The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1020: A Gu Qingxin——Gu Jue drank a lot of wine and went to see you (five shift)

Feng Yan's heart was shocked, he didn't expect Gu Jue to cry in front of him.

Although it wasn't the kind of crying, but this kind of sadness caught him off guard.

He always thought that people like Gu Jue would not know how to love.

He doesn't care about anything, he's not interested in anything.

He lives just how easy it is to be good. When he is happy, he can say anything. When he is not happy, no one thinks about it.

It is good and bad, and there is absolutely no third possibility.

However, he was different to Chu Baiqing, the only thing he was interested in was Chu Baiqing.

Ever since I was young, I’ve been thinking about how to bully Chu Baiqing to be more interesting, and how to make Chu Baiqing cry is more fun.

A teacher once said that Gu Jue would have been admitted to university long ago if he spent his time studying how to play with Chu Baiqing.

When Huo Qingge talked to herself about the two of them, Feng Yan couldn't realize what kind of emotions were like.

Now he understands that this kind of love is very deep and deep.

Because he experienced the precipitation of years.

The reason why Gu Jue treated Chu Baiqing like this since he was a child was that he had fallen in love with him a long time ago.

Such a heavy emotion, even if it has been hindered a lot, but he is still indestructible.

Gu Jue covered his face with his hands, his breathing became heavier, he felt very depressed, he could not find an outlet for catharsis.

"I never know what my feelings for him are. I don't understand those loves or anything. I just know that Chu Baiqing belongs to me. Although I bully him... But I never really How is he, for so many years, I have coaxed him more often, and his temper is really great..."

Gu Jue actually didn't know what he was going to say, he really felt very tired.

"Gu Jue, Bai Qing's temper, I have seen it today. You need to clarify what you have to say. If you love him, let him know. As for his feelings for you, I think you should be clear..."

"After all, for so many years, he has been able to tolerate you, not a brother can do, I think he loves you more than you love him..."

Feng Yan is actually not a person who is willing to put love on his lips.

Gu Jue put down the wine glass in his hand and stood up suddenly.

Because of the excessive movement of getting up, all the dishes on the table made a collision sound.

"I am going to find Chu Baiqing..."

Gu Jue didn't drink much beer, but suddenly he became a little drunk and his body was shaken.

He left these words and walked out, as if possessed by a demon.

Feng Yan didn't react at all. He didn't react until Gu Jue opened the door and walked out.

He fumbled in his heart, dropped the money and chased it out.

However, when he went out, he only saw Gu Jue's rear lights.

An angry Feng Yan wanted to yell at him. After Gu Jue drank so much alcohol, he could already drive quickly without drinking.

Now I can walk safely when I drink, and if I drive such a fast car, something will happen.

Feng Yan called Gu Jue several times, but he just didn't answer, and Feng Yan anxiously caught fire in his eyes.

Feng Yan opened the car door and sat in, and hurriedly called Chu Baiqing.

When Chu Baiqing didn't answer the phone, Feng Yan kept calling until the third time.

"Bo Qing, let me make a long story short. Gu Jue drank a lot of alcohol. Now I am driving to find you. I am chasing him now. You can call him quickly and ask him to stop the car."

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