The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1214: A Gu Qingxin——No one will give in (4)

However, what can be done, those things are no longer important compared to finding Chu Baiqing...

Chu Baiqing understood what the eldest brother meant by saying this. He was afraid that they would not be able to hold on, and finally separated.

Then it undoubtedly killed Gu Jue...

"Big Brother, Aunt Qin asked me to leave Gu Jue, kneel on the ground and beg me..."

Even in the past two years, every word Qin Qing said that day was in Chu Baiqing's ears. Her kneeling was like a knife.

It plunged into Chu Baiqing's heart fiercely, unable to pull it out.

From the perspective of being a parent, Qin Qing's approach is not wrong.

However, Chu Baiqing believed that it was not wrong for him and Gu Jue to fall in love.

If it wasn't for his own illness, the result would be death. Maybe he wouldn't be so easy to agree to Qin Qing's request.

Even if it takes a lifetime, it is forgiving...

Now that he came back alive, he owed Gu Jue too much. He wanted to compensate him for the rest of his life and love him well...

Therefore, he will spend a lifetime to get Qin Qing to accept them.

Even if this road is difficult, he will never give up.

For what Chu Baiqing said, Huo Zhongrao had already sketched such a picture in his mind.

Qin Qing is famous for her enthusiasm and stubbornness, but her stubbornness is also famous.

No one dared to provoke a flower in the family courtyard back then.

Fighting Gu Jue, he was absolutely not merciless. Gu Jue's domineering temperament was also inherited from Qin Qing.

"But I won't leave now!"

There are not too many words, but they will never leave again. The light words are heavier than any firm vows.

"As long as you leave, Gu Jue hasn't returned home for as long as he makes trouble. Both mother and child have the same temper, and no one will give in!"

Huo Zhongrao didn't say it very carefully, but such words would also let Chu Baiqing hear it out. What was the reason for such a stiffness.

He knew Gu Jue's temperament very well, and he must have been making trouble at the time.

Aunt Qin's temper is not letting anyone, and her temper is even hotter than Gu Jue.

"Brother, I will tell Gu Jue, let him go home and see, if possible, I will go back with him."

Chu Baiqing didn't want to see Qin Qing in this state. He couldn't see it. If Qin Qing saw it, he would definitely feel distressed.

He knew that even if Qin Qing opposed them, his love for him would not diminish in the slightest.

This is also the reason why he came back alive and did not want his mother to know.

He can't see it, afraid they won't accept it...

He didn't want Qin Qing to be embarrassed. On the one hand, he felt sorry for him and wanted to separate them. Such ambivalence would torture her crazy.

This is Chu Baiqing didn't want to see the situation, he didn't want to see it, and forced Qin Qing to agree to them being together.

Qin Qing felt sorry for him and was likely to give in in the end, but that was not what she accepted from her heart.

Such embarrassing parents is something that Chu Baiqing cannot do.

"Bai Qing, among these brothers, apart from Beichen, you are the one who reassures me the most. Gu Jue is the one who doesn’t worry me the least. Now that you are together, whether it is good or bad, what will happen in the future, we all I don’t know, I just want you all to be fine."

After Chu Baiqing disappeared for two years, Huo Zhongrao wanted everyone to be fine and stop making trouble.

"Big Brother, Gu Jue and I will be very good. I am really happy. There are him and Xiao Jiu Xiaoqi, and you brothers..."

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