The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1364: Sinking—what kind of temper are you playing? (Three thousand words)

Naren is uncomfortable, but not unconscious.

His eyes looked at Ji Chenzhou very coldly, and he really did not forget to humiliate people all the time.

Call him husband? What does he think of him?

Ji Chenzhou looked at Naren under him, and the tyrannical factors in his body dispersed.

He wanted to bully him severely, and most wanted to watch him crying and begging for mercy.

When he was with his little mother abroad before, he told himself about him and his father.

His father forced him to call her husband...

Ji Chenzhou wanted to hear Naren calling his husband now, that kind of helpless and dependent voice must be very nice.

Naren wanted to push Ji Chenzhou away, but he was crushed to death.

I tried my best to restrain myself from scratching.

But, really couldn't help it anymore, he stretched out his hand to scratch himself...

But Ji Chenzhou grabbed his hand, "Don't scratch, I can't stand your scars..."

Ji Chenzhou liked Naren's body very much. Although it was not as white as his little mother, it was very smooth, like beeswax.

"You call my husband, I will make you not itchy!"

Ji Chenzhou felt sorry for Naren in his heart, but he still wanted to listen to him cruelly and forced him to scream.

"Ji Chenzhou, don't force me to death..."

People are the most vulnerable when they are uncomfortable, and Naren's voice is very low.

He would never be called Ji Chenzhou's husband when he died, and he would not be so demeaning to himself.

The biggest characteristic of Ji Chenzhou is that he knows when enough is enough.

This is the first time that Naren has said dead words to himself.

"Stop teasing you, why am I willing to force you to death!" Ji Chenzhou kissed Naren's lips, smiling a little coldly.

Naren wants to say, of course you won't let me die, you haven't played enough.

Closing his eyes, Naren bit his lip, not knowing how to get better.

After a while, feeling his body was cold, he opened his eyes and saw Ji Chenzhou wiping him with a towel.

"Comfortable?" Ji Chenzhou watched Naren's eyebrows gradually unfold, it should be less uncomfortable.

Naren didn't say a word, and let Ji Chenzhou take off his bathrobe and rubbed his body a little bit. It was indeed much more comfortable and less itchy.

It should be the cause of the cold, reducing the burning and itching.

Naren felt comfortable and fell asleep in a daze. Ji Chenzhou looked at Naren with a bewildered sleeping face and unconsciously kissed him on the lips.

When he encountered the scab, Ji Chenzhou touched it with his fingers, got out of bed, brought some ointment, and applied some ointment to him.

Ji Chenzhou stayed up all night, so he rubbed Naren all the time to see if he was sleeping well.

Ji Chenzhou is not sleepy either.

The next day, when Naren woke up, he felt nothing uncomfortable. Looking at the little red spots on his body, it was obviously lighter.

He was also covered with a quilt, but Ji Chenzhou was not seen...

Naren has no clothes to wear, but he can't lie on the bed naked.

He had to dig out a set of Ji Chenzhou's clothes in the closet.

T-shirt trousers, a little too loose on Naren.

When Naren went downstairs, Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu was playing in the living room.

Seeing Naren, Xiao Qi ran over immediately, "Little Daddy...Morning!"

Then when Naren blushed to explain, Xiao Qi immediately ran to the kitchen.

"Little Dad... Rongdou!"

The cheerful voice made Naren laugh involuntarily. It turned out to be Rongdou again.

Naren has a lesson today, he touched Xiao Jiu's head, "Say goodbye to Uncle."

Xiao Jiu hugged Naren's neck, "Daddy...bye!"

Then he ran to the kitchen, Naren thought, this is for lollipops.

Naren just put on a shoe while sitting at the door.

The body was torn up, "Where?"

Ji Chenzhou's tone is not very good. He didn't sleep all night, got up in the morning and got two bear kids, and cooked porridge for Naren. This would be exhausting.

But when he sees that Ren is leaving, can he not be angry.

"Go to school, there are classes!" Naren lowered his head, not going to see Ji Chenzhou.

Wearing Ji Chenzhou's clothes, Naren is a little uncomfortable, "Your clothes, I will pay you back after I wash them!"

Ji Chenzhou took off his clothes directly in the bathroom last night. They were all wet and could not be worn, or Naren would not wear Ji Chenzhou's clothes.

At this time, Ji Chenzhou saw that Naren was wearing his own clothes, and his eyes lightened a lot.

"You and me divide you and me? Huh?" Ji Chenzhou squeezed Naren's face, his tone was pampering.

"You are you and I am me, why don't you divide?"

Naren's tone is very light, he least likes Ji Chenzhou to say that he is his person.

He has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't want to have anything to do with him.

"I will wash the clothes and return them to you. I'm going to class!"

Naren wanted to bend over to put on shoes, but was once again pulled up by Ji Chenzhou.

"For the sake of your discomfort, I forgive you for not knowing, I have asked you to take a week off, now go in for a porridge!"

Ji Chenzhou was obviously squeezing his anger.

Regarding the fact that he forced Naren to drink milk last night and caused him to suffer, although he didn't admit it, he still felt uncomfortable and felt sorry for him.

In the early morning, seeing the red spots on his body fade a little, he was relieved.

So at this meeting, even if the benevolent person wanted to separate himself from him, he still resisted getting angry.

Naren wanted to talk, but in the end he just took off his shoes and walked back.

What do you say, that he has been in school for so long and has never asked for leave, but because of his Ji Chenzhou, he has asked for leave again and again, and I don't know how many times he will take leave.

The depression in his heart made him want to break out, but he couldn't.

Naren thought that if he was crazy, Ji Chenzhou must have driven him crazy.

Ji Chenzhou forced Naren to drink two bowls of porridge.

The porridge made was worse than Qin Nan's, so he was forced to eat two bowls, and Naren almost vomited.

In the morning, Naren played with Xiao Qi and Xiao Jiu instead of watching Ji Shenzhou.

However, Ji Chenzhou was lying on the sofa looking at him.

Every time Naren was amused by Xiao Qi and Xiao Jiu, when he looked up, he saw Ji Chenzhou looking at him.

His smile stiffened on his face, very uncomfortable.

Ji Chenzhou's cell phone rang, and he just lay there motionless.

Xiaoqi immediately climbed over and took the phone to him, "Rongdou..."

"Accounting!" Ji Chenzhou touched Xiaoqi's head, he couldn't remember owing Xiaoqi a few packets of Rongdou.

"Say." Ji Chenzhou answered the phone, his voice lazy.

"What time? He... how could it be possible, take it over to show you." Not knowing what was said over there, Ji Chenzhou glanced at Naren, and spoke frivolously.

Naren was there to build blocks for Xiao Jiu, but did not listen to Ji Shenzhou talking on the phone.

"A buddy's birthday in the evening, you go with me."

Ji Chenzhou kicked Naren's leg with his foot, and ordered lazily.

I didn't sleep last night, and I was busy all morning again. This season, the boat will sink and sleep.

He wants to get a good night's sleep now, it is best to do it with Naren once, and then hug him to sleep...

Naren didn't stop the movement in his hand, but the hand holding the building block trembled.

Take him to show his buddies and friends? When is he?

"No." Naren directly replied coldly.

Ji Shenzhou squinted his eyes. Several good buddies knew that he had someone around him recently, and they all wanted to see him.

Before the change, Ji Chenzhou would not take Naren with him, but now he wants to show him to them.

It's not shameful, so handsome.

What he disliked the most was that Renshishi had a relationship with him, and he wanted to let everyone know that they were related.

"I am telling you, not discussing with you!" Ji Chenzhou closed his eyes after speaking.

Xiao Qi pounced playfully at this time, and directly knocked down the building block shape Naren had just finished building.

With a crash, Ji Chenzhou opened his eyes and glanced at Naren.

Xiao Qi immediately pouted her **** and pretended to look for something there, while Xiao Jiu pushed the blocks with her hands. The beautiful castle just now was gone...

"What's your temper? What do you throw their toys for?"

Ji Chenzhou thought it was Naren's temper that knocked down the blocks.

Ji Chenzhou cared very much about Xiaoqiu and Xiaojiu. He felt distressed when he saw Xiaojiu's pitiful way of trying to pile up the blocks.

Naren's hand knuckles holding the blocks are all white, explain? No need...

Naren started to build the building blocks for Xiao Jiu again, but his hands were trembling.

In the past Naren felt that time passed quickly, and always wanted to seize the time to learn more.

However, now, he felt that time was slow like a rusty evidence, pulling his flesh a little bit.

Seeing that Ren was silent, Ji Chenzhou thought that he realized his mistake, so he didn't say anything.

When Ji Chenzhou fell asleep, Naren took Xiaoqixiaojiu with him.

Fortunately, I have seen how Sir Alex takes care of them before, so he does it relatively smoothly.

Xiao Jiu was very sensible and took a blanket to cover Ji Chenzhou, and Xiao Qi also went to help.

The two children worked for a while before they were able to cover Ji Chenzhou with a blanket.

Naren wanted to help out several times, but when he saw Ji Chenzhou's face, he still didn't move.

After drinking milk for the two children and coaxing them to sleep, Naren sat on the bed and looked at them.

It's so cute, Naren really likes children. He couldn't help but kiss Xiaoqi and Xiaojiu again.

In a much better mood, he even wants a baby...

Naren looked at himself in the mirror. His clothes were generally black, because he used to be black, wearing white or other colors, which were very unsightly.

However, the clothes Ji Chenzhou brought him was white.

Just like he doesn't like milk, he doesn't like white either.

Naren is not as dark as before, but he looks more sunny and handsome in white.

With a big face, Ji Chenzhou asked Feng Xi to see Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu.

He just took Naren, who had a bad face, to the buddy's birthday party.

Midway through Ji Shenzhou answered a call, Naren only heard him say, "Okay, wait for me at home, and I will pick you up."

Naren heard that it was Lu Xiaoyao's voice.

"Ji Chenzhou, do you think it is appropriate for you to take me to pick up your boyfriend?"

Naren is holding his seat belt. He is a living person. What does Ji Chenzhou think of him? Does he think he is reinforced concrete? Humiliated him like this again and again, is it endless?

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