The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1335: Looking forward to time-Feng Shao said and guess who will play next!

Feng Yan's English is good, but after the doctor finished speaking, he didn't understand it.

Then he asked again, "What did you say?"

In fact, the doctor couldn’t understand what Feng Yan was talking about...

Finally, Han Bing said, "Young Master, Young Lady is pregnant, and you are going to be a father again!"

Han Bing said very calmly, and his expression was very calm.

Then I heard Feng Yan's excited voice, "I said...I was pregnant..."

During this period of time, the two did not have contraception. In fact, they did not think about having children.

Feng Yan thought that if he could have it, it would be good. After all, the shed child was the pain between the two of them.

Now they have it again, Feng Yan thinks this is God's love for them, the child who has no fate with them, came to their family again.

It can be regarded as a remedy for the pain between them, and Feng Yan is naturally happy.

Some things you ask for may not come, but some things always come so unexpectedly.

Yin Shinian was still sleeping in bed, she was really too sleepy.

The doctor said that all physical signs of pregnant women are very good, that is, pay more attention to rest.

I also explained some things that must be paid attention to. Three months ago, it was very dangerous. You can’t have **** with you...

Feng Yan took them down one by one, but fortunately, there was nothing. He had asked for it frequently before.

In view of Yin Shinian's pregnancy, they set off to return home.

The happiest thing is Hanbing...

Close the door

Yin Shinian's entire pregnancy was suffering, and she felt that if she didn't give birth, she would be crazy.

Feng Yan was simply too cautious.

I can't wait to wrap her in a quilt so that she won't be hurt at all.

This can't eat that can't touch...

He had to support him personally to take a step, even when he went to the bathroom.

People who are pregnant are always sweethearted, and Yin Shinian loses temper with Feng Yan because of this.

However, Feng Yan smiled with a good temper, and Yin Shinian said what he said.

What makes Yin Shinian angry most is that she wants to eat spicy edamame, but Feng Yan just forbids her to eat it.

In the end, she compromised, so she could just eat a little beanie, which was really gluttonous.

Yin Shinian didn't want to experience the greedy feeling of discomfort without eating it in his mouth.

However, Feng Yan still did not allow it.

Yin Shinian didn't speak to Feng Yan for several days about this.

Until Yin Shinian was born, she didn't eat the spicy edamame she was thinking of...

Later, she directly gave her son's nickname, Xiao Maodou.

At this moment, Feng Yan became unhappy again, and had negotiated with Yin Shinian many times over this matter.

However, in the end Yin Shinian told him, "No talk."

This is what Feng Yan said when she refused to let her eat edamame. Now Yin Shinian has returned it to him.

In the end, Feng Yan could only accept the fact that his son was called Maodou.

Later, Xiao Maodou grew up and learned that his name came from this way.

I was so angry for several days that I ignored my parents, and I really felt that I was born into an unreliable family.

The parents are so handsome, why did they call such a name?

Nana said to him, "You are content! My mother didn't call you spicy edamame."

In fact, this is still thanks to Xiao Edou's father, if it weren't for him to stop him, it would be called spicy edamame. Later, it was a good idea, and then a small edamame was born.

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