The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1459: Sinking—Who owns the child? (Four thousand words)

Even when Ji Chenzhou was a **** before, Naren never said that he would find someone else.

Why do you have to find someone else if you just have a fight.

Looking at Naren's unsalty and indifferent expression, Chu Baiqing laughed. It turned out that their little Naren could play tricks.

"It's nice to be gentle, then see you, just like to know more friends!"

As soon as Chu Baiqing finished speaking, their Gu Jue stared.

Where would Gu Jue let Naren go to find someone else, and when he turned back, his third son wouldn't have to stay with them for a lifetime.

"Then Naren, although our family Shenzhou has a bad temper, it is good to you. Those messy people outside are just your simple nature, don't be cheated to death!"

Gu Jue had always spoken straight and straight, and his words immediately caused Chu Baiqing's cold eyes.

The look was telling him, don't speak, don't speak.

Naren didn't speak either, he just listened to what Sir Alex said, and what he said was right. I was deceived when I went out with my IQ.

"Narren in our family is unwilling to play with his heart, and everyone is a fool when he meets Ji Chenzhou's kind!"

Qin Nan was quite afraid of Gu Jue, but still mumbled quietly.

Is Ji Chenzhou still a human? He was almost perfected, and his heart and eyes were gone.

There are a few people like Ji Chenzhou in the world.

Chu Baiqing felt that Qin Nan was very cute, and had the same temperament as Naren, but with no **** temper.

On the way back, Gu Jue said Chu Baiqing, "Even if the third son is annoying, but that is also our son. You are indirectly instigating the daughter-in-law to give him a cuckold."

"You said that Naren's mind is simple, but you are clever and stupid!"

Chu Baiqing rubbed his temples, his family Gu Jue had this temper, how did he endure him for so many years.

"Why did I mess with you again?" Gu Jue was blushing with a stern face that Chu Baiqing said.

That was because he didn't dare to get angry at their family Chu Baiqing, and felt extremely depressed.

"Narenna said that deliberately. If we want us to send a message to Shen Zhou, then Chen Zhou's temperament knows that he is going to meet another man, and he doesn't kill him immediately."

Chu Baiqing sighed. As for Gu Jue, a person who doesn't like to use his mind, if you don't explain it to him, he himself would not understand.

"Fuck, Naren, kid, this is a long brain, I can think of it all."

Gu Jue smiled. In his heart, he always thought that Naren was the silly rabbit, but he didn't want to and was conscious.

"Naren is soft-hearted after all. He is wronged in his heart, and has to find a step for his third son."

"Your third son always said that Ren doesn't care about him. He thinks that everyone is him. He is so high-profile, that kind of temperament, all his emotions are in his heart. If the child is young, can he not care? Your third son is jealous. ."

Chu Baiqing looked at the scenery outside the car window, and saw Naren today, although he was in good condition.

He didn't ask Ji Shenzhou about it either. He knew in his heart that Ji Shenzhou would definitely live in their home, so there was no need to worry.

Ji Chenzhou always said that he knew Naren best, so why didn't Naren understand him.

By doing this, Naren could give Ji Chenzhou a step for him to step down, and also allow Ji Chenzhou to take him back. Another one, Ji Chenzhou would not dare to do so, regardless of his wishes.

This is that if two people have been together for a long time, you will naturally know what methods are most useful to punish each other.

"Shen Zhou cares about him!"

Gu Jue was also not happy because Chu Baiqing cared too much about the child before, so he was particularly able to understand the current state of the third son.

"Naren doesn't care about him? Naren's love is deeper."

Chu Baiqing thought of the knight and the treasure, what if Naren knew the truth one day?

Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing returned home, Ji Chenzhou was still sitting on the sofa, Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu was picked up by his grandparents, and the house was quieter.

Ji Chenzhou was bored and didn't ask about the situation of Naren and the child, that posture was just waiting for his father and little mother to take the initiative.

Who knows that the couple directly looked for an old movie and watched it, and even ate melon seeds.

Ji Chenzhou was very upset when he heard the sound of eating melon seeds.

Tossed on the sofa, and finally sat up.

"I'm so annoying, can you stop eating!"

Ji Chenzhou was irritable and depressed, and his tone was very aggressive.

"Fuck me, I eat sunflower seeds at my house. It’s up to you. You’re willing to stay. Hurry up and **** me. No wonder Naren is going to date another man. Just like you, I should have kicked you a long time ago and find a good man. ..."

Gu Jue ate melon seeds as he talked, and the sound of eating was very loud.

Chu Baiqing immediately pulled Gu Jue's arm on purpose and motioned him to stop talking.

When Ji Chenzhou heard his father say that Naren was dating other men, Ji Chenzhou exploded immediately.

"Who does he date with?" There was anger in his eyes.

This Naren took the child away from home and "returned to her mother's house" without saying that he still dared to date other men?

Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing gave him a look, "What does it have to do with you?"

Then we ate melon seeds and watched a movie together, and no one paid him any attention.

How could Ji Chenzhou care if they didn't look at him, and ran out without wearing slippers.

"If Changqing can let him in, I'll call him Dad."

Gu Jue shook his head and continued to eat melon seeds. He hadn't noticed before, this thing was quite delicious.

"I have to call you angrily in a while for manpower!"

Chu Baiqing glanced at Gu Jue's cell phone and said.

Gu Jue hurriedly turned off the phone, thinking that he changed the password for the door, and turned off the doorbell by the way, lest his third son would have to come back for a while.

I thought that the third son couldn't get in, and he was cold outside, but he didn't change in the end.

After all, I still feel sorry for his third son...

"You are also off, or call you to find me soon!"

Gu Jue brought Chu Baiqing's cell phone again and wanted to turn it off.

"No, I have blocked him, if the hospital calls, I can't get him."

Chu Baiqing has always been thoughtful and thoughtful in doing things, and she has blocked her third son before.

"My wife is the smartest!"

As soon as Gu Jue said, he kissed Chu Baiqing's lips, making trouble while the child was away.

The third son is not there either, and he is not doing good to his wife...

Xiuye ​​Villa

Ji Chenzhou looked at the closed door and looked at the indifferent Evergreen.

"Naren said, I won't see you!"

Chang Qing repeated this three times.

However, Ji Chenzhou just stood there lazily without speaking, eyes sharp like a dormant leopard.

Even if Changqing is calm, Ji Chenzhou has been standing like this for more than 20 minutes, and he is still a little uncertain about what he wants to do.

Naren stood by the window on the second floor, holding the baby in his arms. It was past five o'clock in the afternoon and it was still dark.

How long Ji Chenzhou stood there, and how long Naren stood here, with a smile on his mouth.

"Your father is actually pretty good everywhere, but he has a bad temper. He must be cured, or he will be more excessive in the future."

The baby giggled, as if he had also seen Ji Chenzhou, reaching out his hand to touch the window.

Naren put the baby and coaxed to sleep, Ji Chenzhou still stood there with Changqing, and did not speak.

Evergreen at the station is hungry...

Qin Nan ate the apple and looked at Naren, "Don't let him in?"

Qin Nan knew Naren well, so he wouldn't go on a date with any man.

You can't even take a look at it, it's nothing more than asking Sir Alex and Chu Shao to pass a message to Ji Chenzhou.

The benevolent and innocent person in their family is like a little girl, who will not betray Ji Chenzhou at all.

"Don't let go, I hurt for two days after that night, and he just stood for a while."

Naren said so, but he felt distressed in his heart.

Qin Nan curled his lips and continued to look at his plaster legs eating apples.

"If you really think so in your heart, let him stand for a lifetime."

Master Xiu walked in steadily, with a very aggressive tone.

"Master Xiu..." Naren glanced at Qin Nan before calling out Master Xiu.

Qin Nan bit the apple and did not let go, Master Xiu is back...

"What about the child?"

Master Xiu's face was not good, and he didn't even glance at Qin Nan.

"Sleeping upstairs..." Naren quickly got up, he saw that Master Xiu was unhappy.

This kind of unhappiness seems to be depressing, and logically speaking, it should not be so.

If Master Xiu came back, Chang Qing must have told him that he had a quarrel with Ji Shenzhou...

Master Xiu went upstairs directly, and Naren sat back again.

Qin Nan still bit the apple, eyes full of loneliness.

In the end, Naren took the apple out of his mouth.

"I am transparent in his eyes..."

Qin Nan's tone was calm, but sorrowful.

Naren saw him red eyes, this was the result everyone knew.

He still doesn't know the temperament of Master Xiu? The things he decides never change easily.

His heart is harder than anyone...

"Brother Nan, give up! Master Xiu and you are really impossible..."

Naren really felt sorry for Qin Nan and squatted down beside him.

"No... don't let go."

Qin Nan's eyes were red and still stubborn, he couldn't let go of this person.

"You know I am thick-skinned, it's okay, transparent is transparent...One day, he will see me..."

Qin Nan looked at the direction of the stairs, which was the place where Master Xiu walked just now.

After ten o'clock in the evening, Naren went out...

When Chang Qing saw him come out, he went in without saying anything.

Naren lowered his head, Ji Chenzhou looked at him, and there was a beautiful carved iron gate between them.

"Isn't going to meet a man?" In the end, Ji Chenzhou spoke first.

The tone was heavy, but there was still no anger.

However, his face was just as gloomy as his tone.

Naren slightly raised his head to look at Ji Chenzhou.

"Well, this is not just about to see you!" Naren's tone was light, with a slight smile on his face.

It is this kind of non-salty and not light that makes Ji Chenzhou angry again.

"Naren, if you dare to meet a man, I will kill him first and then kill you!"

I can stand with Chang Qing with big eyes and small eyes for a few hours without moving.

However, when Naren said he wanted to see a man, Ji Chenzhou jumped angrily.

"Then you kill yourself first!"

Naren gathered the thin shirt on his body.

"What am I..." Before Ji Chenzhou finished speaking, he realized that something was wrong.

The suffocated face was flushed, angry, annoyed, and speechless...

"Kill!" The corner of Naren's mouth turned upwards and said again.

"If I die, you won't be a widow!" Ji Chenzhou finally didn't hold it back and smiled...

The two were just separated by a door, smiling.

"That's better than being killed in bed by you!" Naren laughed, and said coldly.

Ji Chenzhou also knew that he was a bit too much that night, and wanted to be fierce...

"Well, I won't do that anymore, don't be angry!"

Ji Chenzhou was coaxing Naren.

Reached in through the gap of the carved flowers to hold Naren's hand.

"No?" Naren took a step back...

Ji Chenzhou really wanted to blow up this **** door.

"It's just not like that..."

Ji Chenzhou would be considered to understand this, their family's benevolence has changed, this is to ensure that he will not be forced to ignore his will in the future.

However, Ji Chenzhou couldn't just agree to any conditions just to coax him.

What would he do if his family would treat him in the future instead of doing that with him?

Naren can absolutely do this, and now he does it once every three days.

If you do it once, you will have to make a quick decision. After that, it is very possible to do it once a week, or even three times a month, with timing.

Thinking about Ji Chenzhou, he feels that he has nothing to love. He is particularly addicted to Naren’s owes. If you ask him to do it every two or three days, he can’t stand it.

Naren knew what Ji Chenzhou thought in his heart, and he wouldn't let him in unless he was clear.

Seeing Naren not speaking, Ji Chenzhou finally gritted his teeth and compromised.

"You don't want to do it in the future, I will never force it!"

Ji Chenzhou stared angrily at Naren who was happy after hearing what he said.

I was so depressed...

"Ji Chenzhou, if a man speaks, he counts."

Naren opened the door according to the code and smiled at Ji Chenzhou.

"Am I a man, do you want to try?" Ji Chenzhou said in a bad tone, took Naren's hand and walked inside.

Missing a child...

Naren blushed again, "Shameless!"

Ji Chenzhou took Naren into the living room, and Master Xiu was smoking a cigarette while sitting on the sofa.

"Wife, hungry!" Ji Chenzhou kissed Naren on the cheek, unexpectedly acting like a baby.

"I... I'll cook a bowl of noodles for you, stop making trouble!"

Naren pinched Ji Chenzhou's arm, angrily and annoyed, he didn't mean to make Master Xiu angry.

Naren hurried into the kitchen.

Ji Chenzhou walked in swaggeringly and sat on the sofa.

"Who allowed you to sit down?" Master Xiu said in a deep tone.

The smoke is a bit fierce.

"Standing for a few hours..."

Ji Chenzhou beat his leg, who was tired from standing for hours.

"That's what you deserve, who made you bully Naren."

Master Xiu glanced at the direction of the kitchen and then at Ji Chenzhou.

"I love him, okay..."

Ji Chenzhou is really going crazy, why does everyone know what happened to him and Naren that night?

As if he was a beast, so hungry...

"You still have the face to say."

Master Xiu glared at Ji Chenzhou, is it so painful?

Ji Chenzhou felt wronged, everyone said he...

"I ask you, knight and baby, whose child is it? Tell me the truth."

Master Xiu lit another cigarette, and asked Ji Chenzhou a little irritably.

Ji Chenzhou suddenly raised his head when asked by Master Xiu.

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