The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1427: Sinking-you love me

"Don't drink it!"

When Ji Chenzhou approached Huo Zhongrao, Naren stood up, stopped his arm, and prevented him from getting the wine glass.

Anyone who drinks this way will be drunk, the key is that they will feel uncomfortable when drunk.

"How can you not drink when it's fallen? Besides, everyone is gathering here for the two of us. Thanks for everyone who deserves to be thanked. You must say everything you need to say. Be good, go and sit with Master Xiu. !"

Seeing the worry in Naren's eyes, Ji Chenzhou squinted and kissed his eyes with drunkenness.

Naren blushed immediately, and pushed Ji Chenzhou a bit to let him not fight in front of so many people.

When Sir Alex saw Naren's shy look, he thought to himself, let Naren marry Ji Chenzhou?

how can that be?

That's how Ji Chenzhou didn't make false statements. People said it very clearly.

If you need to thank you, you will say, but if you need to say clearly, you must also show your position.

What should be said clearly, of course Naren must marry him, and he must marry Naren.

Naren knew what Ji Chenzhou was going to do, he couldn't stop, no one could stop it.

In the end, Naren blushed and sat beside Master Xiu. He just sat down and heard Master Xiu sighed slightly, "You can't hold him in your life, you have to be bullied by him!"

Master Xiu could see that in front of Ji Chenzhou, Naren was like a well-behaved deer.

"Master Xiu, I also have a temper..." Naren felt that sometimes in front of Ji Chenzhou, it was useful to speak.

If he loses his temper, Ji Chenzhou will still take care of it.

Master Xiu glared at Naren, his eyes were "You have a temper? You have a temper, why didn't you see you angry at him?"

Naren took a sip of water from the water glass, and then took another sip. The more he drank, the better he drank, and he drank the whole glass of water.

Then he lowered his head, feeling dizzy and drunk.

Ever since he came to the closed door, he felt like he was riding a roller coaster, up and down, and the whole person seemed to be stepping on the clouds.

All things are beyond the scope of his endurance. He thinks he and Ji Chenzhou have to endure a lot and experience a lot.

However, because everyone loved him and didn't want him to suffer, they just accepted him and Ji Chenzhou together.

Everyone accepted, even the stubborn Master Xiu accepted...

This made Naren feel uncomfortable and moved, all for him...

Ji Chenzhou respected Huo Zhongrao Feng Yan and Feng Xi one after another. This is six glasses of red wine...

Naren didn't listen to what Ji Chenzhou said to them. When he looked up, Ji Chenzhou had already walked in front of Gu Jue.

I called "Daddy" when I picked up the wine glass

Probably because he had drunk a little too much, the daddy's scream made people hear a choking sound.

Gu Jue stopped him and told him not to take the wine glass but didn't stop him, "Just talk, this wine father will drink it for you."

After all, Gu Jue felt sorry for his third son. Seeing him drank so much, his walking was shaking, and he was a little unstable.

"Father, I really treat you as my dad, really..."

When Ji Chenzhou was talking, he hiccuped and he could stand firmly by supporting the back of the chair.

Although the person is drunk, his mind is still sober.

The eyes were slightly red, "Although you are not serious, but I will recognize you and treat you as my father. I know that you love me, and if you call me and beat me, all hurt me..."

Ji Chenzhou exhaled, and water mist appeared in his red eyes.

Almost no one has seen Ji Chenzhou cry, even Huo Zhongrao who often sees him is rare.

Of course, except when Chu Baiqing was seriously ill, Ji Chenzhou cried...

Then I cried for Naren...

But now he couldn't help crying in front of so many people.

He really has feelings for Gu Jue, and the kind of family affection that gets along with him flows in his heart and merges into his blood.

Even without blood, there are deeper and heavier emotions...

"I know that because of me, you are embarrassed in front of your brothers, your son is not filial, and you are stubborn. After I marry a daughter-in-law, I will honor you and my little mother, and promise to obey you and not cause you trouble."

In fact, if this is changed to normal, it will definitely make people amused.

However, when Ji Chenzhou said these things in tears, everyone saw a different Ji Chenzhou.

Removed the mask of arrogance and indulgence, crying cleverly like a child.

"Father, are you ready to give me the money to marry a daughter-in-law? I don't know how much Master Xiu needs. Don't be too shameful to get it out then..."

After Ji Chenzhou said this, he drank the wine in the red wine glass in one breath.

"Fuck, your father can take out how much money!"

Gu Jue was also blushing because of Ji Chenzhou's treatment. These three sons did not raise them in vain, nor did they suffer in vain.

Even after drinking too much, speaking of sensationalism, Ji Chenzhou still did not forget to swear his position, that is to marry Naren...

Master Xiu watched Ji Chenzhou walking towards Chu Baiqing, who was staggering, and he squinted slightly.

He was also moved by what Ji Chenzhou said to Gu Jue just now, and he could see that he was a person with a lot of emotions, which he was quite satisfied with.

However, everyone knew that he had loved Chu Baiqing before and could die for him.

If I love someone so deeply, how can I say that I forget and then forget, and instead hold another person and say I love you.

When Ji Chenzhou reached for the wine glass in front of Chu Baiqing, he did not stop him.

Instead, he smiled and looked at him, the man who was by his side when he was the loneliest and most helpless.

Kneel down for him, don't be self-respecting, and beg for him to live.

Now that he has finally found the person he loves, Chu Baiqing is happy for him from the bottom of his heart, really happy.

"Mother, it's your smile, exactly the same as my mother's smile. Before she went crazy, she used to laugh like this..."

When Ji Chenzhou said this, he was completely unable to stand, his body followed the chair that could not be held, and fell on the floor after softening in the afternoon.

Naren stood up suddenly, but was stopped by Chu Baiqing with a smile. He stood there abruptly, looking at Ji Chenzhou sitting on the ground across the table, crying...

He never knew that Ji Chenzhou's mother was crazy...

That was when he was old, all he knew was that his mother died when he was a child.

Then what kind of childhood he experienced, a crazy mother...

Naren felt distressed. Watching Ji Chenzhou cry, his tears could not be controlled. At this time, Ji Chenzhou, who was so evil and mad, cried like a discarded child, which made people feel distressed.

In the past Naren thought that Ji Chenzhou was cold-blooded and heartless, but he didn't know how fragile he was.

He knew that Ji Chenzhou had a bad relationship with his father, so he would treat Sir Alex as his own father.

Compared to him, he grew up under the protection and care of Master Xiu, and he would have much more happiness.

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