The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1065: A Gu Qingxin——I lied and there was no surgery last night (50 more)

Chu Baiqing looked at Gu Jue's back, and felt that since the two were together, Gu Jue has indeed changed a lot, and he is trying his best to restrain his temper.

He was trying to change according to his expectations, which would make Chu Baiqing's heart hurt again.

He suddenly didn't want Gu Jue to change. He used to be like that, very good...

Why did he change it? Didn't he often say bad words in front of Mu Mu?

He will naturally constrain after having children.

If he has a temper and can't get out of it, he will be uncomfortable. Why should he be uncomfortable...

He is completely accommodating himself now, following himself...

Chu Baiqing knew that Gu Jue would be very depressed.

This is like a wolf that has been stocking. You put it up in captivity to wear off his wolfishness. What a cruel thing.

Chu Baiqing was holding her mobile phone in her hand, and he couldn't let Gu Jue know about Ji Chenzhou.

Otherwise, Gu Jue knew that Ji Chenzhou had kissed him forcefully, and he would definitely kill him.

However, there is surgery to lie, and the drinking issue still needs to be explained.

Chu Baiqing walked behind Gu Jue, wrapped his hands around his waist, hugged him, and pressed his face to his back.

Gu Jue's back was a little stiff, because of Chu Baiqing's sudden embrace...

"I lied... There was no surgery last night!" Chu Baiqing opened his mouth, with a hint of guilt in his gentle voice.

Gu Jue let go of his chopsticks for a while, and then did not speak, waiting for Chu Baiqing to continue speaking.

"I just want to have a good night's rest. You have to do it every day. I really can't bear it. You know my physical strength is not as good as you..."

Chu Baiqing sighed slightly. If he went home yesterday, he would not tell this lie.

He won’t be forced to kiss Ji Chenzhou just because he went out to eat something...

However, there is no regret medicine to buy.

"Fuck...Chu Baiqing, what do you do for this? Tell me well, will I not let you rest?"

Gu Jue himself knew that he was intemperate these days, but he just couldn't control it. What could he do?

However, he is already decreasing. As long as he holds Chu Baiqing, he doesn't want to do anything else. If he doesn't do that, he feels uncomfortable.

Either Chu Baiqing is poison! Addictive poison...

"It's useless to say no. You don't say it every time, just once, and then you count it yourself. How many times are the last?"

Chu Baiqing said these words rather helplessly, if he said it was useful, he would not lie.

"Well, I promise, it will be once today, once a day..."

Gu Jue promised to be very serious this time. After all, someone lied to sleep in order to rest.

Chu Baiqing smiled and hugged Gu Jue tightly, once a day...

If it's a woman, the aunt will come and have a rest. He will be open all year round...

"Tell me about your drinking!"

Gu Jue wanted to turn around, but Chu Baiqing held him tightly with one hand.

Chu Baiqing called Feng Yan and turned on the hands-free.

He thought that with the tacit understanding between him and Feng Yan, he would know what to say and what not to say.

"Are you up? Drinking too much..." The phone connected, and Feng Yan's voice was not awake, feminine hoarse.

"Well, I don't know how I came back. Gu Jue is by my side. He asked me who I drank with last night."

Chu Baiqing smiled and spoke lightly, listening to Feng Yan's voice, as if he was more drunk than himself.

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