The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1294: Looking forward to a few years-he asked her if she would serve people (four more merg

Yin Shinian's words were very cold and heavy. She dared to come, and she had anticipated such a situation.

When she was in school, Yin Shinian's temperament was recognized as cold, and that was when she was framed for stealing things.

It seems that every friend around her is not friendly to her, and she will not cater to anyone.

The women who were talking just now, Yin Shinian only felt a little familiar, and they couldn't even call them. After all, so many years have passed.

In fact, sometimes I really don't understand why she has never recruited them, provoked them, why she likes to tell her right and wrong so much.

"A **** is a bitch, and you don't even blush when you say this."

Yin Shinian was the most uncomfortable when a woman scolded ugly words.

It was when I was in school, and it is now. Why is Yin Shinian still so beautiful after so many years.

"We don't have a man to do it, because we don't seduce a man, we are not as mean as her!"

At this time, another woman joined, and others who didn't speak, also smiled mockingly.

Yin Shinian was so surrounded by them, you attacked every word.

The teacher wanted to come in and help her out, but was held back by her classmates.

After all, I have graduated, and it is a class reunion if I invite a teacher to come, where will someone listen to the teacher.

Yin Shinian sneered at the corners of her mouth, and she just felt funny looking at their angry faces.

"There really is a kind of daughter for what kind of mother there is. I heard that her daughter is only a few years old, so she hooked up with boys from rich people in kindergarten. When she grows up, she will be as cheap as her mother."

Yin Shinian slapped Yin Shinian as soon as she finished her voice.

"Before I heard people say that you like to eat shit, I still don't believe it. I saw you spraying **** with your mouth so I knew that the rumor was true.

Yin Shinian grabbed the woman's arm severely, not letting her cover her face.

Yin Shinian's strength was not light, and clear fingerprints appeared on the woman's face in an instant.

The woman in red obviously did not expect to be beaten.

As soon as Yin Shinian's words came out, the woman in red who was attracted, waved at Yin Shinian angrily, trying to beat her.

"Yin Shinian, you bitch..." The woman in red jumped over like crazy.

Everyone got out of the way immediately, for fear of being hit.

Yin Shinian was thrown to the ground by a woman in red...

Seeing that the fist of the woman in red was about to hit her face, at this moment, the woman was kicked out.

In the exclamation of everyone, Yin Shinian saw the ice standing there withdrawing his feet.

Then Feng Yan behind him...

For Feng Yan who suddenly appeared, Yin Shinian felt quite surprised. Didn't he return to Yuncheng?

An evil and feminine man like Feng Yan, appearing anywhere is the focus of much attention.

The target of women committing nympho, those women are whispering, who is such a stylish and wicked man?

Feng Yan squinted at Yin Shinian, who was lying on the ground embarrassed.

Step by step towards her...

Yin Shinian wanted to sit up, but as soon as his arm supported the floor, he couldn't exert himself, as if he was dislocated...

Anyone can see her embarrassment, but she just doesn't want Feng Yan to see...

In fact, she is quite capable of fighting, but she didn't expect that the woman would pounce on with quite a lot of force.

She didn't avoid...

Feng Yan squatted down, pinching Yin Shinian's chin, "Does it hurt?"

The feminine words are very low and heavy, but they are enough for everyone to hear clearly.

Everyone was whispering again, with an angry look. The expression in their eyes meant that why Yin Shinian could hook up with such a good man.

No one noticed that there was one in the group, a petite woman looking at Yin Shinian with red eyes.

"It hurts!" Yin Shinian couldn't say that it didn't hurt at this time, because it really hurts and she couldn't support it.

Hearing Yin Shinian's answer, a look of surprise flashed in Feng Yan's feminine eyes, but it was fleeting.

Feng Yan directly beat Yin Shinian up.

Yin Shinian did not expect Feng Yan would hug him, and instinctively wrapped his arms around his neck.

"Hanbing, call up the surveillance. All the people who were watching my woman just now were not allowed to leave until dark, and those who abused my woman and my daughter...cut his tongue!"

Feng Yan's cold voice was not joking at all.

When everyone heard it, they wanted to run, but they were surrounded by a group of people in black...

That's the person who closed the door...

Yin Shinian's face turned pale when he heard the tongue cut...

"Feng Yan, don't!" Although Yin Shinian also hated the faces of these people.

However, it is unlikely that the tongue will be cut just because of a few words.

Besides, she didn't want Feng Yan to stand up for her, they... nothing.

"In those years, we won't talk about you again..."

"Yeah yeah... please don't cut our tongues..."


Such battles of the black-clothed people look like black shehui, and these people are naturally afraid.

"The heart is soft and destined to be humiliated." Feng Yan snorted coldly, dissatisfied with Yin Shinian's kindness.

"Slap a few mouths, don't cut your tongue."

Yin Shinian is not used to being held by others, her arm hurts and she just wants to leave soon.

In the end, Feng Yan only said one sentence until his face was swollen, and left with Yin Shinian in his arms.

At this moment, a woman's voice came from behind.


Yin Shinian turned his head and glanced at the woman who ran behind...

Some familiar, but unable to name it.

"In those years, I was Jiang Fei... we were neighbors and we were at the same table, and then I transferred to another school..."

Jiang Fei blushed and glanced at Feng Yan, and then put her eyes on Yin Shinian's body.

Yin Shinian remembers this person...

Her neighbors were also her deskmates, and later transferred and left. They were fine at that time.

Jiang Fei's house is in good condition. It runs a cake shop and always brought her cakes to eat.

At that time, Jiang Fei was quite fat and short, because she often ate cakes...

She is still not tall, but she is very thin, so Yin Shinian did not recognize her.

Yin Shinian did not speak, but Jiang Fei spoke again.

"In those years, did your arm hurt? Go to the hospital for a look! My boyfriend is a doctor..."

Jiang Fei didn't seem to care about Yin Shinian's indifference, and continued with a smile.

"No, thank you! I can go by myself."

Yin Shinian responded indifferently.

"It's near here. I don't have any acquaintances when I go to the hospital. It will take a long time to take pictures... I will call my boyfriend now..."

When speaking, Jiang Fei had already taken out his mobile phone and wanted to make a call.

"No, thank you!" Yin Shinian has never had a temper to trouble others.

She was cold outside and didn't know how to get along with others.

"That...well! Years, I have looked for you many times, and we moved away in a hurry, and didn't say goodbye to you! That..."

Jiang Fei said a lot of things before, but was interrupted by Yin Shinian.

"This is my mobile phone number, let's contact again when we have time!"

Yin Shinian said a series of numbers. She remembered that Jiang Fei was very good at math and had good memory.

She remembers these numbers...

"Oh, good, good, I will call you!"

Jiang Fei smiled and nodded, and when she waved at Yin Shinian, she was looking at Feng Yan.

Feng Yan directly took Yin Shinian into the car and went to the hospital. It was indeed a dislocation.

The Chinese medicine doctor fixes it with just one push, and it doesn't hurt anymore.

From getting on the bus to leaving the hospital, there was no communication between the two people.

"I can go by myself!" Just when Feng Yan was about to embrace Yin again, it was a subconscious action.

When he realized it himself, he frowned slightly.

Feng Yan, the woman in front of you gave birth to a child with you on his back, and wanted to take your daughter away. Are you so kind to her?

Brain disease?

Still have a good temper?

"No wonder you have no friends, you don't know what to do."

Feng Yan put his hands in his pockets and looked at Yin Shinian coldly.

"Thank you Feng Shao for sending me to the hospital, but there is one thing I want to correct Feng Shao. I am not your woman, and my daughter is not your daughter!"

Just now Yin Shinian wanted to explain, and then wanted to explain to those people what they were doing. They would understand how they wanted to understand, and how they would misunderstand what they wanted...

She never needed to explain her life to anyone.

"Are you sure?" The feminine smile at the corner of Feng Yan's mouth became deeper and deeper.

Yin Shinian didn't answer, she couldn't help but clenched her hand tightly. After all, Nana was involved, and she was a little panicked.

"Maybe Nana is really my daughter. I'm not sure, one day you will become my woman!" The slender fingers frivolously pinched Yin Shinian's face.

"Feng Shao, please respect yourself, I have someone I like!"

Yin Shinian does have someone he likes. He has liked it for many years, but because he was pregnant that year, he had to put that person in his heart.

Now that she likes it, she will feel pain. There is no substitute for that kind of like...

"Heh... Why don't we make a bet, Yin Shinian, one day, you will take the initiative to climb into my bed!"

Abandoning these words, Feng Yan turned and left indifferently...

The one you like? good very good……

Yin Shinian looked at Feng Yan's leaving back, his body was instantly weakened.

How could she climb onto his bed, not...

However, this was not possible, but it changed after receiving a court judgment in Yin Shinian.

That is a custody judgment...

When he saw this verdict, Yin Shinian was paralyzed on the ground.

Feng Yanhao gave her a slam without warning.

When did he know that Nana was his daughter?

How did he know...

how so……

Before meeting Feng Yan, she never thought that one day she would let him discover Nana's existence, because there would be no intersection between them.

Even after meeting Feng Yan, she didn't think Feng Yan would know that Nana was his daughter. After all, he wouldn't know that it was her that night...

However, all this was discovered, and Feng Yan knew that Nana was his daughter...

Looking at the custody judgment on the table, Yin Shinian felt that he was about to collapse.

She can't live without Nana, and she will not give Nana to Feng Yan, absolutely not...

She only has Nana, only her...

She has never felt that life is hard, and it is precisely because of Nana's heart-warming daughter that she feels that life is good.

Without her, Yin Shinian really didn't know how he would live.

Yin Shinian called Feng Yan, and after the connection, he only told her an address and asked her to wait for him there...

Yin Shinian had no other choice, she could only do as Feng Yan said.

After a three-hour drive back to Yuncheng, she went to the address Feng Yan said.

When she got there, she realized that the door was closed. She had been here when she was a child...

The guard put her in directly, it should have been ordered.

Many years ago, I was wronged here by Feng Yan, saying that she had stolen things from their home. More than ten years have passed, and Yin Shinian's mood is very complicated when she comes back here again.

She is the only one in the huge living room, no, there is Coke to be exact...

Cola was lying next to her legs, and she and Cola became familiar during the few days when Feng Xi was under house arrest.

This is enough to look fierce, but it will not bite people.

Yin Shinian had been waiting here for almost three hours before Feng Yan came back.

Looking at the man who walked lazily towards him, Yin Shinian's small hands were clenched into fists, and her nails were embedded in the flesh, but she did not feel any pain.

Feng Yan didn't even look at Yin Shinian, and went upstairs on his own.

Yin Shinian stood up, opened his mouth several times without saying a word to stop Feng Yan.

Yin Shinian knew he was intentional, and he called her here for a purpose.

From the first time she saw Feng Yan at the age of ten, she knew that this man was very dangerous, so stay away from him.

However, she couldn't think of it, fate made them entangled and couldn't hide.

Yin Shinian waited for almost an hour, and Feng Yan did not come down either.

Yin Shinian was angry and annoyed, she went straight upstairs, the door of the master bedroom on the second floor was open.

Yin Shinian walked in directly, but did not see Feng Yan.

When Yin Shinian thought this was not Feng Yan's room, and turned around to go out, the bathroom door opened.

Feng Yan walked out around the bath towel, wiping his hair with a towel in one hand, a slight red glow on the firm chest, he should have just taken a bath.

Yin Shinian turned his face away, his cheeks were slightly hot and slightly red.

Feng Yan passed Yin Shinian's side, threw the towel on her head, and sat directly beside the bed.

Yin Shinian took off the towel with some irritation and held it in his hand.

"Feng Yan you..."

Before Yin Shinian had finished speaking, he was interrupted by Feng Yan.

"Will not serve people?"

What Feng Yan said was a bit ambiguous.

However, Yin Shinian felt that he damnly understood. Did he let himself dry his hair?

Looking at the pure white towel in his hand, Yin Shinian finally walked towards the bed.

After all, she is now passive, and the custody judgment is not good for her. She has asked a lawyer and she has no chance of winning the appeal.

"How can you not compete with me?" Yin Shinian opened his mouth after putting the towel on Feng Yan's head.

Feng Yan didn't speak, supporting his hands on the bed, leaning back, deliberately making Yin Shinian kneel on the bed with one leg in order to wipe his hair.

Yin Shinian never knew Feng Yan, and he couldn't see through this feminine man since he was a child.

You never know what he is thinking, sometimes his smile seems to care nothing.

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