The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1417: Sinking——Go out dressed like this...Ji Chenzhou, I don’t want it (2,000 words)

The color of surprise in that Ren's eyes made Ji Chenzhou look at him and kissed the corner of his eye.

Naren is so easily satisfied, no matter how hurt he is, a little bit of things will make him happy like a child.

Obviously he kept him for more than a month...

"Ji Chenzhou, you must not lie to me!" Naren grabbed Ji Chenzhou's hand and asked seriously.

"Well, don't lie to you, I will take you tomorrow!"

Ji Chenzhou put Naren in his arms and kissed his forehead.

Ji Chenzhou rarely does such actions to Naren, and he usually kisses them directly and domineeringly.

Naren was so tired by Ji Chenzhou just now, and couldn't lift his eyelids.

However, this meeting did not feel tired at all.

On the contrary, he was hungry, because he hadn't eaten all the time, and Ji Chenzhou had consumed his remaining physical strength, which made him feel a little uncomfortable being hungry.

Sure enough, when people are depressed, they can't remember anything.

In an instant, when I feel better, I feel hungry right away.

"I'm hungry, do you have anything to eat?" Naren was not ashamed, looking at Ji Chenzhou with wet eyes.

Seeing him, the evil fire is up again.

"What do you want to eat?" Ji Chenzhou tapped Naren's stomach with his finger, which was deflated.

"Dumplings..." Naren rolled his eyes and grabbed Ji Chenzhou's hand.

Don't look at his stomach now, he will have to go down for a while, and his face is slightly red.

He didn't understand why Ji Chenzhou was always so calm when doing these things, he wouldn't be embarrassed.

Naren actually wants to eat dumplings made by his sister the most, no matter how many times he has eaten dumplings.

All the memories are on the island. His sister taught him how to make dumplings for the first time. The taste, I am afraid that I will never forget it in this life, it is the taste of family members.

Ji Chenzhou got up and went out and ordered the housekeeper to quickly ask the kitchen to make dumplings for Naren. Then, the housekeeper asked him what fillings he wanted to eat, and Ji Chenzhou turned back.

"What kind of stuffing do you want?"

As soon as Naren put on half of his pants, Ji Shenzhou opened the door and asked.

"Anything..." Naren quickly turned around to wear it.

Even the time the two are together is not too short, but Naren is still not used to doing such things in front of Ji Chenzhou.

"Um, I want corn and shrimp meat..." Then Naren spoke again as soon as he finished speaking.

Ji Chenzhou responded with satisfaction and went out again.

Naren ate a plate of dumplings and was very satisfied. Ji Chenzhou also ate a few with him.

It's been more than a month, and this is the first time the two have sat together to have a good meal.

In the past month, it is not only Naren who is thin, but Ji Chenzhou has not had a good meal.

"Ji Chenzhou, will you be well with... me in the future?"

There were three dumplings left on the plate. Naren couldn't eat it anymore, but wanted to eat it again. He fiddled with chopsticks.

Looked at the dumplings and asked quietly.

When he is full, his mind seems to be able to work a little bit. He is very worried about the future of himself and Ji Chenzhou.

Because he is Ji Chenzhou, Ji Chenzhou, who is the only one I respect, now he can coax him to say good things and stay together.

Once his temper comes up, he will be uncertain about what he will do.

This has nothing to do with the trust he said, but Ji Chenzhou's nature is like this.

Naturally overbearing, domineering does not allow others to say nothing.

"How is it considered good? I will still bully you. I think I will have to bully you in my life... I will bully you and cry and ask you to beg for mercy. I will do this every day."

Ji Chenzhou's tone was arrogant and arrogant, and even the smile in him was teasing.

Even if you see the trick, you will clearly feel that he is serious.

He just wanted to bully Naren into crying, leaving no room for it.

Because of the bullying in Ji Chenzhou's mouth, in his opinion, it is a kind of love.

That is the exclusive pain for Naren, the exclusive love, unique in the world.

I just want to do bad things to you, do all the bad things...

Ji Chenzhou looked at Naren reluctantly to let go of his chopsticks, but he really couldn't eat it, so he wanted to bully him.

It's this expression, natural and unpretentious. It itches your heart when you look at it. You just think, how can a man have such an expression, even a woman can't learn it.

Also just now, when Naren was halfway through his pants, when he saw him go in, he was confused and shy with nowhere to hide.

Ji Chenzhou wanted to bully him fiercely, and this kind of bullying didn't exist between them all the time.

Naren put down his chopsticks and looked at Ji Chenzhou a little speechlessly and angrily, "Asshole, shameless!"

After Naren said this, he turned and left.

Naren was ashamed and annoyed by Ji Chenzhou's words.

Ji Chenzhou got up a few steps before catching up with Naren, "Look, just like you, biting your lip, shaking with shame, looking at me, I want to bully you fiercely."

"You can't blame me for this. If you want to blame it, blame yourself. Who made you so attracted to me? I love you crazy!"

Ji Chenzhou directly hugged Naren to beat him, regardless of Naren beating and beating himself.

The evil spirit of laughter, the tone was teasing with pleasure, and the angry Naren took a bite on his neck.

"Are you angry? Come on, take two more bites..."

Naren actually didn't use much strength, the traces from the bite were red, and it would make people think more about it.

"..." Naren was bitten several times in succession. The more he bites, the more embarrassing what Ji Chenzhou said.

"Yes, use a little force..."

"Well, comfortable..."

In the end, Naren was defeated by Ji Chenzhou's cheeky skin. Fortunately, he didn't bite anymore, and did not say a word while pursing his lips.

Ji Chenzhou put him on the bed, then went to the bathroom to look at his neck, and smiled satisfied.

Next day

Naren looked at the clothes on himself and Ji Chenzhou, they were the same from head to toe.

The same ear buttons, the same t-shirt, the same coat, the same trousers, the same sneakers...

"Either you change clothes, or I change clothes, dress like this and go out... Ji Chenzhou, I don't want it!"

Naren's face was red, even the couple didn't dress like this, not to mention that they were all here to meet...

"Then don't go, let them wait. Anyway, I'm going to dress like this and go out! I'm going to..."

Ji Chenzhou learned the tone of benevolence and the movement of biting his lip.

Originally he was evil in nature, so he shouldn't be too annoying if he learns this.

"Ji Chenzhou, you must go and change your clothes!" Naren pointed at Ji Chenzhou's neck and shouted even more embarrassed.

No wonder Ji Chenzhou asked him to bite more when he bit him yesterday.

There are several obvious red marks on Ji Chenzhou's neck now, so clear, anyone will want to bend when he sees it. He deliberately...

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