The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1014: A Gu Qingxin——I told you not to smoke anymore (five shifts)

Gu Jue's eyes burst into flames, and the temperature caught up with the charcoal under the copper pot.

Jason saw that it was Gu Jue again. He frowned and looked at Chu Baiqing. Seeing that he was silent, he lowered his head and continued to eat hot pot.

Gu Jue's sulky eyes kept staring at the cigarette between Chu Baiqing's fingers.

This is the second time he has seen Chu Baiqing smoke today. In the afternoon at Chu Yunyi's place, Chu Baiqing had already smoked once.

Gu Jue couldn't see Chu Baiqing smoking, especially after he had warned him, he was still like this, and his anger went up instantly.

I have completely forgotten, I am still being chilled by Chu Baiqing and have not been forgiven...

"I told you not to smoke anymore!"

Gu Jue yelled at Chu Baiqing, it was normal for a man to smoke, but he just didn't allow him to smoke.

There shouldn't be smoke in Chu Baiqing's mouth.

Jason dropped his chopsticks and was about to get up, but was stopped by Chu Baiqing, "It's not that I'm hungry, let's eat!"

Chu Baiqing put the meat for Jason in his bowl.

Feng Yan was leaning against a pillar, he was observing Chu Baiqing's expression, so indifferent, as if he didn't care.

However, he knew he cared very much, otherwise, standing here by himself, he would not fail to say hello.

Chu Baiqing's temperament is comprehensive, very careful, and special measures.

However, this is such a person, in front of the person he likes, even if he pretends to be indifferent, his heart is messy.

"Would you like shrimp? I'll peel it for you!"

Chu Baiqing's voice has always been indifferent and gentle.

In the past, Chu Baiqing asked if he wanted to eat shrimps and he peeled them. Later, he told him not to ask, I would eat all the shrimps you peeled.

Later, Chu Baiqing never peeled him any shrimp.

Now in front of him, he is asking another man if he wants to eat the shrimp he peeled...

Gu Jue cursed himself in his heart, "Gu Jue, you are a big idiot! You are still making excuses for him. Whatever he says likes Jason is just a moment of anger. He still likes you and likes a fart... He I said I didn't like it... he has already peeled shrimps for other men..."

Chu Baiqing said, "Do you want to eat shrimp? I'll peel it for you!"

It was like a fuse, directly expelling Gu Jue's full of anger.

Gu Jue stepped forward in two steps, his posture meant that he would lift the table.

Feng Yan hurriedly grabbed his arm. If this had lifted the table, if the charcoal was thrown out, and if Chu Baiqing was injured, Gu Jue probably would have to break himself afterwards.

"Let go, it's too much, he used to just peel me shrimp to eat..."

Gu Jue turned his head and shouted at Feng Yan, the end of his words trembled.

At this moment, Feng Yan knew that Gu Jue was serious about Chu Baiqing, and that he had fallen deep.

When I heard that Feng Xi liked men before, he still felt how disgusting two men were together.

Then Qingge misunderstood that he and Li Beichen had a leg, and he thought, what do you think of two men together?

When Qing Ge told him about Chu Baiqing and Gu Jue's affairs, he felt quite surprised, knowing that their relationship was good, but he didn't know it was such a relationship.

One who has paid for many years, one suddenly realizes that he missed something in the middle, Huo Qingge wants to help them.

She said that the two of them fit together well, and they should belong to each other.

At this moment, Feng Yan also had this feeling that they should belong to each other, and no one could replace it.

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