The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1081: A Gu Qingxin——A man answered his call (16)

It would be unbelievable to say this from Gu Jue's mouth, because he didn't look like someone who could say such things, but he could say anything to Chu Baiqing.

"I really want to..." Then he said again, obviously with eagerness, as if to let Chu Baiqing know how much he missed him.

"Chu is sleeping!"

Just as Gu Jue was waiting for Chu Baiqing to respond to him, another man's voice came over the phone.

With a hoarse, it sounded like he had just been awakened, and Gu Jue heard that it was Jason's voice.

Gu Jue felt that he was ignited and exploded in an instant. At this time, during bedtime, Chu Baiqing's phone call was actually accepted?

What are they doing? Or, what did they just do...

Gu Jue looked at his mobile phone again and found that Chu Baiqing's number was correct.

The man who answered the phone was also Jason's voice.

It's still on the phone.

Nothing is wrong, that is, the two of them are indeed together, the sound of the night is still awakened.

Changing to any of them will make you think about it, of course, Gu Jue is no exception.

"Tell him to listen to the phone!" The rare Gu Jue didn't yell or yell at the phone, just a very cold tone.

For Jason, he was very disgusted, in other words, any man who was interesting to Chu Baiqing was disgusted by Gu Jue.

He didn't really think what Chu Baiqing would do with Jason at night.

But now he will be thinking about it, thinking about it, some pictures appear in his mind...

"He's sleeping, he's tired today!" Jason breathed out, speaking in a daze.

Gu Jue felt that his violent temper had reached the upper limit.

Just when he was about to yell back, Chu Baiqing's dumb voice came from over the phone.

"Why are you still awake? My waist is going to be used... it hurts!"

Chu Baiqing probably hasn't woken up yet, and her voice is hoarse.

It makes people listen, and you can imagine him half-opened and confused...

The hair was messy, the wide pajamas slipped down, revealing the **** collarbone...

Just sketching such a picture in his mind, Gu Jue felt that the evil fire in his body was running wild.

However, these are all tolerable, what Chu Baiqing said, "Why are you still not sleeping? My waist is going to waste... it hurts!"

Backache... Gu Jue has the most say in the content of this piece of information, because Chu Baiqing has extremely poor anti-pain ability.

When he did things to him, he felt that he had exercised restraint, did not toss him much, and did not have difficult movements.

However, he still gritted his teeth and said that his back pain was dead...

This will be a waste of waist again, it hurts...

"Fuck, let Chu Baiqing answer the phone!"

It just doesn't have any special skills, otherwise Gu Jue would definitely have to fly past.

"Jason, tell Chu Baiqing that I'm in the headquarters now. If I go crazy, no one will think about getting better."

Gu Jue walked out of the cafeteria. There were so many people here, even though he felt that he was going crazy now, but he still had the remaining sanity.

He won't make things happen to Big Brother, now is not the time, or Ayan won't stop him.

Gu Jue walked in the direction of the shooting range, and no one was training there at this time.

There was silence on the phone for a few seconds. It should be Jason who was holding his phone and said something to Chu Baiqing.

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