The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1344: Sinking——Move out to live in order to avoid your boyfriend’s misunderstanding (2,000

Ji Chenzhou really likes so many people, and Shao Chu is also the school grass, and then he did something like that to himself.

This man is really scumbag. How many lovers does he still have? There should be many?

It's really a scumbag...

When Naren turned around to leave, he felt unusually unhappy, then turned around and said to Little Demon Lu.

"Our school went out of the gate and walked more than 500 meters to the left. There is an optical shop, which is currently engaged in activities. I suggest you go and check your eyes!"

After saying this, Naren picked up the backpack and left. Qin Nan snorted and followed him.

"Is he saying that my eyes are ill to see you?" Lu Xiaoyao asked Ji Shenzhou unceremoniously.

"How did you see it?" Ji Chenzhou smiled with a good temper.

"You see him like a dog seeing the bones, he can't wait to bury him, don't grab anyone!"

Looking at Naren's back, Lu Xiaoyao squinted interestingly.

"It's just for fun, he is not my type, too dark!"

Ji Chenzhou's slender fingers rubbed the edge of the table and said lightly.

"Then you will have fun... I think they are worthy of each other, so I have to brush Naren shoes!"

Lu Xiaoyao stood up and patted Ji Chenzhou on the shoulder, his smile was full of expectations.

On the way to the classroom, Qin Nan kept talking there.

"Damn, the school grass is actually a couple with Ji Chenzhou. No wonder he has never had a girlfriend, and he actually likes men..."

"Although my opponent is the school grass, I will definitely work harder. I must catch Ji Chenzhou..."

Naren didn't even listen to what Qin Nan said, but felt very upset in his heart.

In the morning of the class, Naren was absent-minded, and he listened very carefully to class.

Because his foundation is much worse than that of others, he will work harder than others.

However, he didn't listen to anything in today's class.

As soon as Naren packed his things and was about to leave, a girl came over.

Naren had an impression of her and had chased herself for a long time.

In other words, this woman is very beautiful, has a good temperament and a good personality.

The main reason is that there are not many words, nor the kind that is very public.

Naren knew that he didn't like the same sex, but for Gu Jue, he just liked to have a good opinion, it didn't matter whether he was a man or a woman.

I just like, I have never liked a "thing" so much

That day his sister asked him if he had a girlfriend...

Naren thought he should find a girlfriend, he didn't want her sister to worry about or worry about him.

"Naren, can you eat together tonight?" Song Ke asked Naren with a smile.

There is no shy detention, but a natural greeting between friends.

However, she still used her strength in the hand holding the book, because her previous invitation had been rejected several times.

However, she really likes Naren...

She thinks that if you like it, you must fight for it. Didn't it mean that women chase the men's interlayer yarn? As long as you make unremitting efforts, you will always be able to see the moon.

Naren didn't speak, Qin Nan sat there waiting for him to refuse, and they went to dinner together.

There are many girls chasing Naren, but he ignores it.

However, what surprised Qin Nan today was that Naren agreed.

"Okay, what time?" Naren laughed politely and estranged. If you try, you can fall in love with it.

Song Ke obviously didn't expect that Naren would promise her.

The youthful and gorgeous little face suddenly turned red, "At six o'clock, you can watch a movie after dinner..."

Song Ke's voice was a little trembling, he was really overjoyed.

"Okay!" Naren's face was also a little red, and it was his first date with a girl.

He is also a little bit clueless, after all, he is not used to getting along with outsiders.

"What's your situation?" Qin Nan asked with his arms around Naren's neck after Song Ke left.

"Don't you also say that she is pretty good!"

Naren didn't want to admit that he had agreed to Song Ke's invitation. One point had something to do with Ji Chenzhou.

Unwilling to admit it, he automatically ignored this question in his heart.

He only told himself that it was time to find a girlfriend...

"It's not bad, but it's a bit too sudden, how come it feels weird!"

Qin Nan couldn't tell what was wrong, but when he thought about Naren dating Song Ke, he felt that something was wrong.

"You go on a date, I also have to plan how to pursue Ji Shenzhou..."

Qin Nan felt confident.

"Qin Nan... Ji Shenzhou..."

Naren wants to say that Ji Chenzhou is not a good person, so don't even think about chasing him.

However, he also understood that Qin Nan was a cow, especially awkward.

Besides, Ji Shenzhou is not in school, and Qin Nan has nowhere to chase him.

Naren didn't have class in the afternoon, so he couldn't listen to class in the morning, so he found two rental houses on his mobile phone.

Although Ji Chenzhou might not come to school, he still had half of the dormitory.

Today he has been warned by the school grass, and he doesn't want to have anything to do with Ji Chenzhou anymore.

Therefore, it is better to move out temporarily.

His house is actually a bit far from the school and not very convenient, so he rents one for now.

Everywhere on campus you can hear about the school grass and Ji Chenzhou.

Although everyone doesn't know Ji Chenzhou's name, they all call him a man with ear drills.

Ji Chenzhou has an ear stud on his left ear, which is very handsome and dazzling.

Naren looked at the house and was quite satisfied with one of them, so he paid the money.

Although the house is a one-room apartment, it is indeed a small apartment with fine decoration, all facilities are very good, and the decoration is also good.

Simply tidy up and live, Naren looks only at three o'clock.

Thinking of returning to the dormitory to clean up his things and move over, it was almost time to have dinner with Song Ke.

He did not expect to return to the dormitory, Ji Chenzhou was actually...

Naren felt that he was really wise to rent the house.

Ji Chenzhou sat by the bed and watched Naren packing things.

His eyebrows are getting tighter...

The little demon called him at noon and said that Naren had accepted a date with a girl who had pursued him for a long time, and that he would go to the movies after dinner.

After that, he was inexplicably irritable, and he had already decided in the morning to stop teasing him.

This is unfair to Naren, after all, he doesn't like him...

However, when he thinks of going on a date with other women, his own things will be transferred to others. What do they do when watching a movie, touch them, kiss them, and then, if they can’t bear it, they open the room... …

"What are you doing packing things?"

Looking at Naren's suitcase with clothes inside, Ji Chenzhou asked irritably.

"Move out to live, lest your boyfriend misunderstand!" That kindness is very simple, just say whatever you want.

Never think too much, really never think...

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