The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1406: Sinking-Ji Chenzhou, I am not your wife (3,000 words)

Ji Chenzhou had forgotten Naren, who also had his own house.

People have an apartment...

"Mother, you don't know the agent who sells the house. Hurry up and sell Naren's apartment to me, so that he won't worry about going back."

Ji Chenzhou is definitely revenge against Chu Baiqing.

Back then, Chu Baiqing wanted to sell this villa and also packed all Gu Jue's things.

This had annoyed Gu Jue for a long time, and later passed the villa directly under his name.

Chu Baiqing couldn't sell it anymore.

Even though it has been so long, Gu Jue still talks about it from time to time.

Chu Baiqing sneered, "What do you sell! If you have the courage of your father, you will pass Naren's apartment under your name!"

When Naren heard this, he understood that Ji Chenzhou was going to sell his apartment.

However, why did Chu Shao say that he wants to pass his apartment under the name of Ji Chenzhou?

"Are you talking about my apartment?" Naren asked in a low voice, confused by them.

"My third son is going to sell your apartment, leaving you no place to live!"

Gu Jue didn't know what idea Chu Baiqing had made.

Is this helping or demolishing people?

Anyway, no matter what their Chu Baiqing wants to do, he just follows him.

This is really not a dear or dear mother. If you are a dear, how could you cheat him so much.

"Why, I bought it myself!"

Naren looked at Ji Chenzhou and asked seriously and seriously.

"I'll give you money, and you will sell it to me!" Now that the villa is his name, Naren will never be able to say it again. "I want to go home. I have a house."

"If you don't sell it, I don't need money, Master Xiu has saved a lot of money for me!"

He didn't know how much money Naren himself had. He had no idea about money.

He thinks it's enough to spend enough, usually, he has nothing to buy.

If you really use money, just take care of Master Xiu.

Ji Chenzhou's face suddenly changed a few tones, and talking to simple-minded people can sometimes be really tired.

However, he liked the simplicity of their family.

Every time I see him like this, I want to bully him fiercely.

Chu Baiqing blew a whistle happily, very cheerful.

This didn't match his personality, but seeing Ji Chenzhou's helpless and speechless appearance, he felt relieved.

In fact, maybe he doesn't need to teach Naren anything. Just his simplicity can make Ji Chenzhou go crazy and willing for the rest of his life.

If Naren were to lose this simplicity, then he would not be Naren.

Hopefully, Ji Chenzhou can let him live such a simple life.

However, when he thought of the matter of Naren begging him, he thought that he should find some time to have a good talk with Naren, after all, this matter is not a trivial matter.

In the end, Naren was half threatened by Ji Chenzhou and half coaxed to take him home.

When Naren came out of the shower, Ji Chenzhou was looking at his mobile phone.

That was him and his little mother sending messages.

Ji Chenzhou: "Why don't you let him say whether he loves me or not? What about our affection?"

Chu Baiqing: "I think the arrogant personality of the third son must be disdainful of letting others ask this question, and I must ask myself to ask Naren himself to answer you! So I stopped it in time!"

Ji Chenzhou: "Then do you think he loves me?"

Chu Baiqing: "You are so bad to him, you definitely don't love him. If you start to treat him nicely now, you might love it!"

Ji Chenzhou: "He must love me, how can anyone not love me!"

Chu Baiqing: "I don't love you, and he is not sick, why should I love you?"

Chu Baiqing: "Don't bother us to sleep, get out!"

When Ji Chenzhou looked at the last one, his father must have sent it.

Throwing the phone on the bed, I saw Naren sitting on the sofa holding a pillow.

"I'm... sleeping here, don't touch your cuts!"

On the one hand, Naren was worried about the wound on his body, and on the other, he was also worried that Ji Chenzhou would do that to him.

Ji Chenzhou didn't wear clothes on his upper body, and had a bandage on his body.

"Come here, I won't touch you, I will hold you to sleep!" Ji Chenzhou still didn't know Naren's careful thoughts, and he could tell from his red face that he was thinking about it.

"Don't, I don't sleep honestly, don't run into you again!"

Naren lay down directly holding the pillow and closed his eyes.

"Do you want me to carry you to bed, and then hug you to sleep when you are done, or do you come up by yourself and I will hug you to sleep."

Ji Chenzhou just lay on the bed with his arm supported, as if what he said was true.

Naren's tightly closed eyelids trembled slightly.

The pillow in his hand was tightly hugged, and looking at it from Ji Chenzhou's point of view, one could tell at a glance that Naren was struggling.

There was an ideological struggle.

Looking at him like that, Ji Chenzhou felt itchy and in a particularly good mood.

His nasty big move moved a bit, as if to get out of bed.

Sure enough, as soon as Naren heard this sound, he opened his eyes, sat up from the sofa, and ran over to the bed.

When he got to the bed, he realized that Ji Chenzhou didn't get out of bed at all.

When he wanted to turn around and run away, Ji Chenzhou had already pulled his arm.

The whole person fell...

Immediately, Ji Chenzhou's lips covered...

"Ji Chenzhou, you deceive..." Naren's words were all blocked by Ji Chenzhou.

Ji Chenzhou kissed twice, suddenly let go of Naren, and looked deeply at Naren's lips with wistful eyes, there were still scabs on them, which he bit when he was in the bathroom.

"Does it still hurt?" Ji Chenzhou asked his throat dumbly, rubbing his fingers with his lips.

"Do you want to know?" Naren can clearly feel the heat exhaled by Ji Chenzhou, hitting his face, itchy.

"Yeah!" Ji Chenzhou could also feel the changes in Naren.

In the past, if he asked him whether it was painful or uncomfortable, he would definitely turn his head away and would not answer his question.

Naren held Ji Chenzhou's face, raised his head, and kissed it...

Then just when Ji Chenzhou wanted to respond to him, Naren took a bite on his lips.


Ji Chenzhou let out a voice in pain.

"Does it hurt?" Naren asked seriously, with a hint of mischief in his clear eyes.

Ji Chenzhou smiled suddenly, "It hurts!"

"Then I hurt too!" Naren still held Ji Chenzhou's face in his hand, and looked at him with that smile.

The cunning tricks in the eyes that were successful, made no secret of it.

Ji Chenzhou's eyes had a dark glow of predation, just like that, he used to think he was funny at best, shy and shy.

It's different from the men around him, so I'm more interested.

However, now he feels that he has got a treasure, he will surprise him every day, always surprise him.

Naren's hands are a little hot, and it feels comfortable to touch his face. How can Naren just hold him to sleep with such a hook.

When his nightgown was forcibly taken off by Ji Chenzhou, Naren didn't resist in a hurry and was bullied...

Ji Chenzhou refused to do anything on the grounds that the wound hurt.

Just lay on the sofa, waiting for Ren to serve him.

Naren held the phone on his shoulder while writing on the paper.

"No, Sir, when the bones were in water, was it under cold water, or was the water boiled before running?"

Ji Chenzhou wanted to drink soup, so Naren had to make it for him himself, but Naren couldn't, so he had to call Ferguson to ask.

And Sir Alex Ferguson said too quickly, that benevolent cooking is really not good in this respect.

Therefore, he did not remember...

"That's so troublesome, Sir Sir..." Naren said embarrassedly without knowing what Sir Alex said.

"Thank you Sir Sir!" When Naren hung up the phone, he exhaled with a smile on his lips.

"The Lord Sir Alex said he will make a good soup later and bring it over!"

Naren was very happy without him making soup, and the pitch of his speech was a little higher, with joy.

Ji Chenzhou gave him a white look, then picked up his mobile phone and called his father.

The call was quickly connected.

"Obviously did you make the soup? You can take care of my little mother, you are everywhere!"

Ji Chenzhou hung up after speaking.

As soon as Naren took two steps, he was shocked by Ji Chenzhou's words and turned back.

I saw him throwing the phone and then, "Hurry up and make the soup!"

Ji Chenzhou said to Naren in a bad tone, without even looking at him.

Naren's good mood just now disappeared, "I said I won't, the soup will definitely not taste good, Sir Alex said that I will cook it for you..."

Naren really didn't understand that the soup made by Sir Alex Ferguson was so delicious, why he had to drink the soup made by someone who knew nothing.

Soup is difficult to drink if it is not done well, so you have to waste the ingredients.

"I'm going to drink your soup!"

Before Naren finished speaking, Ji Chenzhou interrupted him. No, to be precise, he was interrupted by roar.

Naren is also very hot. On this day, he will be fed grapes, pistachios, headaches, massage, distressed, touch...

Naren has tolerated him all morning, this will be yelled by him, and his anger will rise.

"It's not always the same who cooks it, it's not all soup."

In the past, I was with Xiuye ​​and the others, whoever had time to cook, and whoever cooked delicious, made more.

Why did you get to Ji Chenzhou here, it was so hypocritical.

"How can it be the same, you are my wife, that's my father!"

Ji Chenzhou sat up suddenly, and with such a simple-minded person, he was mad at you in minutes.

Naren's face turned red with a bang, wife...

I don’t have enough girlfriends, but I got a wife. Ji Chenzhou, how do you want to bully?

Na Rengang wanted to say, "Ji Chenzhou, I am not your wife..."

But he was stopped by a roar...

"Do you still know that I am your father!"

Gu Jue took the cooking shovel and walked in aggressively.

That posture meant that Ji Chenzhou would be fried.

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