The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1432: Sinking--

Obviously what he does makes people gritted his teeth, but he can still tell you the truth and even convince you.

It turns out that this is what Ji Chenzhou said he didn't understand...

He did this to let Master Xiu see the daily routines that might arise between them and in future life.

Naren felt very hot in his heart. This is Ji Chenzhou. He doesn't play his cards according to the normal routine, but it will always move you.

The most worrying thing about Master Xiu was that he would be bullied, but Ji Chenzhou used his method to tell Master Xiu that he would definitely be bullied because this was their life.

The real life...

Naren walked over with red eyes and nose, half-kneeling on the sofa and wiping Ji Chenzhou's face and hair.

Ji Chenzhou grabbed Naren's hand and motioned him not to move.

"Master Xiu, I just think Naren has been so innocent. I'm just a treacherous person. I bully him but spoil him. So, Master Xiu, don't worry!"

Ji Chenzhou's hand gripped Naren's hand tightly and exerted a slight force. Once he clenched the hand tightly, he didn't want to loosen it anymore.

Never want to...

What a stubborn man Xiuye ​​was, looking at Naren's eyes red, and looking at Ji Chenzhou obsessively, he felt that Naren was "married" out.

"I'm hungry, let's cook!" Master Xiu turned around indifferently, his heart swelling and painful slightly.

Later, someone loved him, petted him and protected him...

He doesn't need to worry about it anymore.

"Master Xiu, **** craft!" Ji Chenzhou got up and pinched his benevolent nose.

Naren washed his nose, avoided his hand, and looked at Master Xiu's lonely back. Naren wanted to follow, but was stopped by Ji Chenzhou, "You help me!"

Ji Chenzhou knew that Master Xiu needed someone to be quiet, he would want to understand, he needed to adapt.

Naren resisted crying, he knew that Master Xiu just couldn't let him go, just like his sister said, even when he was old, he was still a child in her and Master Xiu's hearts.

I can't let it go anyway.

Master Xiu left. After Naren and Ji Chenzhou got up, they found that he was no longer there. Naren shut himself in the room and cried all morning.

It's just because Master Xiu left a note, "Good job, you guys!"

Just these five words made Naren feel extremely uncomfortable.

Because the last thing Xiu Ye doesn't want is to write, he is uneducated, so he hates everything related to learning.

Ji Chenzhou didn't care about him either, let him cry, and when he cried enough, Ji Chenzhou hugged him tightly in his arms.

"He didn't go back until he was relieved, so we are fine!"

Ji Chenzhou gently stroked Naren's back. He cried and he felt distressed, but he wanted to release it. He cried this time and won't cry anymore.

"After waiting for a while, when I'm done, we will go back to live on the island for a while."

Naren was still sucking his nose, Ji Chenzhou smiled and comforted.

Naren looked up at Ji Chenzhou. He didn't know what Ji Chenzhou was up to. Shouldn't he be busy studying?

They are all students, what else can he do.

"Naren, staying with me will not be too easy, so you still don't know some things!"

In Ji Chenzhou's deep eyes, a dullness flashed.

Because of his identity, he is destined to not live an ordinary life and cannot avoid fighting.

"Is it dangerous?" Naren thought of Ji Chenzhou and military power. He has been with Xiu Ye for so long, and he knows what it means to have military power.

"Fool, I want to spend my life with you, how can I put myself in danger."

Seeing the tension and worry in Naren's eyes, Ji Chenzhou kissed his forehead.

So light, yet so heavy emotions.

"Ji Chenzhou, you said that you must not do dangerous things for the rest of your life."

I don't know why, the benevolent mouth is a little bored, and it always vaguely feels that something will happen.

What a keen person Ji Chenzhou is, he saw the change in that benevolence's eyes, and he began to worry about what he was doing.

Although he can't ask questions, but he has already started to think about it...

Naren's simplicity prevents him from hiding his emotions.

"Fool, come, I will show you our home!"

Ji Chenzhou changed the subject and took Naren to the study.

"What catches your eyes……"

Living here is not the first time I have moved in...

"Close your eyes!" Ji Chenzhou emptied Naren's eyes with his hands.

He was really afraid that he would open the door and see what was inside, he would be shocked...

"What are you doing?" Naren closed his eyes obediently, with a faint smile on his mouth.

A little shy, this kind of bridge is always seen on TV.

"I'm really afraid that it will scare you... slow down!" Ji Chenzhou circled Naren behind, and the two walked slowly in tandem.

"Ji Chenzhou, I didn't watch..." Naren was shocked when he heard that, and immediately stopped leaving.

Ji Chenzhou is such a bad person, what he said is scary, it will definitely not be fun.

Ji Chenzhou opened a door, then pushed Naren in, "No peeking!"

"I don't look at it, don't scare me..." Naren's eyes were covered by Ji Chenzhou's hand, and even if he opened his eyes, he couldn't see anything.

He panicked...

"Coward, I mean you, would love to be scared too much..."

Looking at his collection, Ji Chenzhou wondered how long he has not been here.

It seems that since Chu Baiqing became ill, he hadn't been to this room because he was too busy.

"I don't want..." Before Naren finished speaking, Ji Chenzhou let go.

All the cameras caught him...

He blocked what he was going to say abruptly, and didn't look at it...

Naren opened his mouth in astonishment. He had lived here for so long, and he didn't know that all the camera collections in this room...

At first glance, these are not newly prepared, but some time in the collection, there is a camera in every glass cabinet.

Many of them were what Naren wanted but couldn't. After a glance, there were many of them. They were more collectible than the retro cameras Ji Chenzhou gave him.

In fact, his liking does not lie in the value of the collection, but really likes it too much.

"Sure enough..."

Ji Chenzhou stretched out his hand to slightly lift Naren's chin and close it for him.

"Ji Chenzhou, this is all you...have collected?"

Naren walked up to a camera in surprise. It was his long-time SLR.

Only three are available, priceless...

"Call your husband, the cameras here are all yours!"

Ji Chenzhou teased Naren, knowing that his shy temperament would not be called.

"Husband..." Who knew that Naren was so refreshed and raised.

Moreover, the voice was loud and with unconcealable joy, Ji Chenzhou originally wanted to amuse him, but was startled by Naren and looked at him stupidly.

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