The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1390: Sinking-Naren who passed out...

The three doctors walked in tremblingly. They were not afraid to see the president, but Ji Shao, they didn't dare to provoke them, and they had a bad temper.

The doctor saw a large patch of blood on Ji Chenzhou's clothes and sweated his forehead.

Ji Shao still doesn't take anesthetics, they really dare not start...

It really hurts, and most people can't stand it, especially after this second stitch...

Seeing the blood on Ji Chenzhou's body, Naren felt a little soft and leaned against the wall.

The eight-year-old child has memories. He still remembers how his parents were killed. There is blood under him, and it seems to be drained...

Over the years, he has not been afraid of blood anymore, what is going on, his body is completely out of his control.

It seems that the bones are broken and can't hold it...

The mind is also blank, no, there are still things that can't be driven out...

"How can I fall in love with him? How can he be compared with Chu Baiqing. No one can compare with Chu Baiqing. Binzi, you know what kind of existence Chu Baiqing is to me. Understand, you should understand!"

He couldn't get rid of these words, causing him a headache, as if he was about to explode.

He didn't want to be compared with anyone, and he didn't want to be compared with anyone, he was Naren.

It is the benevolence, no matter how good others are, he is the benevolence, the benevolence...


Fan Bin saw that there was something wrong with Na Ren. He sat on the sofa and could see him shaking, his face was pale and bloodless, but his lips were surprisingly red...

Red... and blood, that should have been bitten by Shen Zhou just now.

Fan Bin couldn't tell what it was like in his heart, but was distressed. He had no other thoughts about Naren.

He is also straight, but the involuntary distress is beyond his control.

He didn't understand how Shen Zhou could go and bully Naren.

How can such a distressed person be willing to bully.

If it were him, there would only be a feeling that it was too late to feel sorry for him...

Ji Chenzhou was sweaty on his forehead, and he lay there with his eyes closed without shouting.

Feeling extremely bored in his heart, Fan Bin's words are like stones thrown into the lake of heart, disturbing you will not be peaceful.

"Shen Zhou, you didn't force Chu Baiqing so much in the first place. Think about it for yourself, have you really loved Chu Baiqing? I think you love Naren, or how could you dominate so powerfully? He, Shen Zhou, if you continue like this, if Naren is really driven to death by you, you will regret it."

How could he love Naren, he will only love Chu Baiqing and only him in this life...

Even if he does not get him, his love for him will not change, and no one can replace him in his heart.


Only Chu Baiqing's smile can make him truly peaceful and inner peace.

Only Chu Baiqing could give him that feeling, he would listen to whatever he said...

No one else...

Fan Bin watched Naren's lips become redder and red, and the roots of his ears were also red, but his face was abnormally white.

Fan Bin finally couldn't sit still, got up and walked to Naren's side, grabbing his arm with one hand.

It really was trembling...

"You have a fever……"

Fan Bin touched Naren's forehead, which was hot.

Naren looked at him blankly, as if he couldn't hear what he was saying...

It seemed that he didn't know him again, and then, suddenly, he seemed to know him again...

Fan Bin, friend of Ji Shenzhou...

I was talking to Ji Shenzhou just now...

"Shen Zhou, you didn't force Chu Baiqing so much in the first place. Think about it for yourself, have you really loved Chu Baiqing? I think you love Naren, or how could you dominate so powerfully? He, Shen Zhou, if you continue like this, if Naren is really driven to death by you, you will regret it."

Yes, he remembers not only what Ji Chenzhou said, but also what Fan Bin said.

"He doesn't love me... I won't die... Nor will he regret..."

After Naren said these words, he collapsed.

"Naren..." Fan Bin was frightened, and fell down as he spoke.

Ji Chenzhou was going to fall asleep because of some pain. Fan Bin's voice made him sit up suddenly.

Fortunately, the stitches are finished, or the wound will be torn open again.

The doctor's hands were shaking horribly.

Ji Chenzhou saw Naren fall in Fan Bin's arms, as if dead, and that Junxiu's face was like a piece of white paper.

Naren had a high fever and did not wake up after a day's sleep. The doctor said that Naren was anxious and frustrated...

Ji Chenzhou asked him to add another big bed to his ward and merge them directly.

When Fan Bin was leaving, he said to Ji Shenzhou, "If you treat him this way, he will become mentally ill if he does not die."

Ji Chenzhou looked at Naren on the bed, and what appeared in his mind was the scene of their first meeting.

Right at his father's door...

He just teased him when he was bored, thinking that his simple and innocent eyes would look pretty if he cried.

His world has always been complicated. Seeing Naren's eyes, he felt very ironic.

Why can he have such pure eyes, without any material interests, so clear and bright, so that you can see the deepest at a glance.

Ji Chenzhou always believed that there is no one in this world, and it is necessary for another person.

Wasn't he also able to force himself to let Chu Baiqing go?

Therefore, Naren is also optional for him.

The reason why he doesn't let go and dominates him now is because he has always wanted to escape from him.

And he didn't allow this to happen to him, because he was Ji Chenzhou.

He wants to control everything, and he can't let things get out of his control.

After Naren fell asleep for two days, Ji Chenzhou almost blew up the hospital.

No one has a fever and sleeps for so long.

The doctor stood in a row in the corridor, not daring to let out the atmosphere.

"Ji Shao... is that he doesn't want to... wake up, just like a sleepy person, he just wants to sleep, not enough sleep... so does he, just don't want to wake up..."

Finally, an older director explained.

Doctors with a little experience can see that this young man is unwilling to wake up.

They have been doctors for a long time, and they can understand many things.

Before he left, Commander Huo ordered everyone not to make any claims about Ji Shao's hospitalization, and all matters should be kept secret.

This secrecy includes, of course, Ji Shao and a man together.

"I don't want to wake up..."

Ji Chenzhou murmured these words. He didn't want to wake up or see himself.

So just falling asleep like this is not dead. Does he think it's good?

If he doesn’t die, others don’t have to die...

Naren, you still play smart with me, do you think you can't do anything with me like this?

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