The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1190: A Gu Qingxin——When will you and Bai Qing come back...... (2,000 words)

He did not react at all, did not act at all, Feng Xi was really angry with him.

However, what can be done, what is the use of him being anxious, the two of them are completely unresponsive.

Everyone said that it was a misunderstanding, and Yin Shinian didn't explain it. Feng Yan didn't apologize for hurting her. The two people just separated.

What is still going on between the two of them is unknown.

However, Feng Yan is very domineering, his possessiveness is also very strong, he can tolerate such things happening, it really surprised everyone.

The video with Nana showed that she was living very happily, which made Feng Xi even more worried.

Before he thought Feng Yan might have his plans, maybe he would **** Yin Shinian back on the wedding day.

However, he didn't. After so many days, he still has no plans.

Nana seems to have completely accepted her new father. After the video call for so long, she didn't even ask her father a word...

Yin Shinian's face appeared on the screen. Compared to his coldness before, her face is now more of a smile.

I have to say that Yin Shinian laughed, it was really nice...

"Nana said I missed you." The current situation with Feng Xi is like a friend, which really surprised her herself.

She wanted to clarify the relationship with Feng Yan completely, but there was a Feng Xi in between...

Thinking of Feng Yan, Yin Shinian's eyes dimmed a little, that man...

"I miss her too, Feng Yan also..."

Feng Xi's relationship with Feng Yan has eased, but it is not much better.

He still calls him Fengyan, still quarrels with him, still can't understand him...

But what has changed is that he will be anxious about Feng Yan, such as him and Yin Shinian.

Feng Xi didn't dislike Yin Shinian, but felt that since they had a child, they should have a family of three happily together.

Feng Yan loved Huo Qingge so much back then, and finally let go.

The reason is that Tangtang and Mumu have a healthy family with a father and a mother...

Therefore, Feng Xi also hoped that their family could be together.

However, he was interrupted by Yin Shinian before he finished speaking.

"Feng Xi, don't mention him!"

Yin Shinian's voice became colder again. Only they knew the things between her and Feng Yan best.

What he did to her, only he knew best.

Why did she leave, and why didn't Feng Yan come to find her...

Only they know best...

There are some things he doesn't want to think about, it hurts...

Feng Yan's possessiveness made her feel suffocated, and his temper also shocked her. If it hadn't been for this, the child would have been...

The child who came by accident...

"Okay, I won't mention it, I have time to go over and see you, take care of yourself!"

Feng Xineng could see from Yin Shinian's eyes that she was thinking about Feng Yan...

A stalwart figure of a man appeared on the phone screen. He picked up Nana, and Nana put his arms around his neck and kissed him on the face.

Yin Shinian looked back at this scene, and the smile on the corners of his mouth grew thicker.

This is Yin Shinian's husband...

"Hang up!"

Feng Xi didn't want to see such a picture, so he hung up in a hurry...

He felt uncomfortable seeing such a scene. If Feng Yan saw it, wouldn't it be even more uncomfortable...

Why did you come to this step...

Feng Yan also entered with a password, and did not ring the doorbell.

Since Chu Baiqing left, all of them have known the password of this house.

One is that when they came, Gu Jue couldn't open the doorbell.

Because he was so drunk...

Another thing is that they are worried about what happened to Gu Jue, so they all know the password.

Ji Chenzhou was not surprised by the appearance of Feng Yan again.

Feng Xi is not good at interpersonal communication, and his identity is special.

Therefore, facing such a strange thing when he appeared at Gu Jue's house, he must have no idea how to deal with it.

He will definitely find someone, so it's not surprising that anyone appears at this time!

Looking at Ji Chenzhou's loose pajamas, Feng Yan walked over with a soft smile at the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Qi saw Feng Yan and ran over immediately...

"Big... hug..."

Xiao Qi likes playing with Feng Yan, anyway, except his father, he likes everyone.

Because they won't control him, won't tell him no, no, no...

Feng Yan hugged Xiao Qi and kissed his red cheek.

He glanced at Ji Chenzhou lying on the sofa, "When did you come here?"

Unlike Feng Xi, Feng Yan was very skillful in asking questions.

"Before you!"

It stands to reason that Ji Chenzhou is younger than Feng Yan.

At least there should be a name or something, but when he is with them, he has always been the same.

This seems to have nothing to do with politeness or impoliteness, but with his temperament.

"Where is Dad?"

Feng Yan said hello to Ji Shenzhou, and then asked Xiao Qi instead.


What Xiao Qi wanted to say was that he left with Daddy, but he didn't understand.

Feng Yan frowned slightly when he heard the word daddy. When did he have a daddy?

Looking at Feng Yan's reaction, Ji Chenzhou knew that Gu Jue hadn't told them that Chu Baiqing had returned...

Feng Yan looked at Xiao Jiu again...

"Go with... Daddy..."

Xiao Jiu also said Daddy, but this one and the word made Feng Yan understand.

Gu Jue should have left with a man, or Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu wouldn't be called Daddy...

Daddy... Gu Jue can promise Xiao Jiu and Xiao Qi the daddy, except for Chu Baiqing, there will be no others, only Chu Baiqing...

Looking at Ji Chenzhou who appeared here...

If Chu Baiqing came back, it wouldn't be strange for him to appear here...

Chu Baiqing is back...

Thinking of this possibility, Chu Baiqing's body holding Xiao Qi stiffened.

Breathing has also become rapid, and I just think about it, and feel if I can breathe.

Because no one knows how much he has suffered over the past two years.

He promised Chu Baiqing not to say, he did not say...

Feng Yan sat down with Xiaoqi in his arms, took out his mobile phone and called Gu Jue...

The phone was never connected, and Feng Yan kept calling...

Looking at his tight expression, Ji Chenzhou knew he had guessed it.

He is much smarter than Feng Xi, and he can tell from the "daddy" Xiao Qi and Xiao Jiu said, Chu Baiqing is back...

When the call was connected, Feng Yan opened his mouth and said nothing.

He just wanted to ask, "Is Bai Qing back..."

Or "Is Bai Qing with you..."

However, he didn't even ask, the words got stuck in his throat, and he couldn't spit it out...

Finally, Feng Yan asked, "When will you and Bai Qing come back..."

Then over the phone is Gu Jue's breathing...

There was a hint of pleasure in the very light and light breathing. He liked this question very much, and it had been a long time since.

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