The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1218: A Gu Qingxin——Father, I advise you to hurt me more (8)

Chu Baiqing didn't need to ask Gu Jue what was wrong, she could guess a general idea.

It should be Xiao Jiu who is not eating well, his picky eater problem is really gone.

If you don’t eat that, don’t eat it. It’s okay if you don’t eat supplementary food before, but now the nutrition of milk powder can’t supply his body for growth.

The food that should be eaten must be given out, or the body will grow too much.

"Xiao Jiu, if you don't finish the dumplings in your bowl, you can't drink milk or sleep at night!"

In fact, Chu Baiqing has no experience in educating children.

He didn't know how to manage, but for Xiao Jiu, he still had a way.

Because he knows where his weakness is, suckling and sleeping...

He likes to drink milk and sleep...

Sure enough, as soon as Chu Baiqing's words fell, Xiao Jiu pouted and looked at Gu Jue.

A layer of water vapor was already covered in those dark eyes, accompanied by his pouting action.

That posture is about to cry...

Gu Jue felt distressed when he saw Xiao Jiu's appearance. He couldn't stand the look in Xiao Jiu's eyes the most.

It's not like crying, just looking at you so pitifully, that aggrieved appearance, looking at you can't bear to say more.

If you don't speak anymore, he should press his lips. That way, he can resist crying...

Sure enough, Gu Jue just thought about Xiao Jiu's lips, but then Xiao Jiu made this move.

I thought that their family Baiqing had said that if he disciplined Xiao Jiu, he should not interfere, let alone feel distressed. Gu Jue thought that he could not be soft-hearted, or else Chu Baiqing would want to talk about him again.

Maybe if he feels distressed, he still has to coax him, he is most afraid of coaxing him, not good...

However, just when Gu Jue was about to turn his head cruelly and not look at Xiao Jiu's pitiful eyes, Xiao Jiu opened his mouth.

"Dad..." Xiao Jiu called out his father, but he was full of grievances, calling Gu Jue very distressed.

"Or, don't eat it...have already eaten one..."

Gu Jue turned his head and whispered to Chu Baiqing, his tone also quite embarrassing.

Chu Baiqing knew that Gu Jue would be reluctant, and he sighed slightly, "We said yes!"

The tone is a little heavy, and if the child doesn't care now, it will be difficult to manage in the future, so Chu Baiqing will not follow Gu Jue on this issue.

Gu Jue looked at Chu Baiqing's cold face, and then at Xiao Jiu's tears that he didn't know when he fell, and he was stunned.

What to do, the daughter-in-law can't be messed with, and the child can't be ignored, what should be done?

He suddenly thought of his omnipotent third son.

Winking at Ji Chenzhou, Ji Chenzhou ignored him when he saw it, and continued to eat his own dumplings.

It was only this time that he ate with a very small bite, and now he has seen how strong a child's imitative ability is, and he should pay more attention to it after eating a meal.

"Fuck, choke you to death!" Gu Jue kicked Ji Chenzhou's stool leg.

"My father kicked me!" Ji Chenzhou said to Chu Baiqing.

"Don't eat it, white-eyed wolf, it hurts you for nothing!"

Gu Jue reached out and wanted to take away the half plate of dumplings in front of Ji Chenzhou.

But he gave each other a first step, "Father, I advise you to love me more at this time!"

"Get out!" Gu Jue didn't have time to talk to Ji Shenzhou, because Xiao Jiu's crying made him feel bad.

It wasn't that kind of crying, just sobbing quietly, banging from Gu Jue's ears into his heart, making him unbearable.

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