The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1437: Sinking-Ji Shenzhou, let's break up!

Naren's low voice came from behind, and his face was pale as he propped his hand on the car door.

He saw more murder scenes, but he was not so afraid for a moment.

Because he deeply knew that if this person did not speak, Ji Chenzhou would definitely kill him.

"Put down and grab..." Naren's hand on the door of the car was shaking, even with his voice.

He visually observed that Ji Chenzhou was hitting that person with the two grabs on his left and right shoulders, which might leave him disabled.

"Go and stay in the car!"

Ji Chenzhou looked at Naren's pale appearance, his eyes were full of storms, and he felt distressed.

The reason why Ji Chenzhou is so angry is because there is Naren in the car, and he has always been in danger.

Too many people want his life, but he doesn't allow anyone to hurt Naren, not even a single strand of hair.

"I'll let you lay down and grab!" Naren yelled at Ji Chenzhou, with flushed face and scarlet eyes, Naren was completely angry.

Han Bing is a feudal person, and if someone lives here today, there will be feudalism implicated.

Naren didn't want anyone to cause trouble. Besides, neither he nor Ji Chenzhou were injured, but the car was damaged again.

"I let you get in the car!"

Ji Chenzhou was also angry, and he was about to ask who sent these people tonight.

What he was thinking about was Ji Jiu, but he also felt that someone so deep in Ji Jiu City Mansion would not do such a reckless thing, so who would it be?

Han Bing was very embarrassed to stand there. He wanted to persuade, but he didn't know what to say.

The young master always said that Ji Shao was very calm in doing things, but what he saw today was not the case.

Obviously these two people quarreled, so Ji Shao was like this.

Naren smiled and got into the car, but in the driving position. Naren could drive, but he didn't drive often.

The car had just been hit, when it was driven away with a bang.

"Naren..." Ji Chenzhou shouted at the taillights of the car.

Hanbing gave his subordinate a look, and immediately jumped into the car to chase him.

"Ji Shao, leave these people to me for interrogation!"

Han Bing took advantage of Ji Chenzhou to see where Naren's car disappeared and took the grab from him.

Ji Chenzhou looked at the man who fell on the ground, "Trouble!"

Ji Chenzhou exhaled, and his mood gradually calmed down. There were always times when he couldn't control himself because of his mother's death, as if he was stunned.

This hatred has been suppressed in his heart for too long...

Naren drove all the way back to school, because when he first came here, he felt strange, but he felt very peaceful inside.

During the holidays, there are not many people in the school, only a few people, most of whom are well mixed with the dormitory and live in the school.

Naren sat on the steps, looking at the night sky, the evening breeze was very cold, and Naren felt very wronged.

He didn't want to cry, but couldn't help it. After he discovered that he was with Ji Chenzhou, he seemed to have cried back all the tears of these years.

Na Rense shrank, very cold...

It’s always warm on the island, Naren misses the soft sandy beach and the blue water...

His cell phone kept ringing, but Naren didn't answer. He knew it was Ji Chenzhou...

He told Ji Chenzhou to let go of his hatred and stay away from danger, which he believed was not wrong.

However, Ji Chenzhou lost his temper with him, saying that he didn't understand anything.

He doesn't understand, he knows he hurts, he hurts, so he loves him more and doesn't want him to continue like this.

People are hypocritical. Did Ji Chenzhou and him lose their temper very often?

There are even more extreme things, but how did he come here at that time?

Why do I feel so wronged and so uncomfortable now...

In the final analysis, he didn't want Ji Chenzhou to have an accident, he was afraid of him...

If these people want his life today, they might be dead now...

Thinking of this possibility, Naren felt cold in his heart, and was about to suffocate.

He took out his phone and watched Ji Shenzhou's name flashing on the screen...

Then he answered, Ji Chenzhou's breathing was heavy on the phone, "Where is the school so big, where are you?"

Ji Chenzhou was also at the school, and the people who followed, were not familiar with the school, and lost Naren.

Although Ji Chenzhou is a student of this school, he has never been there a few times.

The huge school only has a few street lights at night, and it is difficult to find where to hide people.

Naren didn't answer the phone and couldn't find anyone. Ji Chenzhou was worried about him again, so his tone was very aggressive.

Naren buried his head between his knees, listening to Ji Chenzhou's voice over the phone, he was angry?

Shouldn't it be him who should be angry?

"Speak!" Ji Chenzhou yelled again without getting Naren's response.

At this time, Ji Chenzhou was a little flustered, and the appearance of Naren standing by the car door with a pale face was always in his mind, making him upset.

"Ji Chenzhou, let's get out of here, go anywhere, live a simple life, and stay away from these dangers, okay?"

Naren's tone was very soft and light, even with some hollowness.

"Tell me where you are first?" Ji Chenzhou on the phone suppressed his anger. Obviously, he didn't want to talk about this topic.

"How about you? We will leave tomorrow, I will listen to you everything, OK?"

Naren closed his eyes. In fact, he knew the answer himself, who was Ji Chenzhou, what he absolutely did, and what he had been doing all these years, how could he let go.

Even if he loves himself, he will not give up his hatred for love.

"Naren, don't care about my business, don't make any more trouble, tell me now, where are you?"

Ji Chenzhou couldn't explain many things to Naren clearly, because what he said would only make him more worried.

From the day his mother died, he vowed to make those who should pay the price be punished.

"Am I making trouble? If those people really wanted your life just now, you and I are dead now..."

Naren's voice is still hollow, Ji Chenzhou is not afraid, he is afraid, he is not afraid of death, but afraid of losing him...

"It's not all right now. I will come out with bodyguards in the future, so this kind of thing will never happen again. Tell me where you are and let's go home. Can you stop playing tricks and make trouble again!"

Ji Chenzhou couldn’t find Naren everywhere, he was already very anxious, and Naren said here again that he didn’t like listening

You and I are already dead. Ji Chenzhou doesn't want to hear that. What happened tonight was something he hadn't expected. From now on, he promised that he would not let Naren experience such things again.

Is he playing tricks? Is he making trouble? Naren thought this was ridiculous.

He heard the impatience in Ji Chenzhou's tone, this is because he is annoying...

Naren, why are you doing this? What you care about is just trouble with him...

"Ji Chenzhou, break up!"

Naren hung up after speaking without hesitation.

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