The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1380: Sinking-Naren, you dare to lie to me? (Two thousand words)

Ji Chenzhou clutched Naren's place tightly, watching him biting his lips impatiently, his face flushed as if he had been boiled.

There was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, and his hands were twisting the sheets, and the joints were all white.

Ji Chenzhou is the most familiar with Naren's body. He knows how to deal with him, it will make his mind go blank and he will be led by the nose.

Naren looked at Ji Chenzhou blankly, when did he stick to him?

Didn't he keep avoiding him...

He doesn't want to be with him, he can't stand the physical and mental torture, he doesn't want to suddenly one day go crazy or commit suicide...

His life has just begun, and his sister Xiu is so concerned about him, he wants to live well.

Therefore, he wanted to leave him in order to live, and if he was tired, he would no longer confine him...

Then, he sticks to him...

All the logical relations passed through Naren's mind, and finally, he returned to sticking.

It turned out that he really stuck to him, and then backed up, why stuck.

To make him bore him...

"In order bother said...if you get's over."

Naren seemed to be hypnotized, Ji Chenzhou asked him to tell him, he just said obediently.

Because Ji Chenzhou can’t help but listen...

Ji Chenzhou held Naren's hand and involuntarily used force.

"It hurts..." Naren's face turned pale at the moment it hurts.

Hearing Naren's voice, Ji Chenzhou let go and almost broke him.

Ji Chenzhou's face was quite ugly, so he was fooled by Naren.

It turns out that everything is pretended, all fake...

He deliberately did things that disgusted him just to leave him...

"I really underestimated you. My dad said that you are the simplest person and the easiest to be bullied. You are so fake. Naren, how dare you lie to me?"

When Ji Chenzhou was missed, as long as he was happy, he played with others.

Naren's cautious voice of admiration when he called, and the look of dependence when he was holding his arm and not letting him go.

Are all specials fake...

Naren still looked blank, isn't Ji Chenzhou's father the president? To the President...

No, his father is Sir Alex... Naren has completely lost consciousness at this time.

He felt uncomfortable, even if he was almost broken just now, he would still want it, want the kind of full penetration, all the way to the end, quickly and violently without leaving room...

Naren stretched out his hand by himself, he knew he was ashamed, but he was uncomfortable...

Ji Chenzhou didn't let him get it, he was really uncomfortable to death...

When Naren's slightly slender hand held his place, Ji Chenzhou's eyes were full of fire-breathing desire.

Naren never got his own place in front of him, even if he forced him, he would not.

Naren's clumsy and jerky movements greatly stimulated Ji Chenzhou, which is simply too sultry.

Being shy and unbearable, and wanting to be comfortable without any scruples, Naren, who is under the influence of such contradictions, is simply **** alluring.

Ji Chenzhou briefly forgot about Naren's deception to himself. His eyes, as if they could emit fire, stared at the movements of Naren's hands...

"Don't look..." Naren stopped, and Ji Chenzhou saw that he would not move.

It was originally an inexperienced person and a shy temper. Even if he was not sober, wanted, and uncomfortable, he would be at a loss.

Naren's hands seemed to be stiff.

He just looked at Ji Chenzhou with his wet eyes.

"Uncomfortable..." Naren couldn't say anything else, he was uncomfortable now, especially uncomfortable.

Ji Chenzhou stretched out his hand to hold Naren's place, not seeing him feel uncomfortable.

"You are uncomfortable, why do I feel better these days?" Ji Chenzhou's movements were violent and rude.

Naren's breathing stopped by him, "Slow down..."

The kind of pleasure that is coming, to swallow the benevolence, the feeling of pain mixed with it, as if it can't be relieved, and it's even more uncomfortable...

It always feels worse, but he doesn't know where it is.

"Naren, if you dare to play tricks with me in the future, I will kill you, do you hear me!"

For a week, Ji Chenzhou has never had a tyrannical tyranny, that kind of annoying to look at everything, I feel like watching a flowerpot will turn into Naren...

Naren, who is full of brains, makes him want to vomit...

However, he couldn't get rid of him. He didn't want the benevolence he wanted to be so clingy. The most annoying thing about him Ji Chenzhou was the kind of people who wanted to die at every turn.

However, Naren’s shyness and anger are in front of him. That is what he likes. He likes to bully him to the point of crying, just want to do bad things to him...

This kind of contradictory heart made Ji Chenzhou fall when he saw something, but he still couldn't vent his anger.

However, in the end, all his uncomfortable things were caused by Naren playing with him.

How can the proud and mad Ji Chenzhou stand...

Naren was released in Ji Chenzhou's hands, convulsed all over, this kind of thing is Heti, once a gap is opened, it will violently pour out and become out of control.

Although he was released, Naren felt even more uncomfortable. His empty body needed to be filled.

That kind of space made him very uncomfortable...

"I'm so... uncomfortable, Ji Chenzhou, come in..."

Naren didn't know what he was talking about, all words and actions were instinctive.

"Who do you love so much?" Ji Chenzhou pinched Naren's jaw, how could he resist such a passionate and active Naren.

He is standing upright now and is about to explode, Naren's hand wants to pull down the zipper of Ji Shenzhou's pants, but he can't pull it...

"love you……"

Naren didn't even think about it, it was completely instinctive to answer Ji Chenzhou's question.

Naren knelt on the bed, stretched out his hand to pull Ji Shenzhou's zipper.

Naren's pants were not completely taken off, only half of his buttocks were exposed, just like this, half exposed, kneeling there, whoever looked at him wanted to abuse him severely.

Just like Ji Chenzhou at this time, he wanted to ruin him and broke the game...

I wanted to watch him begging for mercy in pain, just thinking about it, Ji Chenzhou felt that his blood was boiling and breaking through his blood vessels.

"Who am I?" Ji Chenzhou squeezed Naren's chin again with great hand strength.

"Ji Chenzhou, what are you...Ji Chenzhou...give me..."

Naren's eyes were already red, and Ji Chenzhou was about to cry.

Too uncomfortable, too uncomfortable...

The scarlet in Ji Chenzhou's eyes turned into excitement. This was the Naren he liked. Once he was bullied, he stared at him stubbornly and shamefully, and then he wanted to make him cry.

"Call my husband!" Ji Chenzhou's breathing was heavy, and he was also uncomfortable. He wanted to get into Naren fiercely now, listening to him begging for mercy, listening to him crying.

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