The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1414: Sinking——I love you like this (2,000 words)

Ji Chenzhou pulled Naren to leave.

Qin Nan thought in his heart to go quickly, it was too shameful...

One hundred six is ​​not buying two shorts...

Can anyone cut this price?

Naren looked at Ji Chenzhou's pulling and serious look, and he was happy with a pop.

This should be Ji Chenzhou's first bargaining. People like him often use their cards without bargaining.

For him, such an attempt should have never been thought of before.

One day, he will buy clothes in such a small shop...

"Sister, I'm sorry, my friend is joking, give you money, two will wrap it up for me."

Naren smiled and took the money from the wallet and handed it to the surprised female boss.

"Isn't it bargaining?" Ji Chenzhou didn't care about one hundred and eighty yuan at all, but he just wanted to try this.

Why do you stop bargaining when you get to him?

"Shut up!" Naren took Ji Chenzhou's pants and left.

Ji Chenzhou didn't want to go, and Qin Nan pushed him behind without fear of death.

After leaving the pants shop, Naren held back a smile, but Qin Nan couldn't hold it anymore and finally laughed.

Ji Chenzhou was a little annoyed, he didn't like the feeling of being laughed at.

"These pants are already the lowest price. Both Qin Nan and I bought the pants here, so there is no need to bargain.

"Not everything can be bargained like Qin Nan. It depends on how much the item is worth. This is all experience."

"Every time we go out to buy things, Qin Nan bargains, he is the most experienced..."

Naren saw that Ji Chenzhou was a little annoyed, and quickly took his arm to explain.

Don't let him punch Qin Nan again...

Ji Chenzhou suddenly felt annoyed. He thought there was nothing that Ji Chenzhou could not do.

However, it was such a simple matter just now, but he actually made a joke.

Especially Naren's sentence, "Every time we go out to buy something, Qin Nan bargains, he is the most experienced..."

When he said "we", Ji Chenzhou felt a little uncomfortable.

And when Qin Nan gave Naren the price, Naren was very happy and her eyes were bright and charming.

Saving more than one hundred dollars can make him happy, and his happiness is always that simple.

"You also buy me a pair of shoes like yours!"

Ji Chenzhou pointed to the somewhat dirty sneakers on Naren's feet.

"There is no bargaining for this, eighty-one pairs!" Qin Nan quickly compared eight with his hand.

He didn't want to be as embarrassed as he was just now.

"You can go back to school!" Ji Chenzhou took Naren away and said to Qin Nan disgustingly.

"Oh, I wanted to leave a long time ago, you two go romantically, I will withdraw first!"

Qin Nan couldn't ask for it and could not hurry. On the way, not only did he have to endure Ji Chenzhou's nailed eyes, he was like a wolf.

How could I like him in the first place, really...

He felt that Naren was really courageous. Why did he like Shenzhou last season, and he still wanted to be with him persistently.

Naren didn't stop Qin Nan, knowing that he was uncomfortable following them.

Anyway, I just buy shoes and go back, and I have to separate them later.

After buying the shoes, Naren will go back.

However, Ji Chenzhou seems to be addicted to shopping. He is curious about everything while walking and watching.

I walked from a street to a night market...

When the two returned home from the night market, they were both past nine o'clock.

Naren simply took a shower, then went to bed wrapped in a quilt to sleep.

"Ji Chenzhou, please stop making trouble..."

Ji Chenzhou was about to take off Naren's clothes when he came up, and he was excited and excited.

Naren really doesn't know where he comes from so good physical strength, how can he not get tired after walking for so long?

I won't go to the streets with him again next time, I won't go to death...

"Just once." Ji Chenzhou teased Naren a little bit.

"You lied, how often did you finish it once?" Naren couldn't lift his eyelids anymore, he was really sleepy and tired.

"Just once today, seeing you so tired, I feel distressed too!"

He said that he felt sorry for him, but he kept shaking his hands.

"Do you love me so much?" Naren blushed and asked vaguely.

If it hadn't been sleepy and a little confused, he wouldn't have asked such a thing.

"It makes you comfortable, but it doesn't hurt you!"

Ji Chenzhou kissed Naren's slightly closed eyes and touched his eyelashes.

Feeling Naren's eyelids trembling because of itching, Ji Chenzhou's throat slipped slightly.

"There will be an exam tomorrow... don't do it..."

Naren grabbed Ji Chenzhou's hand, but because he was too sleepy, he couldn't get any strength.

"You have to relax for the exam!" Ji Chenzhou buckled Naren's hand, it was almost done, and went straight in...

ten minutes……

twenty minutes……

One hour……

"Ji Chenzhou, didn't say it once..." Naren's voice was already weak.

"Well, just once..."

Ji Chenzhou smiled lazily, but his movements were not slow at all.

After the exam, the school officially closed.

When Huo Qingge called, Ji Chenzhou and Naren just ended their joy.

Naren lay on the bed weakly, with a slight tremor.

He cleared his throat, fearing that his sister would hear something abnormal.

Ji Chenzhou lit a cigarette and leaned against the head of the bed, took a sip, and squinted his eyes slightly to see the nervousness of Naren.

Even if Naren is with him now, he still evasive and doesn't want others to know their relationship.

Especially his sister, Ji Chenzhou was somewhat dissatisfied with this.

He would not let Naren go, so he would fight against anyone who wanted to stop them from being together.

Even if that person is Huo Qingge.

Naren answered the phone, and Huo Qingge over there kissed him how he was doing in the exam.

"Generally, not great."

Naren was telling the truth. His test was not very good this time, and his test was average, but this time, he was the worst.

"It's okay, you can bring Tan Meng back for dinner! My sister will make you some delicious food."

"Sister, Tan Meng and I... are friends!"

Busy with exams these days, he hasn't told his sister that he and Tan Meng are inappropriate.

Besides, he is with Ji Chenzhou now, and he also needs time to talk to his sister.

Ji Chenzhou extinguished the smoke in his hand, exhaled the smoke in his mouth, and turned over to imprison Naren under him, lowering his head and holding the point on the left of his heart...

Naren never thought that Ji Chenzhou would be like this suddenly, and he made a sound uncontrollably.

With pain and pleasure, because Ji Chenzhou gave a bite there...

"Naren? What are you doing?" Huo Qingge's voice came over there.

Naren was so shocked that his mobile phone fell on the bed. He was angry and annoyed. Ji Chenzhou did this on purpose. He knew he was calling his sister.

He stretched out his hand but pushed Ji Shenzhou, but was startled by his next movements.

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