The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1375: Sinking——Ji Chenzhou, if you want to go, I will die for you to see (two thousand word

Naren was about to get up to draw a tissue to wrap his fingers, but because he squatted for a long time, his body was weak and dizzy, and his body fell.

When Ji Chenzhou opened the door and came in, what he saw was that benevolence fell to the ground embarrassedly, and there was blood on his clothes...

After a few steps, Ji Chenzhou's eyes burst into flames.

"You can't lie down properly."

Ji Chenzhou picked up Naren and put it on the bed.

Ji Chenzhou's roar was loud, and the doctor who followed him in in shock couldn't help taking two steps back.

"I want to... drink water... I thought... you're gone." Naren leaned in his arms obediently, grabbed Ji Chenzhou's arm, and exhausted his strength.

"Show him."

Ji Chenzhou turned around and stretched out his hand, took another glass of water from the table and brought it to Naren's mouth.

Naren drank more than half a cup and felt his throat feel better.

The doctor hurried forward to show Naren. In fact, there was something interesting, that was, she had a fever and flu.

However, you have to pretend to have a look, your eyes can't look randomly.

The above commanded me to be good at serving me and not make mistakes.

Ji Shao is definitely not an ordinary person this time. Looking at the man in his arms, he is so careful to face him, for fear that he will lose his temper.

"I still have some fever, and the cold is more serious. I still have to stay in the hospital for two days."

In fact, for this kind of disease, just go home and take some medicine.

Ji Chenzhou waved his hand to make the doctor retreat.

Naren leaned in his arms, still holding his arm.

Ji Chenzhou looked at Naren clutching his hand tightly, his eyes darkened.

At this time Ji Chenzhou's phone rang, and Naren saw that his name was Qing, and he knew that it was Young Master Chu.

Because I called him yesterday and asked him to help...

"You lie down, I will answer the call!"

Ji Chenzhou wanted to pull out his arm, but Naren still clung to it.

"Don't go... okay?" Na Renben was shy, and his eyes were always shy.

The shyness in a man's eyes is different from that of a woman. The look in his eyes, like a wet deer, makes people want to abuse him severely.

"I won't leave, just answer the phone!" Ji Chenzhou's voice was very low, with a sense of boredom.

However, Naren still did not let go, "Here... pick it up!"

Facing Naren's clingy person, Ji Chenzhou couldn't hold back the fire.

The Naren he knew was not like that, so cowardly and clinging to others.

The phone was still ringing, and Ji Chenzhou answered the phone with annoyance.

"What's wrong, little mom."

Ji Chenzhou tried his best to control his tone as usual.

Naren was leaning against Ji Chenzhou's arms, and he heard Chu Shao say clearly, "I feel a little uncomfortable when you come to my hospital."

Na Ren felt a little guilty in his heart, because of his own affairs, Chu Shao needed to help.

Naren just told Chu Baiqing that he didn't want to see Ji Chenzhou in the past two days and asked him to help call him away.

Naren hated his own scheming, but he had no choice.

By staying with Ji Shenzhou for one more day, he felt that he would live a year less. He didn't want to be a stand-in for anyone, let alone be treated so humiliated by Ji Shenzhou.

No, he is a person, not a pet, not...

Ji Chenzhou stood up abruptly, and abruptly threw away Naren's arm.

Naren's head hit the bed...

Ji Chenzhou didn't see it, "I'm past now."

Ji Chenzhou was about to leave, but Naren grabbed his arm.

"You said you... don't leave..." Naren's eyes were filled with water vapor, the kind of grievances and anxieties were all reflected in his eyes, and his tone was a bit higher.

Looking at the Ren in front of him, Ji Chenzhou was so unfamiliar, saying that when people are most vulnerable, all emotions are the most real.

He is not acting, he is really clinging to himself...

It turns out that the way that Ren cares about a person is so unreasonable to cling to you...

Ji Chenzhou couldn't accept this. He wasn't a woman. Was he slimy and funny?

"Naren, I said, don't like me, you are boring like this!"

Ji Chenzhou's voice was very cold, he was interested in Naren, and even some domineering feelings of possession, which he did not want to think deeply.

However, the clingy Naren in front of him was a little bored.

"But I it..."

Naren's voice was very deep and deep, and he had never been depressed before, until he could not tell whether this sentence was true or not.

That feeling made him hate himself even more.

When Ji Chenzhou heard the word like from Naren's mouth, his heart was electrocuted.

It's not that Naren said he liked it under the circumstances of his persecution...

Before in bed, when Ji Chenzhou pushed in fiercely, he would force Naren to say that he likes him to do him like this...

That liking is completely different from the liking that Naren said just now. One is being forced, and the other is willing to say...

However, looking at the eyes in front of him, who was a little moist, biting his lip and holding on to his arm, he felt that such a liking made him hate.

"That's how you like it. There are several calls a night, sticking to me and not letting go?"

Naren's eyelashes were trembling, "I just want you to be with me... be with me all the time... I don't want to be a substitute for Chu Shao..., I want to replace him in... your heart. ."

Naren lowered his head and said these words like he was carrying a manuscript.

These words that have been practiced many times in his heart...

"No one can replace him!" Ji Chenzhou roared, eyes scarlet.

No one can replace Chu Baiqing's position in his heart.

Even if he doesn't love him anymore, the weight of the three words Chu Baiqing in his Ji Chenzhou's heart will not be replaced for a lifetime.

Ji Chenzhou threw away Naren's arm and turned to leave.

"If you go to see Young Master Chu, I will call Lord Ferguson and say that you still love Young Master Chu and care about him, thinking about..."

Ji Chenzhou turned around and slapped Naren's face fiercely.

Interrupted what Naren hadn't finished.

"How can I be interested in people like you..."

Ji Chenzhou is now on the verge of rage.

In Ji Chenzhou's heart, the current Naren is no different from the unreasonable and long-tongued woman, which is deeply disgusting.

"You are only interested in Chu Shao, right? It's a pity that people are not interested in you. You can only go to me and think Chu Shao, you can't do without my body..."

Ji Chenzhou's slap was so heavy that the corners of Naren's mouth were bleeding.

"To shut up!"

Ji Chenzhou kicked the cabinet and let out a muffled noise.

Ji Chenzhou's angry voice contained irritable disgust.

Ji Chenzhou told himself that if he didn't leave, he should kick Naren...

"Ji Chenzhou, if you want to go, I will die for you to see..." Naren shouted looking at the back of Ji Chenzhou after two steps.

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