The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1041: A Gu Qingxin——If you come again, let me take care of you (26 more)

Whether Chu Baiqing begged, threatened, or scolded, Gu Jue completely ignored it.

It was just a hungry wolf, pounced on his food, as if he had to eat even the bones and meat.

The night is still long...

Chu Baiqing felt that she was completely depraved. For several days in a row, he was tired of staying at home with Gu Jue.

Because the eyes sometimes can't see things clearly, he hasn't undergone any surgery these days.

He needs to rest for a few days, and then there are several operations that he needs to do.

I wanted to rest, but I was forced to do that every day by Gu Jue...

Tired than his surgery...

Today was the little demon's birthday, and Chu Baiqing said that she would get up early and buy gifts for the little demon.

Who knew it was ten o'clock when he opened his eyes.

Chu Baiqing felt that her waist was not her own anymore.

Almost no place on his body is complete, and Gu Jue has all traced it.

And his skin is special, these marks are difficult to fade away, new marks plus old marks, no matter how they look like they have been destroyed.

"Get up quickly and go buy gifts for the little demon!"

Chu Baiqing pushed Gu Jue, who was half lying on him, with a helpless voice.

"If you want to buy a gift, just give the money. She won't like it. That girl is very picky."

Gu Jue was not sure that his arm was lying on Chu Baiqing's body, just not moving, the little Gu Jue who got up in the morning needed exercise urgently.

Gu Jue's fingers kept running around Chu Baiqing's side waist...

"Big brother, save money for him every year, we don't want to give it too!"

Gu Jue was right. She wouldn't say she liked anything you gave to Little Demon.

"Then don't give it away, a little girl's birthday."

Gu Jue was not thinking about giving gifts, he wanted to do exercises with Chu Baiqing now.

There was a tingling touch from Chu Baiqing's side waist, and he patted Gu Jue's hand with some irritation.

Chu Baiqing felt exhausted for his uncontrolled desire.

They spend most of their time in bed.

Gu Jue was completely shameless and couldn't go on, and Chu Baiqing was also tired and didn't want to move. Therefore, this was a fall.

"Gu Jue, I'm talking about serious matters, don't make trouble."

It was past ten o'clock, and the eldest brother said that he had to get up early and had to get up.

"I'm doing serious things too!"

Gu Jue only took the whole body and pressed it on Chu Baiqing.

The intention couldn't be more obvious.

His hand also moved towards Xiao Chu Baiqing, acting forcefully without giving Chu Baiqing a chance to say no.

Where did Chu Baiqing resist Gu Jue's offensive? Every sensibility in his body is under Gu Jue's control...

"Just once..." This is Gu Jue's favorite thing to say, and it's also the least talkative thing to say.

He always said that, but he never did it once.

"Asshole." When Chu Baiqing opened his eyes again, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon...

He pinched Gu Jue's thigh angrily.

Gu Jue snorted and restrained Chu Baiqing.

"Obviously you said you want more..." Gu Jue's voice was husky, with a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth.

In fact, he got up earlier than Chu Baiqing because he was more excited.

Just watching Chu Baiqing sleep, he felt very satisfied and happy.

This feeling is given to him the whole world, he will not change it.

"Gu Jue, if you dare to come again, try it and see if I will care about you again!"

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