The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1439: Sinking--Ji Chenzhou has another man...

When Qin Nan said to calm down with each other last night, Ji Chenzhou knew very well in his heart that Naren wanted to use a breakup to threaten him to abandon his stay here and take him away.

He never thought about him, why did he do this...

"We are not suitable for conversation now!"

Chu Baiqing held a child in one hand and turned to leave.

He probably knew why Ji Chenzhou and Naren quarreled.

I think it was Naren who knew what Ji Chenzhou was walking, how dangerous what he was doing.

He wanted to break up to force Ji Chenzhou to let go of what he was doing now.

One is silly and the other is attachment. This matter can only be solved by them.

Chu Baiqing couldn't help Naren say Ji Chenzhou, let it go.

He can't say to Ji Chenzhou, then break up and do what you want.

He knew that Ji Chenzhou did this because of the hatred in his heart, and he also knew that Naren did not want Ji Chenzhou to have an accident.

Ji Chenzhou lay on the bed and kept looking at the ceiling until he was unable to urinate before getting up.

It has been more than a week since that night, Ji Chenzhou did not call again, nor did he send messages to Naren.

I never came to him...

Naren looked out the window blankly. He admitted that he had never thought of breaking up, but wanted to use the break up to let Ji Chenzhou put down what he was doing now.

He was forcing him, but, obviously, Ji Chenzhou did not accept his persecution.

He also told him with facts, his decision and choice.

He accepts the breakup, he still has to do his own thing.

When Qin Nan returned with the takeaway, Naren was still sitting by the window.

When he went out just now, he was sitting here in this position.

It seems that he hasn't moved...

"Come and eat, barbecue rice!"

Qin Nan felt very distressed looking at Naren.

Na Ren did not move, still looking out the window blankly.

"Why don't I call Ji Shenzhou..."

Qin Nan has been saying this for the past few days. Faced with such a situation, he did not rashly call Ji Shenzhou.

Obviously, this time he did not expect that Ji Chenzhou would never appear.

No matter what the problem is between the two, just calm down and make it clear.

He said that you should calm down, but he didn't say that you should calm down for so long!

"Qin Nan, don't... I have broken up with him..."

Speaking of the two words breaking up, Naren felt distressed and couldn't breathe.

He and Ji Shenzhou broke up, broke up...

"We broke up, we have to eat too, don't you think I am thinner..."

Qin Nan took care of Naren these few days and got angry with him, and didn't eat and rest well.

Naren turned his head and looked at Qin Nan, with sore eyes.

He knew that he made Qin Nan worry about him these days.

Yes, I have to eat after breaking up...

Get up and go to the table and sit down, "eat..."

Naren actually doesn't have any appetite at all, but for Qin Nan, he also has to eat.

"After dinner, follow me to the bar where I work, relax, don't hold back at home, and say you are at home alone, I don't worry."

Qin Nan works in a bar at night, and has been taking care of Naren these days. He can no longer ask for leave. He has to go to work a few days and nights.

Qin Nan was really worried about leaving him alone at home, if something happened again, he would be crazy.

"Yeah!" Naren didn't hear clearly, where Qin Nan went to work, he felt uncomfortable if he wanted to go out to get some air.

Very uncomfortable...

The kind of pain that would be torn apart at the thought of Ji Chenzhou's name was going to torture him crazy.

In the afternoon, Naren slept and woke up several times. When he woke up, he felt a headache. It would be better not to sleep than to sleep, and he was even more tired.

When Qin Nan urged him to change his clothes, Naren remembered that at noon, he promised Qin Nan to go to his work place with him.

Naren changed his clothes, and Qin Nan pushed him away.


Naren didn't like such a place very much, and he didn't know that Qin Nan used to work here.

This is not an ordinary small bar, but a membership-based, high-level private party bar.

Naren sat in the corner, and Qin Nan gave him a cocktail to relax him.

Qin Nan did a good job here, or he couldn't bring Naren in.

The music here is not that noisy, Naren listened to it, and remembered the way Ji Chenzhou was singing.

Then my heart tightens and hurts...

He took a sip of the cocktail, which tasted good, and Naren took two more sips.

He drinks a bottle of beer, and Naren is already a little dizzy after drinking this glass of cocktail.

Naren felt that he should have drunk too much, or else he would see Ji Chenzhou appear in his sight...

And he was also followed by

A very beautiful man, really can only be described as beautiful, really amazingly beautiful, a man...

Naren shook his head. He must have been drinking too much. How could Ji Chenzhou be with other men.

Let it be his, he said he only loves him, wants him, only be with him...

No, they are no longer together, they broke up...

So, he found another man.

I found a beautiful and fair-skinned man, right?

That benevolence smiled...

Lu Kai's whole body is about to stick to Ji Chenzhou's body, with beautiful sultry eyes, staring at Ji Chenzhou all the time, "Ji Shao, I want to..."

Lu Kai was born with an image, but he was like a proud peacock.

Fingers lightly tapped Ji Chenzhou's chest, rubbing his body.

"Don't let me kick you down!"

Ji Chenzhou's tone was very deep, if it weren't for Lu Kai's eldest brother Lu Ming, Ji Chenzhou would have kicked him.

"You kick, and I climbed up!"

Lu Kai didn't take Ji Chenzhou's warning to his heart at all. Otherwise, he would be so scornful that even Ji Chenzhou could not be trusted.

Lu Ming just bowed his head and drank, "Sink the boat, forbearance, he has a birthday today!"

His brother knew best that he was faceless in Ji Chenzhou.

Today is Lu Kai's birthday, and he wants his eldest brother to invite Ji Chenzhou, otherwise he will make trouble.

Lu Ming had no choice but to talk to Ji Shenzhou. As a brother, Ji Shenzhou could not refuse.

After hearing Lu Ming's words, Ji Chenzhou took a sip of wine irritably.

Looking at that beautiful man, Naren was about to lie on Ji Chenzhou's body, and he didn't get angry. Doesn't he like others rubbing against him?

I don't like it...

Naren got up slightly drunk, and walked towards Ji Chenzhou staggeringly.

He just wanted to ask if they broke up, did they break up...

How could he not figure it out, did they divide...

When he saw Naren, Ji Chenzhou was also taken aback, so that when Lu Kai kissed him on his lips, he did not push him away.

Naren watched him just in front of him, kissing other men...

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