The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1382: Sinking-do you want to force me to death? (Two thousand words)

Ji Chenzhou's words were like a knife, plunged into Naren's heart all at once.

He must answer Master Xiu's phone, because Master Xiu will not pick him when he is in class.

So there is no reason not to pick up. If you don't pick up, Master Xiu will be worried.

"What do you want..." The benevolent and blank eyes looked at Ji Chenzhou.

What he said was weak.

Naren, so be it! Accept your fate!

"Move over and live with me!"

Ji Chenzhou's request is simple, that is to live together.

He didn't say anything about you to be obedient, Ji Chenzhou didn't want to say these things.

Because he doesn't want a doll, he wants Naren to be alive.

Naren stretched out his hand, "Give me the phone!"

In fact, there is no answer, he has no choice.

Ji Chenzhou put the phone in Naren's hand, turned over and lay on his side.

He stretched out his hand to circle Naren and didn't let him move. The meaning was obvious. He wanted to hear him answer the phone.

Naren, pinching the phone's hand with full strength.

The call on Master Xiu's side automatically hung up, and Naren called again.

He cleared his throat, not wanting Master Xiu to hear what was wrong.

The call was quickly connected, "What's the matter?"

There was a deep voice from Master Xiu with concern.

"In the shower, Master Xiu had dinner?"

It was night on the island at this time, Naren asked with a smile.

Ji Chenzhou looked at Naren's smile and touched Naren's lips with his fingers. This smile was really beautiful, but he had never smiled at him like this.

"Where are you?" Master Xiu asked directly.

Naren understands Master Xiu, he won't ask where he is for no reason?

Naren panicked, could it be that Master Xiu is here?

He didn't say he was coming...

"Naren, reply!" Master Xiu lowered his voice over there, and he could hear his worry.

"I'm in... the bedroom, what's wrong with Master Xiu?"

Ji Chenzhou hugged Naren's waist and could feel the stiffness of his body.

Ji Chenzhou frowned slightly, Naren was his person, and he didn't like his fear of others.

"I'm in your apartment, how long can I be back?" Master Xiu paused, then asked.

"Master Xiu, are you here? I...I will go back now..."

When Naren heard that Master Xiu was in his apartment, he forgot his current situation.

He was too happy that Master Xiu could come, although he didn't want to worry him.

But, after all, Master Xiu brought him up, although they are only a dozen years old.

However, in Naren's heart, Master Xiu is no different from his father.

"Slow down, no hurry!" The voice on the side of Master Xiu was smiling.

When he hung up the phone, Naren was about to get up, and found the arm around his waist, he returned to reality.

He thought he was really in the bedroom, he was alone...

Looking at the joyful expression of Renyu, Ji Chenzhou instantly turned into a stiff, even boring expression.

"Master Xiu is here...I want to go home!"

Naren knew that Ji Chenzhou wouldn't let him go, he couldn't get out of this bedroom.

"Home? You will live here in the future, where do you have a home!"

Ji Chenzhou smiled thinly, in his eyes, Naren was like a naive child.

"Where do you have a home!" Naren who pierced these words could hardly breathe.

When he bought that house, he wanted to have a home, a home of his own, so why didn't he have a home?

His house is there, why there is no home...

Naren wanted to yell at Ji Shenzhou, "Why don't I have a home, why don't I have anymore..."

However, he knew it was useless, he would still suffer by that time, and Ji Chenzhou would be a lunatic.

"Master Xiu is here, waiting for me in that apartment..."

Naren's voice was very weak.

"I'll take you there, just in time to see Master Xiu."

Ji Chenzhou got up and patted Naren's ass, then got out of bed.

Naren lay motionless there.

"Ji Chenzhou, how can can let me go by myself..."

How could Naren allow Master Xiu to see Ji Shenzhou, and what Ji Shenzhou would say to Master Xiu, and what Naren did not dare to think.

"I said I'll take you there, get up to take a shower and change clothes, don't let Master Xiu wait for a long time! Don't worry, I don't bring a mobile phone."

Ji Chenzhou's cell phone was in front of Naren's eyes, and Naren didn't dare to watch the pictures recorded there.

Listening to the voice, he wants to die...

Ji Chenzhou is threatening him, warning him...

In the end, Ji Chenzhou drove the car and took Naren to his apartment.

Xiuye's car stopped at the downstairs of Narenjia and brought two people over.

It is the right arm of Master Xiu, the personal bodyguard.

It can be regarded as watching Naren grow up...

Naren sat in the car, clutching the seat belt, clutching tightly.

Ji Chenzhou did not press the lock, so he could not get out of the car.

"Ji Chenzhou, you can treat me whatever you want, I just beg you, don't let Master Xiu know about me and you, okay?"

In the end, Naren opened his mouth. He begged Ji Chenzhou so, he was unwilling, unwilling...

However, he had to ask for it, because he was afraid...

"I really don't like you calling my name..."

Ji Chenzhou leaned on the seat, lazy and wicked, and squinted at the nervous Naren.

The bodyguard on the side of Master Xiu has already got off...

Naren saw a familiar person. For two years, everyone on the island wanted to...

His eyes turned red, and he asked Ji Chenzhou tremblingly, "What do you want me to call you?"

Renxin thought that Ji Chenzhou asked him to call him father now, and he would call him father.

"What do you mean!" Ji Chenzhou looked at Naren, that's right, this is how he likes and is interested in Naren.

I am afraid of him, want to resist him, and endure him, wronged, angry, and his favorite shyness...

Naren blushed, and saw the bodyguard go to open the door to Master Xiu.

Naren’s nails were embedded in the flesh. He called Ji Chenzhou’s husband last night. He was forced by him and he was not awake...

But now, he is not drunk, he knows what Ji Chenzhou wants him to call "husband"

What he likes most is to humiliate him...

The car door was opened, and Naren watched Master Xiu get out of the car.

"Husband..." Gritting his teeth, Naren forced himself to call out.

That sense of shame all seeped into his blood.

Slowly solidified, almost killing him...

Ji Chenzhou pressed the lock, and Naren opened the door and got out of the car.

He has to breathe, or he will die.

Naren rushed straight to Master Xiu and went straight into his arms.

The two bodyguards beside the provoked Master Xiu laughed.

"Then Xiao Hei, how old you are, and still stick to Master Xiu!"

Awen touched Naren's head and joked with a smile.

Ji Chenzhou got out of the car, and Master Xiu hugged Naren and looked at him.

Ji Chenzhou came over lazily.

"Master Xiu, long time no see!" Ji Shenzhou greeted Master Xiu with a smile.

"Ji Shao, why be with our Naren?" Master Xiu's eyes were deep and gloomy.

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