The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1262: A Gu Qingxin——Or do you agree? (4)

And when Gu Changming looked at the two children, they also looked at him.

However, Gu Changming, who is obviously admired, is not the opponent of Xiaoqi and Xiaojiu.

I froze when I was shown by the two children, there was a feeling of guilty conscience.

As for this guilty conscience, Gu Changming actually felt that it was because of his own stick-beating mandarin ducks.

At the same time, he also felt very magical that Xiao Qi and Xiao Jiu were so young that they could understand the conversations of adults.

Moreover, their aura and sharp eyes really surprised him.

Also, Xiao Qi asked grandma to say thank you just now. Gu Changming felt very pleased with this. Obviously his stubborn son taught his grandson very well.

It’s the most basic for children to be polite, but many children nowadays don’t know...

"Grandma, hug..." Xiao Jiu looked at Gu Changming, but said to Qin Qing.

"Really good, grandma hug, hug my grandson, really good..."

Qin Qing couldn't even laugh from ear to ear. He would have forgotten any antihypertensive medicine, and didn't feel any pain or pain.

He hugged Xiao Jiu in his arms and kissed his little face again. He liked it so much...

Xiao Qi was very annoying and stuck out his tongue at Gu Changming, clearly that he was doing the right thing with you.

Just to let you know that you are not good to our dads, we treat you like this.

You can't hug us in a hurry...

Gu Changming's face sank, and it was obvious that some of his old faces couldn't hold back.

Xiao Qi raised her head very proudly and completely dismissed it...

"Old Gu, you come to hug, this is our grandson, look at how cute this little looks... this little body with little hands and feet..."

Qin Qing simply didn't know what kind of words to use to match his mood at this time...

She is so happy, she has a grandson, not one yet, she is called grandma...

Gu Changming glared at Qin Qing, but he wanted to hug it.

How does he hold these two little ghosts...

Xiaoqi and Xiaojiu said again, "No."

At this time, Qin Qing realized that Grandpa would not invite his grandson to see him...

What can I do? She knows how much her wife wants to hug her grandson. She is probably in a hurry...

Many things that followed made Gu Changming very depressed.

He wanted to sit on the sofa, Xiao Qi and Xiao Jiu refused to let him sit, pouting and staring at him.

He wanted to watch TV, and the two children clamored to watch cartoons...

He won’t let him eat for dinner, the posture is, if he wants to eat, they won’t eat...

He wanted to sleep, and the two of them yelled not to let him sleep...

Seeing that it was ten o'clock, the two children were still very energetic. Gu Changming usually went to bed at eight o'clock...

This is really sleepy, and it's still a headache.

What made him most unbearable was that these two children were very close to Qin Qing, one mouthful and one grandmother.

And it's a cold face to yourself, plus don't...

Qin Qing couldn't stand it anymore, "Old Gu, do you agree to it?"

Qin Qing and Gu Changming talked about Chu Baiqing's situation and what his son said.

She sees her grandson now and doesn't think about anything.

For them, marrying a daughter-in-law is also holding a grandson. As for feelings and not feelings, it is all for their young couple.

Now that the grandson is there, she doesn't care whether the daughter-in-law is a man or a woman.

Looking at the state of her son in the afternoon, she also knew she couldn't manage...

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