The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1420: Sinking——You are dead, with my Ji Shenzhou mark (2,000 words)

Naren looked at the retro camera in his hand. Even at this time, people couldn't help but love it.

He didn't take a good look at the camera Ji Jiu gave him last time, and he didn't know if it was true or not.

However, this is indeed true, so Ji Jiu's one is fake.

He thought that the only one in the world had been destroyed, but he didn't expect that Ji Chenzhou would actually get it.

Now he is not happy because he got this camera, but happy because the only retro camera can be saved.

To be able to see the truth, to touch it, Naren felt that it was enough.

He returned the camera to Ji Shenzhou.

But when Ji Chenzhou didn't answer, Naren just held it up and looked at him lightly.

"Believe it or not I will throw it again?"

Ji Chenzhou continued to fiddle with the equipment in his hand without even looking at Naren.

Naren's eyes finally had emotions, after hesitating, he still withdrew his hand and held the camera in his arms.

This is often the case, no matter what kind of emotion you are, as long as he says a word, you will be obediently obedient.

If this camera was broken again, it would really be gone.

There is really one less collectible in this world.

No one can be hurt because of him, and now even something will be destroyed because of him.

"Why don't you want to call it?" Ji Chenzhou put something in the device and asked Naren with a smile.

When he bet that day, he still remembered Naren Naduo's little dark mang, he must think he would not find this camera because he believed that the one Ji Jiu gave him was real.

There are many things that Naren doesn't know. For example, Ji Chenzhou also likes photography...

And this camera is one of his collection.

If Naren had the heart and walked around every room in the house, he would know that there was a room with his camera collection.

Naren always felt that he had something to talk about with others, but he never tried to talk to him about his interests. If he talked, he would find that he knew more than he knew.

"Well, I don't want to!" Naren replied faintly while holding the camera.

I really don't want to, if he loses this bet before here, he will definitely bark, there is nothing not to be called, they are lovers, there is something that cannot be called.

"Just right, I don't want to listen anymore!"

Ji Chenzhou knelt on the sofa and touched Naren's ear.

He likes Naren's ears very much. The sun shines through and he likes to bite his ears.

When he bit him last time, Ji Chenzhou wanted to leave his mark on this ear.

Naren Yuguang looked at Ji Chenzhou, and put the thing similar to grabbing close to his ear...

"Ji Chenzhou, what are you doing?" Naren saw Ji Chenzhou's ear...

The ear diamonds are gone, replaced by a small square ear buckle, you can’t see exactly what kind of ear is behind...

I can see the words engraved on it...

But Ji Chenzhou moved, Naren couldn't see clearly.

"I've prepared these ear buckles a long time ago. The gears my father and my little mom have tattooed on their hands are considered rings..."

Naren felt a cold touch, "Ji Chenzhou, I don't want to, don't hit this thing on me, I don't want...I don't want to wear the same thing as you, we broke up..."

In fact, it is inappropriate to use the word breakup between him and Ji Chenzhou.

Because they have never really been together, just a try.

"Divorce and remarriage can be remarried. What's the difference between breaking up? Besides, you break up when you break up? Naren, why do you always think of the problem so simple.

"Even death is as simple as you think about it. You should be thankful that you didn't die. If you die, there will be many people to bury you. Anyone you care about will go with you!"

Naren was stunned, his body trembling slightly, and then he couldn't even supply his breath.

Ji Chenzhou is a lunatic...

Naren said this countless times in his heart, but it made him crazy every time.

"Hiss..." The sudden tingling pain made Naren excited.

Then I felt cold on my ears...

The earlobe was buckled, just like that, it seemed as if he was locked in a shackle, and his heart couldn't breathe.

"Our pair of ear buckles are specially made. Don't even want to take them off in this life. Naren, you are dead, and you carry the mark of Ji Chenzhou!"

The slight numbness was accompanied by slight heat, which made Naren feel no pain.

Naren slowly closed his eyes, he knew that the gears tattooed on the fingers of Sir Alex and Chu Shao were tattooed because of love.

However, this ear buckle is a shackle, a confinement...

Ji Chenzhou doesn't know what emotion is, and he has no emotion.

"Do you want to detain me for the rest of my life?" This is like a cage that Ji Chenzhou has built for him, isolating everything.

"Look at your performance. I heard that your sister is sick because you can't find you. Oh, and Master Xiu is here. Huo Zhongrao is in the front building now. He is also looking for you. Everyone is looking for you. However, no one would have thought that you would be here!"

Ji Chenzhou put away the instrument he used to pierce his ears, and looked at the ear buckles on Naren's ears, and he knew that he would look good on them.

"Ji Chenzhou, you are not human..."

Ji Chenzhou knows what he cares too much about. These people are all he cares about, and he is not willing to worry about them and sad because of themselves.

However, in the end, things are getting worse and worse.

"You are a human being, Naren, no one has dared to threaten me yet, why would you dare to threaten me with death? How capable!"

Ji Chenzhou now thinks of Naren that day, when he took a knife and pierced his body in front of him, his blood was solidified.

Watching him hurt himself so much, Ji Chenzhou swears that when he gets better, he will punish him twice and make him a good memory.

When Naren fell in front of him, Ji Chenzhou was in a panic. He was scared. The fear of losing made him tremble all over. Even when calling someone, he couldn't slide his fingers off the screen.

The experience that the heart would suddenly stop, he would be afraid now when he thinks about it!

He was afraid of losing Naren, and that fear was stronger than when Chu Baiqing was seriously ill.

At that time, Chu Baiqing thought that if he died, he would blame himself, feel uncomfortable, become helpless, lose direction, and he would become a person again.

However, when he realized that he would lose Naren, what he thought in his mind was that when Naren died, he would not survive...

He will die with him, even if he dies, he must be together.

"Ji Chenzhou, you can be patient, because you make me feel that life with you is better than death!" Naren's lips were slightly shaking, his eyes were red, sadness and grievances, both, but more despair.

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