The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1258: A Gu Qingxin——Daddy is sleeping, don’t...noise him (8)

Chu Baiqing's tumor has recurred...

All doctors know that tumors can easily recur without warning.

Chu Baiqing had been in a coma, and Gu Jue hadn't spoken after hearing the result.

I just stood by the bed and looked at Chu Baiqing, watching...

He just stood there without feeling tired.

Huo Zhongrao and Li Beichen talked about him several times, but he didn't respond.

In the end, Li Beichen asked Feng Xi to bring Xiao Qi and Xiao Jiu.

The two children are what Gu Jue cares most about, and of course Chu Baiqing cares more.

Xiao Jiu saw Gu Jue and let him hug...

"Dad, hug..." Xiao Jiu's voice was soft and cowardly, her eyes were blank and distressed.

Children are also sensitive, and they can feel how solemn the atmosphere is at this moment.

Gu Jue looked at Xiao Jiu who reached out to hug him, and he cried in an instant...

But watching Xiao Jiu also cried, after all, he had never seen such a father before.

Some were scared...

Gu Jue was very uncomfortable and didn't know what to do.

If possible, he would rather be lying there himself, making Chu Baiqing stand here uncomfortable.

I passed out without warning and relapsed...

What should he do...

Everything suddenly happened to him, his Chu Baiqing, why should he go through this, and why can't he live happily.

Why have to torture them...

"Dad hug..." Xiao Jiu shouted at Gu Jue, he wanted to comfort his father.

He doesn't know why Dad is crying...

Gu Jue squatted down, but after standing for too long, his knees softened and he knelt on the ground...

Holding Xiao Jiu, Gu Jue fell on his son's little shoulder and cried...

"Dad... don't cry... don't cry..."

Xiao Jiu was anxious, and patted his father on the back, comforting him.

It's like the soothing action that Dad often does when he is crying.

Xiao Qi's small fist was clenched tightly, he didn't know what happened.

However, when Daddy was lying there, he didn't hear his father crying.

He wants to wake up Daddy, and Daddy will laugh when he sees Daddy.

The smile is very gentle, not fierce at all...

Xiao Qi shook Chu Baiqing's arm, "Daddy...Daddy..."

She called Chu Baiqing eagerly with a cry in her voice, but Xiao Qi did not cry.

There are Huo Zhongrao, Li Beichen and Feng Yan Fengxi in the ward...

When they saw the four of them, their hearts were aching.

They felt extremely uncomfortable and grief in their hearts, they resented why fate treated Chu Baiqing like this...

"Daddy wakes up... Daddy..."

No matter how Xiao Qi called Daddy, he was anxious...

"Dad...cry...daddy...wake up..."

Xiao Qi is anxious to express what she wants to say, but her language is limited.

He eagerly turned around to see Feng Yan...

"Great, help... help..."

Xiao Qi meant that Feng Yan would help him wake up Chu Baiqing.

Feng Yan suddenly turned away. He also wanted to help Xiao Qi wake up Chu Baiqing, but how could he tell Xiao Qi, he couldn't do it...

"Great help..." Xiao Qi looked at Huo Zhongrao and Li Beichen and shouted...

"Please, help... Xiao Qi... Daddy..."

Xiao Qi was in a hurry to express, almost crying...

That small appearance makes people feel distressed...

My heart is broken...

"Little Qi, come here, Daddy is sleeping, don't...noise him!"

How Gu Jue wanted to say, wake up your father, his father will die if he doesn't wake up...

I'm really dying and I can't breathe. Tell you Daddy, Dad can't live without him, and you can't live without him...

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