The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1419: Sinking-send it to him with a temper, do you dare? (Two thousand words)

Naren withdrew his hand, Ji Chenzhou, clearly said that he would take him to see Master Xiu.

However, it is clear that Sir Alex and "so many people" in his mouth are waiting for them.

Ji Chenzhou caught him off guard without telling him anything...

"Get out quickly, I'm going to starve out my Baiqing!"

Naren's phone didn't hang up, and Gu Jue's angry voice came over there.

"Know... I know Sir Alex!"

Only then did Naren remember that the phone hadn't been hung up yet, and Gu Jue yelled at him and responded in a low voice.

Naren was a little frightened.

"My father's temper, my little mom can bear it, sit down!"

Ji Chenzhou glanced at the time. They came out late, and they were delayed on the road for a while, which was almost an hour away from the scheduled time.

No wonder his father gets angry, it must be his little mother who is hungry again.

"I told you that my little mother must be hungry. In fact, I really want to tell my little mother that if he eats so uncontrollably, he will get fat and his body will be out of shape. My father is likely to dislike him and do not he……"

"Ji Chenzhou, let me ask you what is going on..."

Ji Chenzhou made it clear that he didn't want to say that Naren was really going to be **** off by him.

"Do you think my little mom is a little fatter, at least one or two catties fatter..."

Ji Chenzhou just said with a smile instead of answering Naren's words.

Naren turned his head, covering his ears not to listen to Ji Chenzhou's words, trembling with anger.

Ji Chenzhou whistled happily, and he was in a good mood. He liked the angry look of their family, so cute.

When the car stopped at the door, Naren was stunned. Why did he come here?

This is Feng Yan's place, why did you bring him here? .

Ji Chenzhou took Naren's hand and walked inside...

Naren was still in a daze, so he let Ji Chenzhou hold his hand and walked away, his whole person in a daze.

Before I walk in, I can hear conversation and laughter...

And the sounds of children frolicking...

Naren has only experienced this kind of gathering once, when his sister got married.

So many people gathered together...

"Ji Chenzhou, let's go back!" Naren was originally shy, and he would be embarrassed if you want him to see so many people.

Although they are familiar people, he and Ji Chenzhou are wearing love costumes and...

Naren realized at this time that his hand was held by Ji Chenzhou.

He wanted to shake off his hand, but Ji Chenzhou held it tighter.

"Why are you here? Everyone is waiting for you!" Feng Xi called again and said naturally when he saw the two of them.

"Traffic jam!" After Ji Chenzhou said, he pulled Naren and walked inside.

Feng Xi glanced at him, the expression in his eyes was, on the closed road, when did a car dare to come over? What a traffic jam...

Naren lowered his head, and he and Ji Chenzhou held hands, as if Feng Xi hadn't seen it.

But, how could I not see it, so obviously wearing a love outfit.

However, if I saw it, how could my expression be so natural, and I was not surprised at all?

This is too strange...

Ji Chenzhou took Naren and walked inside, and ran into the ice again.

Naren couldn't get his hand back, and lowered his head shyly. It was really the clothes he and Ji Chenzhou were wearing...too high-profile.

It seems to be afraid that people don't know what they are all about.

Naren's face is thin, how can he withstand such a thing, really want to disappear immediately.

"Is my master here?" Ji Shenzhou greeted Han Bing first.

The master Ji Chenzhou said was Mo Chen.

"Sorry, Ji Shao, I don't know!"

Han Bing's tone was stiff, as if he was angry with someone.

"Have you quarreled again?" Ji Chenzhou was delighted when he saw Hanbing like this.

In fact, there is no need to ask, it must be a quarrel, and only Mo Chen can make Han Bing so sulking.

"What do you mean again? Shao Ji, you should ask for more blessings! Sir Sir will be eating people!"

If it were normal, Han Bing would definitely not talk to Ji Chenzhou like this, after all, he had to take into account his status.

However, who made him angry, how could he care so much.

"If you have a temper, go to your house Mo Chen, do you dare?"

Ji Chenzhou's mouth has always been poisonous. After saying this ridicule, he pulled the surprised Naren and continued walking inside.

No matter how simple Naren is, I can hear it. Mo Chen and Han Bing are...

This is incredible, how can these two people be together?

How are the two ice cubes together?

Mo Chen has seen him twice, and he is colder than Hanbing. How do you get along?

If they are together, others will not freeze to death?

Naren looked back at Hanbing, but Ji Chenzhou pulled his arm away.

"What do you look at, Mo Chen is a jealous man, if you let him see you, look at his wife, his eyes will kill you!"

Ji Chenzhou's mouth is simply...

Naren was speechless again, how did he know that Hanbing was his wife?

As soon as he walked into the living room, Feng Yan walked out from the corner with two bottles of wine in his hand. He should have gone to the wine cellar.

Seeing the clothes the two of them were wearing, Feng Yan was taken aback. He was indeed a young man and really dared to wear...

From head to toe, the size is short...

Look at the tightly held hands, it's so affectionate...

"Hurry in! Just waiting for you."

Feng Yan turned and walked inside, with a feminine tone.

At this time, if Naren hadn't reacted, he would really be a little slow to react.

Obviously, everyone seemed to know his relationship with Ji Chenzhou, or they would look at them so peacefully, without any surprise.

"Isn't this a traffic jam!" Ji Chenzhou said this excuse again shamelessly.

Feng Yan stopped and looked back at Ji Chenzhou, "Tell your father to try this excuse!"

Ji Chenzhou shrugged and smiled, without any embarrassment being exposed.

Naren felt embarrassed following him, but Ji Chenzhou could be so calm.

"After he speaks, you have to weigh the letter!"

Feng Yan said this to Naren, who was bullied by looking at Naren.

"I don't believe what he said, Feng Shao..."

Naren certainly couldn't say such a thing before, but after today, he decided that he would not believe what Ji Chenzhou said.

"Your shoelaces are open..." Ji Shenzhou opened his mouth with a smile.

Naren hurriedly lowered his head to look at his shoes. The laces are well-laced.

"Where did it drive?" Naren asked, looking up at Ji Shenzhou blankly.

Feng Yan sighed slightly, couldn't say anything, and really felt sorry for the innocent child.

"I mean Master Feng! Let's go and get in quickly and comfort my dad, lest he die of anger!"

Ji Chenzhou touched Naren's head, held his hand and continued walking.

Naren glanced at Feng Yan's shoes instinctively...

flip flop……

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