The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1251: A Gu Qingxin-why are you afraid of your Sir Alex seeing it? (1)

Naren reacted when he saw Gu Jue looking at him. He just looked at them two.

Forgot to take pictures...

Naren blushed at Gu Jue, and made another gesture at him.

What Gu Jue gave him back was a fist, just making an imaginary gesture.

No way, Gu Jue bent his head again, kissed Chu Baiqing, and stuffed the sugar in his mouth into Chu Baiqing's mouth again.

Chu Baiqing was inexplicably tricked by Gu Jue, suddenly gave him a candy and ate it herself.

Now it was sent back to him, although the food was eaten, the way of sending it back was quite sweet.

However, it is obviously abnormal...

Because Gu Jue didn't like to eat sweets. When he was a child, he grabbed him for sweets and spit it out.

He does not eat, nor does he let himself eat...

"Concentrate, what do you think?" Gu Jue couldn't help kissing Chu Baiqing, but obviously, the person being kissed was distracted.

"Think about what you robbed me of candy when you were a kid."

Chu Baiqing also wanted to say that it was not once or twice to rob, but his tongue was entangled.

Naren took several shots this time, and I looked at it and the effect was very good.

As he looked at the photo in a daze, he was swept over his shoulder.

He looked over, but accidentally kissed Ji Chenzhou's face...

He didn't expect that Ji Chenzhou would stick so close, and such an inadvertent kiss made Naren stunned for four or five seconds...

Isn't Ji Chenzhou in the hospital? The point is not this, how could he...

Naren realized that he was being half embraced by Ji Chenzhou.

He didn't want Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing to see such a scene.

"Why are you afraid that your Sir Alex would see it?" Ji Chenzhou pressed Naren's shoulder, not letting him move.

Evil smiled and whispered, the heat that he exhaled hit Naren's cochlea.

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't like him anymore." That is annoying, and if you like it, you like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it.

He didn't want people to say that he didn't know that Sir Alex liked Chu Baiqing before, but now that he knows it, he naturally won't like it anymore...

The reason why he hates Ji Chenzhou is not only because he is shameless, but also because he always likes Sir Alex's words.

This can easily cause misunderstandings, and he least wants it.

"Then who do you like?" Ji Chenzhou clasped Naren's head with his hand, forcing him to approach him.

There was drama in his eyes, but it was a little more unclear.

"No one who likes will like you!" Naren's dull redness just about to fade, it will become even more red.

Because Ji Chenzhou's breath is too strong around him, even the breath that takes him in is his breath.

This feeling makes him very annoying...

Gu Jue held Chu Baiqing and watched his third son molested Naren.

Chu Baiqing pulled at the corner of his clothes, meaning to ask him what's wrong.

"Our third son molested Naren! It seems that he is interested in him. If you say that he loves you, he can't love you. This is too fast."

Gu Jue said so, in fact, he was eager for Ji Shenzhou to change his mind.

Otherwise, Qin Shaoyou will quickly find a man for Naren.

"Shen Zhou should just tease him, you still don't know him well."

Chu Baiqing's eyes were light, he knew Ji Chenzhou better.

He should be just interested in Naren, and found it interesting, not to the point where he liked it.

He is not the kind of temper that will easily like or fall in love with someone.

Seeing him frivolous and cynical, in fact, he takes his feelings more seriously than anyone else, because he is afraid of injury.

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