If there is a little wind and grass, they will sound the alarm. Can play better!

However, Wenger still underestimated Millwall.

Aldridge's Millwall, the third-generation mad lion, will play a more magical offensive effect on the offensive end than the second-generation mad lion.

In the 36th minute, Yongberg tried to get in touch with Ibrahimovic on the right, but was boldly blocked by Southgate beforehand. Southgate passed the ball to De Rossi, who calmly Observing the movement of Bogkamp, ​​Alonso's position is obviously easier to pull out the empty when receiving the ball, and Bogkamp is now not far from Alonso.

When the ball reached Alonso's feet, he looked in front of him and gave it to Nedved.

Nedvěd dribble the ball to the left, trying to tear the defensive gap between Vieira and Silva, paving the way for Ronaldinho to attack.

Because Ronaldinho runs from the left to the middle at this time, the two do not need to make eye contact, and know how to form the next step through the direction of the other party's leg.

Ronaldinho, Nedved, transposition!

Nedved took two steps and suddenly stopped the ball in place, then he ran forward in the direction of the left rib of the penalty area!

His running position attracted the attention of Vieira and Campbell. Vieira was in the middle right of the lower back, and the focus was also to limit the habitual impact of Ronaldinho and Nedved on this side.

And this time, Ronaldinho took the ball to the middle, there was no straight pass to find Henry, or a reverse pass to directly pass Nedved.

He divided the ball to the right.

It looks like a formula pass, not surprising.

However, Ronaldinho's next move after passing the ball made all Arsenal's defensive players and Wenger on the sidelines numb!

Under Wenger's dumbfounded gaze, Ronaldinho rushed from the left side of Silva to the ribs of the Arsenal defense line, that is, Millwall's attack should have been the end of C Ronaldo's route!

After Ronaldinho passed the ball, he pointed to the front of his running position, and his face coldly ordered Ronaldo to pass the ball there immediately.

Ronaldo stopped the ball, passed the ball, and did not drag the mud.

Ronaldinho left Silva on the impact of running position, because Silva did not expect Ronaldinho to run like this!

At the same time, Nedved attracted Vieira and Campbell on the other side. Henry also started at the same time. He knew what he should do. He also approached Nedved. Toure subconsciously followed Henry. Unconsciously exposed the rib empty!

Ronaldinho arrived!

Receiving C Ronaldo's pass, took a step forward, diagonally to the goal, burst out without any interference!

The ball, rubbing the inside of the near post, blasted into the top corner of the goal.

Lyman, dumbfounded.


The enthusiasm of Arsenal fans is extinguished by the cold water!

Lion fans are burning like flames!

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