The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1007: Gu Qing's heart-slap Gu Jue three times in the face (four more)

"Okay! I will be you today!"

After listening to Chu Baiqing's words, Gu Jue felt that his heart had been forcibly made, as if he had torn a hole, blood was flowing, and he couldn't stop it...

Like a madman, he pounced on Chu Baiqing, what he said to do, naturally...

When everything was over, Chu Baiqing couldn't say a word in her voice.

Because he had no energy to shout, Gu Jue did this to him in the car in broad daylight.

This kind of shame made Chu Baiqing feel the blood flowing backwards.

Regardless of his pleading, regardless of his anger, just enter in so recklessly...

He begged him, said it hurts, let him go out, but he got worse, regardless of whether he was hurt or not.

That kind of pain is something ordinary people can't bear, let alone a person with extremely low pain resistance like him.

After abruptly bearing it, Chu Baiqing's lips were broken. It was because the pain was unable to make a sound, so she could only bite her own lips, wanting to relieve it.

The tears on Chu Baiqing's face hadn't dried yet, and the traces were clear and obvious, just like those traces on his body, scars, so dazzling.

Chu Baiqing opened her mouth several times before making a broken sound...


Gu Jue was trembling slightly with a cigarette between his fingers.

He squinted at Chu Baiqing, then closed his eyes suddenly.

Looking at Chu Baiqing, there was almost no place in his body.

Gu Jue didn't know what was wrong with him, how could he hurt him like this...

In fact, after entering, he regretted it, but the bone-breaking taste, coupled with Chu Baiqing's anger, made him completely out of control, regardless of the rampage.

Then it was Chu Baiqing's begging for mercy, and that begging made him even more excited when he heard it, and then it was out of control...

"Don't irritate me anymore, I won't treat you like this..."

Gu Jue half-kneeled on the seat and unfastened the seat belt on Chu Baiqing's wrist.

Chu Baiqing's white wrists have been strangled with blood red marks...

There was a "pop", and a crisp slap resounded in the car.

Then there was another slap, and then another slap...

Chu Baiqing's wrists couldn't help her, and she was completely numb.

After three slaps on Gu Jue, he could no longer lift his hand.

Not only can I not lift my arms, but when I tried to pull it, my thighs hurt from the waist down.

The tearing pain made Chu Baiqing's face pale as paper. Don't think about it, it must be tearing and bleeding...

"Gu Jue, you are... a beast..."

Chu Baiqing couldn't say the ugly curse, there was still blood on her lips, and she tremblingly said these words, as if she had exhausted all her strength.

Although Chu Baiqing's hands were not strong, he was a man after all, slapped three slaps.

There are still clear fingerprints on Gu Jue's cold face...

Pushing his tongue against his cheek, Gu Jue didn't say anything, and started dressing Chu Baiqing...

All the buttons on Chu Baiqing's shirt fell off, so Gu Jue took off his clothes and put them on Chu Baiqing directly.

Chu Baiqing did not resist either, letting Gu Jue do it for him, although he didn't want to wear his clothes.

But it’s better than being so naked...

When just lifting his pants, Gu Jue saw blood...

It was stiff there in an instant, he knew it would definitely hurt, after all...

However, I didn't expect so much blood...

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