The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1499: Sinking—"If I ask you, why don't I dare anything?" Master Xiu shouted

Change to the former Naren, he will definitely not immediately understand what this eating means.

However, now he could immediately reflect what this meant.

In fact, it's not just about eating, other people can also understand it.

"Ji Chenzhou, stop making trouble, I haven't eaten this meal yet..."

Sir Alex has cooked so many dishes, how can he not eat them? You can't rush to do that at this time.

"Just eat you!" Ji Chenzhou kept pace, but accelerated.

Just so carelessly holding Naren upstairs.

Entering the bedroom, the benevolence is irritated, "The food that Sir Alex made specially for you, how can you not eat it, it's too..."

"How's that? Little fool, the more my father is wronged, my little mother will have to feel sorry for him, comfort him, and then quickly take him home."

Ji Chenzhou was lying on the bed, touching the slightly dull face of Ren Ren, and did not rush to do it.

Naren smiled when he looked at Ji Chenzhou, and then took his hand that touched his face.

"When do you think I can become a roundworm in your stomach?"

At this time, Young Master Chu could understand why Ji Chenzhou did this.

And he would think that he didn't do it well and would make Sir Alex Ferguson angry, without seeing that he was helping Sir Alex Ferguson.

"You only need to be my wife, and the bugs are free..."

How could Ji Chenzhou fail to hear the meaning of that benevolence.

Just don't want Naren to feel that he doesn't understand himself.

"Shen Zhou, we are good, you also give me good..."

Naren was very worried about Ji Chenzhou's state.

Anyone who has experienced such a thing will not have any emotions at all.

"Am I okay?" Ji Chenzhou circled Naren into his arms and hugged gently.

"You are fine, I am worried about your state."

Naren could feel Ji Chenzhou's strong heartbeat, and he went upstairs with one hand on Ji Chenzhou's waist, and Naren pressed his ear closer to him.

"..." Ji Chenzhou's body stiffened slightly.

"You force yourself to pretend to be nonchalant like this, and it makes me even more worried. I would rather you burst out than you would be suffocated."

Naren understood that feeling. After more than five years, he couldn't let himself face it calmly.

Besides, Ji Chenzhou, who just learned the truth.

"Are you sure you want me to explode? Don't be suffocated?"

Ji Chenzhou's hands had begun to be dishonest on Naren, and his voice was hoarse and very sultry.

"You know what I'm talking about is not the suffocation... Ji Chenzhou, stop touching..."

Naren's voice is still a little bit emotional, his experience in this area is all given by Ji Chenzhou.

Therefore, Ji Chenzhou knew too well where he would be moved by teasing him.

"Then which one are you talking about? Baby..." Ji Chenzhou turned over and imprisoned Naren under him.

I don’t know when, even his pants were pushed down halfway...

"I mean... that... come in!"

Ji Chenzhou's means, where is Naren's parry.

Ren Xin knew that Ji Chenzhou didn't want to talk to him about this topic, so he didn't want to talk about it. Give him time!

"Just say you are anxious, every time you say that I forced you, look, it's more honest than you..."

Ji Chenzhou's voice is good at first, but it will be even more **** and sultry.

Xiao Naren was held by Ji Chenzhou, and Naren's clear eyes were full of blurry colors.

The room with only the bedside lamp turned on was pale yellow and dim, and set off the honey-colored and tense skin, making people sink...

After a thousand sails, even if they just hug each other, they feel doubly cherished.

However, because of the anxiety in his heart, Naren is more greedy for such embraces and touch...

When the two reached a consistent happy pace, Ji Chenzhou imprisoned Naren in his arms, as if trying to rub him into the bones and blood, but even then, he felt that it was not enough...

This night, the two people who hadn't had a meal, worked tirelessly again and again, until the end, they both lay in bed panting.

Naren said he was thirsty, Ji Chenzhou got up and went out to fetch him water, after the door was closed.

Naren looked at the ceiling, "Ji Chenzhou, you don't dare to use any force even on me..."

Naren's voice was very astringent, Ji Chenzhou had already begun to be cautious with him, and even he, who always liked to be rude in bed, had some scruples.

The last thing Naren wanted was Ji Chenzhou's owing attitude, this kind of ambivalence, as if he had no face to face him.

Xiuye ​​Villa

Master Xiu didn't let the knight and the baby come back, and the two children had fun playing there.

The main reason is that Master Xiu wants Naren and Ji Chenzhou to be alone for a while, and is also worried about what emotions the child will see.

Looking at the knight and the baby, Qin Nan remembered Tan Meng. At that time, the three of them lived together. It was a good day.

He couldn't imagine that the child in Mengmeng's stomach would be Ji Chenzhou and Naren.

The knight came to Qin Nan's side and pressed it to his ear, "I saw you walking!"

The knight's voice was very small, but it was enough for Qin Nan to hear.

"This is our secret!" Qin Nan was taken aback, then touched the knight's head, and also said in a low voice.

In Qin Nan's heart, the knight was a child, but he ignored the knight's care and calmness.

Otherwise, when Naren appeared, he would be judged to be his father and baby...

"I can't guarantee this, my fourth dad, I hope you can get better, and he is the same."

The knight glanced at Master Xiu who was coaxing the baby.

The knight didn’t understand what happened before Master Xiu and Qin Nan, but was a little afraid of Master Xiu. In his eyes, Master Xiu was the "father" of his four dads

It's like the third dad calls his big dad "father".

The knight suddenly felt that all this was chaotic.

"You understand again. Anyway, you can't say it, no one can say it, you know, the agreement between men."

Qin Nan didn't look at Master Xiu, because he should have said that he hadn't seen Master Xiu for many days.

Not looking at...

"Still...can't guarantee!" The knight was a little entangled, he wanted the fourth dad to know and make him happy.

However, the person involved does not want others to know. If he speaks out, it is not authentic, and it is really difficult.

"You sleep with me at night, I tell you why can't you say, OK?"

I don't know if it was the effect in his heart, Qin Nan could see that the knight was the kind of Ji Chenzhou.

The baby is Naren's daughter, he can see it between his eyebrows and eyes anyway.

"I'm used to sleeping alone!" The knight wanted to know why Qin Nan wanted to conceal this. On the other hand, he was entangled. He was used to sleeping alone.

"Once in a while, it doesn't matter, I can also tell you the story of my past with your four dads."

Tell the knight about the meeting when he and Naren first went to college. Now, when I recall, they are all lush years.

At that time, in his eyes, Na Ren was long and looked at ordinary people.

He never thought that one day he would enter another world.

Knowing so many people, I met Master Xiu...

"Okay! I'll sleep with you."

After all, children can't resist the temptation of curiosity.

After dinner, the knight followed Qin Nan back to the room.

Ask Qin Nan to tell him about his four dads first.

"My second dad said that my fourth dad used to blush especially, and he still stammered, didn't he?"

The knight was lying on the bed, his manners were very likable.

"Well, when I first met him, I thought he was a girl. In fact, at that time, your fourth dad blushed and it wasn't particularly obvious, because he was very dark, that little black..."

Especially in the past five years, Naren hardly walked out of the villa.

So the raised fairer, Qin Nan also said that he had lost his skin.

It's hard to connect the current Naren with the Xiaohei at that time.

"Then my four dads study well?"

"General, but he works very hard."

"Then why are you not with my fourth dad?"

"Because we are not suitable, and your third dad won't allow your fourth dad to be with others, kids don't ask this question..."

Qin Nan suddenly found out whether the Cavaliers were a bit precocious, and how such questions were asked.

"Then how did he and my third dad meet?"

The Cavaliers are usually very cold, as if they are not interested in anything other than assembling toys.

"The two of them know each other more complicatedly. Anyway, you remember that it was your third dad who chased your fourth dad."

"No, say yes, tell me the story of your four dads and me."

Qin Nan felt that this kind of problem would teach children badly.

"Then Master Xiu chased you? I think he always looks at you, and you sleep together at night."

No matter what question a child asks, it is in the same tone, and with them, this is just the question.

Qin Nan looked at the knight, can the child see it too?

Even if Qin Nan didn't go to see Master Xiu, he could still feel the light in his eyes.

"He sees everyone, we just live in one room..."

These words seemed to be what Qin Nan said to himself, rather than answering a knight's question.

"No, he only looked at you. I saw it several times, but you didn’t see it because you didn’t look at him. To be precise, are you hiding from him and hating him? I am more afraid of him, neither Will laugh..."

As soon as the knight chatter box opened, he couldn't control it.

"So I said he was chasing you, right?"

The knight asked again.

"..." Qin Nan sighed slightly, he really didn't know that the knight had so many questions.

"He is not fierce, so you don't have to be afraid of him, and I don't hate him... It's just..."

It's just something, Qin Nan can't say anything, all his emotions are buried in his heart, he wants to stay away from touch for a lifetime.

"I don't hate it, is that like it?"

The knight still asked perseveringly, as if he was very interested in this question.

"Why do you have so many questions, baby said you don't want to talk!"

Qin Nan touched the knight's head. When will he have a child of his own?

Qin Nan actually likes children very much, because his temperament is always lively.

However, this lively temperament has changed over the years and has become silent.

"Didn't we have a man and a man's secret, then we just want to form an alliance. I should know more about you.

The Cavaliers found a perfect reason for his problem.

"Ghost spirit." Qin Nan touched the knight's head indiscriminately, really like this child.

When Master Xiu walked in, he saw Qin Nan smiling happily.

Since Qin Nan's leg was mutilated, he hadn't laughed so happily in front of him.

Qin Nan, who was confused and admired when he saw him, died in that car accident.

Sure enough, Qin Nan saw Master Xiu coming in and slowly took away the smile on his face.

"The knight wants to sleep with me, go back to the room and go to sleep!" Qin Nan's voice was very low. When talking, he covered the knight with a quilt to see if he would come to see Master Xiu.

Master Xiu did not leave because Qin Nan told him to go back to the room to sleep.

Instead, I went to the bathroom, and soon there was the sound of water.

Qin Nan's face is a bit bad...

"So I was a shield?" The knight pouted slightly and found his situation.

"Nonsense, I really want to tell you a story and sleep together. This bed is just right for the two of us to sleep."

Qin Nan was a little embarrassed. He wanted the knight to sleep with him, and the knight wanted to let Master Xiu go to sleep in his room.

He sleeps with him every day without even looking at the woman he arranged. When this goes on like this, when will he be...

"What if he throws me out?"

Don't know what's going on, the knight is just afraid of Master Xiu.

"No, he won't."

As long as the knight lay here, Qin Nan was sure that Master Xiu would not come up, after all, the bed was so big.

Master Xiu took a bath very quickly, and soon the sound of water stopped.

The knight poked his head and looked in the direction of the bathroom, "I think I'd better go back to my room to sleep, lest I be thrown out, it's so shameless..."

The knight felt that his feelings were always accurate.

"With me, he dare not!" I don't know when Qin Nan gained this confidence.

Qin Nan himself knew that only those who were used to it would be so presumptuous, saying that Master Xiu would not dare.

"I dare not do anything?" Master Xiu came out of the bathroom, wearing the colored silk nightgown loosely on him.

There was a faint anger in what he said, and his voice was cold.

Qin Nan's body stiffened, and Master Xiu would be angry with him unless he was making a lot of trouble.

Master Xiu just glanced at the knight, and the knight immediately felt that the atmosphere was wrong.

"Um...I'm going back to my room to sleep..." He slipped out of the bed.

"Knight..." Qin Nan ran to the door when he saw that the knight was moving quickly, trying to call him back.

"I dare not do anything?" Master Xiu was already kneeling on the bed with one leg, pinching Qin Nan's chin, and asking him.

Qin Nan's heartbeat quickened, and tonight's Master Xiu made him look back a few years ago, with only one feeling, nervousness and fear...

Qin Nan closed his eyes and didn't look at Master Xiu...

"Ask you, why don't I dare to do anything?" Master Xiu shouted at Qin Nan.

"I'm going to sleep..."

If Qin Nan's voice was listened carefully, he could actually hear a tremor.

"Sleep?" When Master Xiu's voice fell, his vigorous hands had torn Qin Nan's clothes...

Qin Nan opened his eyes suddenly, "You...what are you doing..."

Qin Nan was deeply shocked by the terrifying look in Master Xiu's eyes...

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