The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1461: Chapter 1467

The woman's voice was gentle and hoarse.

Naren stiffened. On the day he went to the cemetery, he did not see Tan Meng's mother...

Why is she here...

Do you know the existence of children and come to have children?

Tan Meng said at the beginning, don’t let people in their family know, the child will give him and Ji Chenzhou...

Naren's mind is very confused now, but Ji Chenzhou is not there at this time.

However, it was Tan Meng's mother, who was standing outside, and her face was haggard. It was impossible for him not to open the door to her.

Naren opened the door, and Tan Meng's mother walked in and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Just so gently, with six words of apology, Naren couldn't say a word.

This is the difference between the vicissitudes of old people and the inexperienced young people.

Mother Tan was asked to sit down, Naren was going to pour tea, and Mother Tan stopped him, "No trouble, Mr., I'm here to see the children..."

Mother Tan rubbed her hands. Even though she is now haggard, she can still be seen as a beautiful and delicate woman.

Now she became like this because she lost her young daughter.

Naren's hand was shaking slightly, and it was indeed for the child.

If they want to return to the child, he and Ji Chenzhou have no stand to stop them. After all, they are Tan Meng’s child...

Naren didn't say anything. In fact, he couldn't say anything to refuse, and he couldn't say that I would go and hold the baby for you...

In a stalemate, Naren knew that this was wrong, that was Tan Meng's mother, but if you asked him to return the child, he couldn't do it.

The knight and the baby are the children of him and Ji Chenzhou...

"After you dated Mengmeng, she went home and told me about you, saying that you are a very real person, a rare good person, and I am very satisfied with you!"

Mother Tan looked at Naren with sadness in her eyes.

Naren's heart ached. He had heard his sister say that Mengmeng was very satisfied with him. Later he told her that he liked men and was impossible with her.

She told him tolerantly, they can be friends, Tan Meng is a good girl...

"But, why is Mengmeng so good about you, want her to be pregnant... even if she knows she has cancer, she...give you children..."

"She likes you so much, but you want her to conceive you and... another man... have a baby... how can you do such cruel things..."

Mother Tan cried suddenly, looking at Naren with hatred, anger, anger, and disappointment...

As if Naren was struck by lightning, the whole person froze there...

Head rumbling, what did he hear?

Although Tan Meng's mother said intermittently, her voice was unusually clear.

Pregnant... he and another man...

Naren felt that his heart was blocked by something, he couldn't breathe anymore, his whole body was locked there, and he couldn't straighten his body in pain...

No wonder Ji Shenzhou would let Mengmeng move to live at home, so taking care of Mengmeng, it's no wonder the child has the surname Ji...

No wonder Ji Shenzhou will take care of the affairs of Mengmeng...

The knight and the baby are the children of him and Ji Chenzhou...

It's them...

Mengmeng was pregnant...

It's like when he asked Young Master Chu to use Ji Chenzhou's Mi Qingzi to find a woman to conceive and give birth to a child.

It's just that the woman is Mengmeng...

But he didn't know all of this. Mengmeng didn't tell him, and Ji Chenzhou didn't tell him, why...

"It's not that her cancer cannot be treated, even if it is not cured... at least it will not die so quickly. She is not treated because of the child in her stomach... Why should she be treated like this... Ji Shao is the son of the president. But it can't kill a person like this..."

"You want a child... who can't get pregnant, why is Mengmeng, why is Mengmeng of our family... She is such a good child, how can you bear to treat her like this..."

What else will Mother Tan say, Naren can't hear him...

Ji Chenzhou knew that Mengmeng was ill, and let her get pregnant. Why?

Naren didn't know why, his brain was so messed up that he couldn't hear anything.

It wasn't until he saw Mother Tan kneeling before him that Naren came back to his senses.

This is Tan Meng's mother, a mother who has just lost her daughter. How can she kneel on him, this person who indirectly killed his daughter...

He once regretted not discovering that Mengmeng was ill. If he found out earlier, she might not die.

However, Ji Chenzhou had already known...

"Auntie, get up... I'm a bit messy now... Will you go back first?"

"I will give you an explanation...but, not now...I need to be quiet..."

Naren is really messy, and he also feels that his body can't support it.

"I want my daughter's child...that was born by my daughter's give it back to me...please..."

Mother Tan was also very excited, clutching Naren's trouser legs tightly.

He grabbed the phone on the table, and when he swiped the screen, his hands couldn't shake.

Although his mind is confused, he also knows what to do if he falls and the child is taken away.

Even if this is Tan Meng's mother, it won't work...

When the phone was connected, Naren didn't care about Mother Tan clutching his trouser leg and begging.

"The Lord Sir Alex will come to my house... immediately...520520..."

Naren did not forget to tell Ferguson the password in the end.

"Auntie, don't do this...I will explain to you..."

Naren knelt and sat there, his body trembling couldn't pull Mother Tan, and he knelt after her casually.

He flushed anxiously, these sudden things really made him almost unbearable.

If you say why you haven’t fallen down yet, it’s probably because you are worried about your child...

Whatever you want can hold...

"What do you explain? You didn't let us know about the existence of the child... You didn't want to give us the child... Don't know how you threatened Mengmeng... That silly boy didn't even say... You gave birth to a child and died...the death is unclear..."

Mother Tan held Naren's arm tightly and shook it fiercely.

Naren just feels that his headache is not good, as if the blood is flowing backward...

There were countless shadows shaking in front of him, and those who knew or didn't knew all rushed to him, as if they wanted to kill him.

When he heard Ferguson's voice calling him, he finally couldn't hold back and fell.

When he fell, he heard Mother Tan say, "You killed my daughter..."

When Ji Chenzhou drove to the restaurant he opened, Ji Jiu was waiting for him in his room.

It was Naren’s favorite peach oolong tea...

Ji Chenzhou kicked open the door and walked in gloomily.

"I just like to see you angry, even if your city is deep, you haven't learned your father's half tolerance."

Ji Jiu sat there, holding a transparent glass in his hand, drinking a sip of tea, smiling at Ji Chenzhou and said.

Ji Jiu and Ji Shenzhou are somewhat imaginative, and they are not a few years old, but Ji Jiu is a bit more calm and restrained than Ji Shenzhou.

"Ji Jiu, do you think you can continue to be arrogant?" Ji Chenzhou has never been so passive. He has always suppressed Ji Jiu. He has never been provoked so repeatedly.

"As long as the things you want are with me, I think I will probably continue to do this, what to do, I just want to die, you must protect me well, otherwise, your mother..."

Ji Jiu talked and laughed, that laughter is really as arrogant as it is.

Before Ji Jiu had finished speaking, he received a punch from Ji Chenzhou. This punch was so powerful that he knocked Ji Jiu from his chair to the ground.

"You will only become irritated. Sure enough, that sentence is very correct. Love will make people's IQ lower. You Ji Chenzhou can only do this now..."

Ji Jiu was lying on the ground, with blood from the corners of his mouth, looking at Ji Chenzhou with disdain...

His laughter became more and more frantic. When it comes to forbearance, he admires his mother most. If she hadn't been able to endure it for so many years, how could he be resurrected today...

Yes, Ji Jiu is alive again, and this time he will slowly torture Ji Chenzhou and his presidential father.

See who is going to have the last laugh. He has something fatal to Ji Chenzhou in his hand. As long as he holds this thing, he will be fine for the rest of his life.

It will only be his Ji Shenzhou who is suffering...

"Ji Jiu, do you think I am afraid of you? There are a thousand ways to kill you, so don't die in such a hurry!"

Ji Chenzhou kicked Ji Jiu's belly again. In fact, he knew very well that he couldn't kill Ji Jiu before he got what he wanted.

Because once that thing is exposed, it will be a lifetime shame for his dead mother and for everyone.

"Ji Chenzhou, you come to kill me... Kill me... You dare not, haha, there are things in the world that Ji Chenzhou doesn't dare to, it's really exciting."

Ji Jiu smiles presumptuously, smiles ferociously...

"You are not just a phone call from me, and you can be recruited. You are really more obedient than a dog!"

When Ji Jiu said such a beating, he was kicked by Ji Chenzhou again.

"I want you to have a good time today, because...the moment you go home, you will be upset for the rest of your life. Do you think you are hiding it well? You think no one will know what you are doing? Now Tan Meng's mother is already there. When you are at home, you will tell him what you did with Naren, what will you say about him? I think he will definitely leave you as a murderer... He will definitely, haha, Ji Chenzhou, you will lose him... …It’s so happy..."

Ji Jiu didn't seem to care about the pain on his body, and said loudly to Ji Chenzhou.

The more fierce Ji Chenzhou hit him, the faster he said...

"Ji Jiu, wait for you to die!" Ji Chenzhou finally kicked Ji Jiu's stomach before turning to leave.

Naren knew, Naren knew, and let him know.

Ji Jiu called himself out to get Tan Meng's mother to find Naren at their house.

This was not what someone told Naren, but Tan Meng's mother.

What kind of language and emotions should a mother with a dead daughter use to tell this matter, can his benevolence bear it?

The things Tan Meng's mother knew must have been told to him by Ji Jiu, so there was a bit of truth in it.

But now, no matter how much it is true, this matter was said by Tan Meng's mother, so the false will also become true, because she appeared in front of Naren as a victim.

That Ren's temperament, as well as his brother-sister relationship with Tan Meng, would be the reason why Ren would not forgive him.

Ji Jiu's move is really cruel, really cruel.

Ji Chenzhou's car was driving fast, and he wished it could fly now.

If he hadn't called just now and his father answered it, Ji Chenzhou would definitely die at this moment.

Naren felt that he had a long, long dream, very tired and tired...

Tired to the point where he can’t lift his eyelids, he keeps running in his dreams, because someone is chasing him behind, and many people are chasing him...

The one running in the front was actually Mengmeng. She said, "I don't want to die, why should I have a baby..."

Then mother Tan, she said, "Return my daughter, return my daughter... The child belongs to our Tan family, return me..."

Then there are many people, who are not aware of Naren, who shouted, "Catch this murderer, he is the murderer, the most cruel murderer in the world..."

He is a murderer...

no, he is not……

Naren shouted desperately, "I am not, I am not, I am not..."

Then those people chased Ji Chenzhou again, took a knife to cut him, and all of them ran towards Ji Chenzhou.

Naren also ran over, he wanted to drive these people away, so as not to let them hurt Ji Chenzhou.

His Ji Chenzhou is not a murderer, not...

"No, he is not a murderer, let go... he, go away..."

Naren's hand was waving wildly in the air. He saw that someone was about to chop off Ji Chenzhou's back. Naren shouted in pain and despair, "Don't...Ji Chenzhou, be careful..."

However, the knife still hit Ji Chenzhou's body.

"Ji Chenzhou..." Naren woke up suddenly and sat up.

I had a fever, but because of the shock, I was shocked in a cold sweat.

"I'm here, I'm here, it's okay..." Ji Chenzhou held Naren tightly in his arms.

Naren's body was trembling, Ji Chenzhou kept comforting him.

His father said that when he came in, Naren had fainted on the ground, his face pale and scary.

Although the person fainted, but the body was still shaking, enough to see how terrified he was...

"You...Let me see, I see..."

Although Naren was very weak, he didn't know where his strength came from. He pulled Ji Chenzhou's arm directly and looked at his back...

No injury, no blood, nothing!

"I'm okay, I'm okay, you just dreamed, well, don't be afraid!"

Ji Chenzhou looked at the worry about him in Naren's eyes. He didn't know what Naren would do to himself when he waited to wake up.

Naren breathed a sigh of relief. He was dreaming, dreaming...

He looked at Ji Chenzhou's worried expression and hugged himself tightly...

"Are the knights and babies really our children? Like Xiaoqi and Xiaojiu? Ji Chenzhou, I want you to tell the truth, are they our children..." Naren's voice trembled slightly.

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