The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1330: Looking forward to the years-I will love you for life and protect you for the rest of

Watching Bai Hexun's movements, Feng Yan pulled Yin Shinian behind when he turned back.

He will never forget that his uncle has a taste for guns.

He has played a good gun since he was thirteen, or his father's life would be killed if he knew how to shoot.

The first time he killed someone, he was so calm and self-proclaimed, and he didn't feel any panic at all.

Yin Shinian didn't know what Feng Yan was doing behind her, but she didn't speak either.

Before, she was accustomed to everything and didn't rely on anyone.

However, starting from tonight, she would always approach Feng Yan unconsciously.

I want to rely on him because she doesn't want to be so tired...

"Uncle, my wife and children are here, why shouldn't I come?"

Feng Yan's words were very calm, just like what Li Beichen said, his Feng Yan was ruthless and ruthless to others.

However, that is the illusion of those people, he is the most emotional.

Even if he knew what Bai Hexun had done, he still didn't confront him tensely or suppress him.

After all, he was still thinking about family affection.

He will never forget how his mother valued this little uncle, and how he told himself that the person closest to her in this world is Bai Hyukxun.

He will never forget how Baek Hyuk-hoon killed his father with a single shot for his mother.

These can't be forgotten, because he is a person, he has flesh and blood, and he has emotions, so even if he does those things, he still can't be cruel to him.

Just as Feng Xi said, people like Bai Hexun should report him of suspended animation and let him be punished.

However, Feng Yan knew that he couldn't do that, no matter how much Bai Hexun did.

They solve it by themselves, he will not report him.

Because he walked the long road of exile, and also because of him, because of his mother, the Fengjia also owed him.

"Xiaoyan, what are you doing so nervously? Thought I was going to take a gun and kill you? Just like killing your father back then?"

Bai Hexun's hand was always in his trouser pocket, and there was no emotion on his indifferent face.

Still smiling...

Yin Shinian's body suddenly shook. Without even thinking about it, she came out directly behind Feng Yan and stood in front of him.

There is still an indigestible fact in my mind, that is, Baek Hyuk Hoon killed Feng Yan's father?

She also heard some of his father's words about the things that happened back then, but they were all hearsay.

It was a fire in the Feng family, which burned many people to death. Except Feng Yan, they all died...

It turned out that Feng Yan's father was killed by Bai Hye Hoon...

This action of Yin Shinian made Feng Yan laugh. This woman had even said hardly that she did not love him.

If you don't love him, you will eagerly block him when you hear the gun.

Such a desperate move, and say no to love...

"You obviously love me to death, you still don't admit it!"

Feng Yan circled Yin Shinian from behind and said playfully.

"You... don't make trouble!" Yin Shinian blushed suddenly.

Before, she loved to blush, but she blushed if she didn't say that. What's wrong?

Bai Hexun's eyes were tightly locked on Yin Shinian's face.

Her unhesitating movement really stung his eyes.

She said, hating Feng Yan just knocked out her child, but he knew that she had never really hated Feng Yan in her heart.

Because there is love, there is no place to hate.

"Brother Hun, don't say that you do all this because you love me. Before going abroad, I told you that I don't love you anymore. No, I have never loved me..."

"My previous feelings for you were not love. I felt sorry for you. I really felt sorry for you. I was young and mistakenly thought that worrying and worrying was love."

"We've agreed, just be friends. I appreciate your comfort and stay with me, but you should not lie to me, let alone do those things."

"You said you are the person who knows me best in the world, but do you really understand? I don't think you understand..."

In the past two years, they have been getting along like relatives. She is very busy every day, busy in this foreign country, making her own life.

She wants to bring oriental design into this circle, so that more people will accept it.

With every day's hard work, she did indeed. She thanked Bai Hexun because it was him who persuaded her to go abroad and she had this opportunity.

However, his starting point was not for her dream, but for her.

After she made it clear that it was impossible for them to be friends, and after he agreed, he still did these things.

"I don't know you in this world, does he know you?"

Baek Hyuk Hoon took out a gun from his pocket. It was really a gun...

It was not the first time Yin Shinian saw a gun. Feng Yan always carried a gun with him. She had seen it.

However, Baek Hyuk Hoon is different. He has killed people. Now that everything is spread out, he is likely to shoot...

Feng Yan wanted to protect Yin Shinian behind her, but she was stubbornly unwilling.

"He doesn't know me, what I like to eat, he never knows, he won't remember my birthday, even he probably only thinks I am a wedding dress seller, not a designer..."

What Yin Shinian said changed Feng Yan's face again. He really didn't know...

It seems that there is still a lot to understand in the future. He suddenly felt that this is also very good. He has a lifetime to dig out about this woman, and it is quite interesting to understand her a little bit.

Although Feng Yan was listening to Yin Shinian's words, his eyes did not leave the gun in Bai Hexun's hand.

He hasn't opened the insurance yet, so Feng Yan is not sure if he really had the idea of ​​killing.

In his heart, he didn't believe his little uncle, his conscience would be so dilapidated, he would want to kill him...

"But, what to do, even if he doesn't know anything about me, but I still fall in love with him, and I am angry with myself, how can I fall in love with him."

Yin Shinian's eyes blushed as he spoke, "But, I just fell in love with him as a bastard!"

"You once said that I am a hedgehog. I fell in love with him. I just want to remove the thorns from my body. From then on, there is no coat to protect me. But when he appeared again and hugged me, I I chose not to hesitate."

Yin Shinian cried. This stubborn and indifferent woman never shed a tear in the hardest time of life.

However, this club cried silently because it exposed his heart.

Feng Yan's hands around Yin Shinian were stiff, and his heart was deeply shaken.

At this moment, he knew what the word love meant to Yin Shinian.

"Yin Shinian, I will love you all my life and protect you forever!"

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