The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1415: Sinking——Ji Chenzhou, if you marry someone else, the house will live under my name

Ji Jiu looked at the back of the benevolent's white hand, there was a blue patch, which was the bruise left by the needle eye after the injection.

"Your sister is in the hospital. I don't know why. Anyway, I have lived for a long time. I think it is quite serious. Moreover, Master Xiu seems to be in trouble. I am trapped in Yuncheng and have limited mobility. It is that Commander Huo is now very likely to be emptied of power..."

Ji Jiu said little by little, that Ren's heart was cold, his sister lived in the courtyard for a long time...

It was all good before, it must be because of him, and Master Xiu...

So the omnipotent Master Xiu was restricted because of him.

Even Commander Huo is doing this now...

It's all because of him, Ji Chenzhou hid himself, and they will definitely seek him for someone...

If Ji Chenzhou didn't hand him over, he would definitely cause trouble. In the current situation, it is obvious that Ji Chenzhou has the upper hand.

Otherwise, how could he still have leisure time to go on a blind date...

What Ji Jiu said later, Naren didn't listen. After he left, he kept sitting on the floor.

It wasn't until it was dark that the butler came in to deliver the food and found that in the dark room, Naren sat motionless on the floor.

The butler called Naren for a long time, but he didn't respond...

"I want to see him..." Naren finally opened his mouth, but his voice was hoarse and seemed to be dry and cracked.

The butler immediately called Ji Chenzhou because he saw that Naren's state was wrong.

The past few days have been fine, but suddenly this made him dare not take it lightly.

He could see that his master cared about this person for fear of a mistake.

When Ji Chenzhou came back, Naren had just come out of the bathroom and he had just taken a shower.

The moment he saw Ji Chenzhou, Naren's eyes were cold.

He walked towards Ji Chenzhou step by step, his body trembling slightly.

He was wearing Ji Chenzhou's bathrobe, which was a bit big and loose.

Exposed honey-colored skin, with a reddish after bath.

Ji Chenzhou hurried back when he received a call from the housekeeper, with unrelenting worry and anxiety in his eyes.

Naren put his arms around Ji Chenzhou's neck and kissed him without saying anything.

Anxious and jerky, Ji Chenzhou was caught off guard, and Naren took the initiative without saying anything, which surprised Ji Chenzhou.

Without asking him for more than a month, Ji Chenzhou was already uncomfortable.

Because of Naren's body injury, Ji Chenzhou has been enduring it.

For this patience, he sleeps on his own, and even if he sleeps with him, he can't help but lose control.

I don't know how many times I have asked Naren, because he is so enthusiastic that Ji Chenzhou has no self-control ability.

Naren was lying on the bed, shaking slightly, unable to lift her fingers.

Eyes opened and closed, no strength at all.

Ji Chenzhou cleaned him up and wanted to bathe him, but Naren said that he didn't want to move, and didn't want to move at all...

Covering Naren with a quilt, Ji Chenzhou opened the window and lit a cigarette.

Naren looked at the back of Ji Chenzhou standing there, and slowly tightened his hand on the bed.

Going around as if going back to the past, the feeling of weakness engulfed Naren again.

Then it is to admit fate, Naren, toss and toss like this, it is not the same compromise.

In the end, you are not the same as you want to give in to this man...

"When we are together, tell everyone, it doesn't matter if you agree or disagree. Don't let them find me again. From now on I will... just listen to you."

What Naren said was weak and weak, and was really wanted too hard.

Ji Chenzhou has been holding back for too long, so don't care about it.

Ji Chenzhou turned around slightly, leaning languidly on the wall, and squinted slightly when he looked at Naren with his eyes closed on the bed.

"You don't have a lot of real estate. Find a quieter place. I will move to live in. If you want, go find me..."

"If you marry someone else, then the house will live under my name..."

Naren actually knew what he was talking about, because his thoughts were all messed up.

However, he was sober, because he could feel the pain.

"Who am I going to marry? Naren, I said that I will only be with you in this life, and I will be with you if I want to marry!"

Ji Chenzhou was on fire, and he closed the window with great force. The window bounced back and almost broke the glass...

"Ji Chenzhou, aren't you on a blind date... aren't you getting married..."

Naren opened his eyes and stared at Ji Chenzhou, a cold eye with pain.

"I..." Ji Chenzhou was speechless for a while, he was indeed going on a blind date these days.

Although he disdains some things, but in this position, he has some hypocritical entertainment and relationship-driven things, he also does.

Only if he is strong enough can he be able to love and protect Naren...

Since the death of his mother, the word powerful has become his shackles for Ji Chenzhou.

He knew that only when he became strong, no one could hurt him.

He can protect Na Ren, protect the people that Ren cares...

Even now, he knew that the road after him and Naren was not easy.

Because he is Ji Chenzhou...

However, he was ready to meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha and meet the demons to conquer demons.

No one can stand in the way of Ji Shenzhou...

Naren didn't look around, and heard that Ji Jiu said it was the same thing. He still thought, maybe Ji Chenzhou wouldn't do this, and there were many excuses in his heart.

But now Ji Chenzhou didn't deny it, Naren felt a hole in his heart, the more he pulled it, the more he pulled it, and he couldn't breathe.

Seeing Naren like this, Ji Chenzhou felt pain in his heart, and he wiped out the cigarette in his hand.

He walked over and pulled Naren up strongly.

It seems that the servant has a dishonest mouth and dares to speak nonsense in front of Naren, he will definitely investigate.

"Because my surname is Ji, I must take some roads, and I must win some relationships. I just meet those women for dinner, I will not touch them, I promise!"

Ji Chenzhou's temperament is not the kind that can explain it, but seeing Naren's aggrieved and sad look makes his heart hurt.

"I said, I only have you in my heart. My Ji Chenzhou will only get married once in my life, and that's your kindness!"

Ji Chenzhou pinched Naren's chin and spoke word by word.

He knew that Naren's mind was simple, and he seemed to have something to say, so he wanted to clarify, lest he would think wildly.

Naren looked at Ji Chenzhou in shock. At this moment, what he was thinking of was not distinguishing whether what Ji Chenzhou said was true or false.

Rather, he has fantasized about how he and Ji Chenzhou will be married...

They got married...

"Naren, can we be together well? I will fix my problem, but you have to empty your heart and put me in, okay? You care about too many people here, without me. s position……"

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