The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1392: Sinking-he said, you'd better be obedient (two thousand words)

Hearing Sir Alex Ferguson's voice, Naren turned his head blankly and looked at the door.

Sir Alex knows it too, and the despair in the heart of benevolence has deepened. Does everyone know it?

He saw Ferguson walking in with a thermos flask in his hand.

In other words, the look of Sir Alex Ferguson with an annoyed look, carrying a thermos pot, is really uncomfortable.

People will change. A few years ago, who would have thought that the terrifying Sir Alex would be the man who lives at home today.

I just spoiled Chu Baiqing, and took good care of Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu.

Falling in love with a person will change for him, and the degree of change will be completely beyond your imagination.

Ji Chenzhou was also shocked, he didn't expect his father to come.

It seems to know it too, didn't his little mother say not to tell his father?

"Why are you here? What did you carry?"

Ji Chenzhou was short-lived, looking at the thermos flask in Gu Jue's hand and asked.

"Why don't I come, are you going to kill that Xiao Hei?"

Gu Jue wanted to smash the thermos pot in his hand directly on Ji Chenzhou's head.

I thought about the soup that I had boiled for three hours and wasted it to him.

I haven't seen Naren in a few days, so why did he become like this?

Obviously thin, the whole person seems to be seriously ill.

"How could it be that he just has a fever and is not very obedient."

Ji Chenzhou and his dad smile hippiely, this dad can't be bothered.

Gu Jue gave Ji Chenzhou a fierce look. He couldn't always ask in front of Naren, why are you together.

Looking at Naren's reaction, I also know that he is not willing.

"Lord..." Naren had to say hello, his face was pale, but this meeting was red again.

"Lie and don't move, I'll make soup for you." Gu Jue saw that Naren was about to get up, and immediately let him lie down.

Ji Chenzhou was standing next to the bed. When Gu Jue walked over, he bumped him, "Get up and get in the way."

Sir Alex Ferguson was always windy and rainy to his third son. When he was happy, he was his own son.

When they are upset, they yell and scold again.

Naren panicked immediately when he heard that Sir Alex was making soup for him.

"How can this work... I'm fine, Sir Sir, I just... have a fever, it's fine..."

Even though it was uncomfortable, Naren still sat up, the panic and touch in his eyes made this simple and unsophisticated child not know what to do.

"Well, I know you're okay, don't be afraid, I am here, he dare not bully you, you lie down, hey, fuck, lie down..."

What Gu Jue is not good at is coaxing people. Looking at Naren like that, he wants to comfort him without saying a few words.

Gu Jue also felt that Naren was overwhelmed, and felt more distressed for him.

If you feel sorry for Naren, you have to direct that violent temper at Ji Chenzhou.

"You are waiting for me to clean up you. I am most afraid of Naren being bullied, and I told you to take good care of him. You will take care of him in bed. The bullying is like this?"

Chu Baiqing always said that Gu Jue's temper has improved a lot and he has become gentler.

However, what he didn't know was that that gentleness was only for him.

What to do with others, the degree of popularity is not less.

Especially for his third son.

Naren's hand gripped the quilt tightly, and the feeling could not be said. I really couldn't find any language to describe it.

He is not such a weak existence, and everyone is worried, afraid that he will be bullied, he can actually take care of himself.

Really, he took good care of himself before meeting Ji Chenzhou.

He and Qin Nan also get along very happily, and the university life allows him to live a fulfilling and practical life.

But now he...

He didn't know what he was and why he was alive.

He doesn't even know if he is hungry, thirsty, or sleepy...

"Father, you are also a person here. Why do you still say that to me? I was very good to him. I have said it, but he is not obedient. Don't look at his soft temper. In fact, you are stubborn!"

Ji Chenzhou has practiced the ability to talk to people and talk nonsense since he was a child.

His dad is angry, he can't sneer, or say something else.

To make it clear, his father is now facing Naren.

Naren lowered his head, that's good? It's pretty good for him. If it's not good, what would it be like?

"What are you...get out."

Gu Jue just wanted to scold Ji Chenzhou a few more words, and when he turned around, he saw Naren lower his head.

In that way, I have suffered a great grievance, but I have to endure it with trepidation.

Gu Jue said that if his family, Chu Baiqing, came together, he was not good at handling such things.

Naren is like glass, he is cautious, and his third son is a steel and iron bone, he can treat it whatever he wants.

"Get out and do what, I feed him soup."

How could Ji Chenzhou go out? He was not afraid of his father scolding him. Anyway, he didn't scold him less, he was used to it.

However, he cannot let his father and Naren be alone, after all, Naren likes his father...

Although he said he didn't like it, but if he liked someone, how could he say that he didn't like it and didn't like it.

Ji Chenzhou opened the heat preservation pot. After all, he had never done any of these things. He was a little clumsy.

"Fuck, you slow down, I made three small pots, why would you overturn me again!"

Ji Chenzhou gave his father a blank look and said nothing, but his movements slowed down, for fear that he might overturn the thermos.

Once the thermos is opened, you can smell the fragrant smell.

Naren was not hungry yet, nor did he feel hungry.

He could not help but move his mouth when he smelled this smell, which was the most instinctive reaction of a person.

Ji Chenzhou poured him a bowl of soup, which was fragrant.

Ji Chenzhou sat on the edge of the bed, his movements a little blunt, after all, he hadn't taken care of anyone.

"I... can drink it myself!"

Naren reached out to pick up the bowl, he was not used to being fed.

He had been ill twice before, and it was Master Xiu who fed him food. He wouldn't feel much about it.

But Ji Chenzhou can’t, he feeds him, he can’t eat...

Ji Chenzhou took the bowl and staggered the hand that Ren reached out.

"I'll feed you, be good!"

Naren's resistance to him was obviously so obvious that Ji Chenzhou was a little angry.

But, after all, it was his father, he had to hold the fire down.

Naren heard the warning in Ji Chenzhou's tone.

If Sir Alex Ferguson is not here, it is estimated that Ji Chenzhou would say, "Should I feed you directly with my mouth?"

He did something like this, Naren, you haven't adapted to accept it.

Why do you bother him, it is yourself that suffers in the end.

When the spoonful of soup was delivered to Naren's mouth, he opened his mouth and drank it...

His tongue was scalded, and Naren just frowned slightly and drank the soup.

Then there was another spoonful, Naren hesitated, and drank it, hot tongue and throat hurt.

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