The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1510: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-that's how you begged me that nigh

Feng Xi spoke slowly, with a tone like a teacher.

Obviously you are punishing people, but you can't say a word of rebuttal, and dare not say rebuttal.

Yu Sheng smiled a bit by turning off his hair, because he couldn't help it.

This is Feng Xi, who treats you solemnly, making you want to kill people with anger, but dare not say a word.

Yu Sheng still remembered that when he was sent here by President Li, President Li told her that Feng Xi's temperament looked harmless, but it was boring.

Yu Sheng didn't think it was boring, and he knew how bad you were.

Yu Sheng placed his hand on his lower abdomen unconsciously, what would happen to him if he let Feng Xi know about his pregnancy?

The disparity in strength between them is so great, how can Yu Sheng steal the child from him?

Gu Qiwen's eyes widened in surprise, her hands covering her face were shaking, so she tried again?

"President Feng...You are bullying..." Gu Qiwen said in annoyance. Now she only cares about herself, she can no longer care about Gu's family.

Gu Shaoting remained silent, and Feng Xi made it clear that he wanted to vent his anger for Yu Sheng.

And this is indeed what Gu Qiwen did wrong.

Du Xiaoyu was irritated because Feng Xi had said that he was not a man just now, and he couldn't attack.

This is the situation where the position of power is not as good as that of people.

Du Xiaoyu also secretly swears that he will return the humiliation he suffered today.

"What's wrong with just bullying you? Who told you not to have eyesight and bullied my woman."

When Feng Xi spoke, he held Yu Sheng tighter.

He liked this feeling of swearing sovereignty more and more, "My woman..."

It feels really good, Yu Sheng, my Feng Xi woman...

The words Feng Xi said before, "my woman"

Yu Sheng was just angry and annoyed, but the movement of Feng Xi just now holding her tightly, and the tone of his speech, shocked Yu Sheng's heart deeply.

That is the kind of care she has been longing for, what she needs in her heart, as she expected, "Don't be afraid, I am" is the same.

However, this person is Feng Xi, the second youngest of Feng's family, who has the right to have money and beauty. What does Yu Sheng have?

Yu Sheng suppressed the little emotion that had just moved in his heart.

Yu Sheng, you have palpitations when you are in a nervous state. Where is your sanity?

Don't you know the difference between cloud and mud?

What else Gu Qiwen wanted to say, Gu Shaoting said directly, "Yiwen, you made a mistake first, apologize to Secretary Yu, you should pay her if you beat her!"

Gu Shaoting's voice was full of majesty, with deterrence and warning.

Gu Qiwen suppressed her anger, and the two men around her, one was her brother and the other was her husband, but no one helped her.

And all this is because of that **** Yu Sheng...

Gu Qiwen sneered at the corner of her mouth, "I'm sorry Secretary Yu." Then she slapped her face.

This time the applause was loud and strong.

"Sorry Secretary Yu..." Then there was another slap, and Gu Qiwen stared at Yu Sheng from beginning to end.

Your eyes can't wait to shave her alive.

Yu Sheng looked at Gu Qiwen's fierce eyes, and knew that Feng Xi was venting her anger, but Gu Qiwen would definitely make trouble for her in the future.

And it was definitely doubled back to her, what she encountered today.

Gu Qiwen can drug her and frame her, and there is nothing she can't do.

Yu Sheng thought, to leave here as soon as possible, not for anything else, for the child in her stomach.

After Gu Qiwen slapped herself twice, she didn't fight again. In fact, even if she wanted to fight again, Yu Sheng would stop.

Yu Sheng saw Gu Qiwen shaking all over, and all the hatred was expressed on her face and body.

Feng Xi didn't care that Gu Qiwen stopped fighting. He didn't want Yu Sheng to think that he would bully women and lower prices.

"Now let's talk about the disclosure of the base price, and tell me what happened to the two hundred thousand."

Feng Xi didn't specify who he wanted to tell him or what was going on.

However, Gu Shaoting knew that he was speaking to Du Xiaoyu.

Feng Xi made it clear today that he was venting Yu Sheng and aimed at Gu Qiwen and Du Xiaoyu.

"President Feng, there is nothing to disclose the base price. It is pure misunderstanding. I lent you 200,000 to Secretary Yu."

If Du Xiaoyu continued to say that the 200,000 was bribed to Yu Sheng, then the cooperation between the Gu family and the Feng family would definitely be invalidated.

Besides, if Yu Sheng is wronged again at this time, wouldn't it be a court death.

I blame Gu Qiwen, this woman has no brains and used such things to frame Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng didn't speak, she was indeed responsible for borrowing money from Du Xiaoyu.

It's just that Du Xiaoyu also said on the phone that he had to lie to Gu Qiwen that it was bribing her money.

Then Gu Qiwen reported her, but she didn't expect to cause trouble.

After all, who should I blame for this matter?

"You lend me money to a woman? Are you richer than me?"

Feng Xi smiled and Zhang Kuangxiesi smiled, "I belong to her, and everything to me belongs to her. Does she need to take care of you borrowing money?"

Yu Sheng's face was slightly red, and a little hot, it was a pity that Feng Xi didn't become an actor.

This made him say, as if everything about him was really hers, and the tone and look in his eyes were really nothing.

Du Xiaoyu didn't expect Feng Xi to say this, and was speechless.

Where does he have Feng Xi rich...

He looked at Yu Sheng and motioned her to speak for him with his eyes.

Yu Sheng is a magnanimous person, she is indeed in charge of Du Xiaoyu borrowing money.

No matter how Du Xiaoyu made up the reason, it was because of her borrowing money.

Yu Sheng was about to speak, but he felt a pain in his shoulder. Feng Xi's hand clinging to her shoulder used force. It was a silent warning, telling her to shut up and stop talking.

Gu Qiwen sneered and looked at Du Xiaoyu. He looked at herself just now, and now she also sees him being bullied and deserves it.

Du Xiaoyu felt Gu Qiwen's scornful eyes watching the good show, his hands gradually fisted, and he knew that he and Gu Qiwen were over.

"It's my wife who has resentment towards Yu Sheng... I want to retaliate against her, that's why she made up this leaked bid. There is nothing about 200,000..."

Du Xiaoyu broke his teeth and swallowed in his stomach, don't tell me if 200,000 are gone, he has to divorce...

"Du Xiaoyu, you bastard, obviously you said..."

Gu Qiwen didn't expect Du Xiaoyu to push things to her, and roared.

"Okay!" Gu Shaoting said solemnly, "President Feng, my sister is more emotional now, I will take them back first, they quarrel, don't disturb Mr. Feng again."

Gu Shaoting said neither humble nor overbearing.

"It's really noisy. You have to remember that Yu Sheng is my woman. If you don't want to live anymore, you can provoke her!"

When Feng Xi said this, his smile was particularly brilliant, and that smile was extremely arrogant.

"President Feng, I will definitely discipline and restrain them. Please also Secretary Feng, Mr. Yu, regardless of the villain."

Gu Shaoting's expression has always been as usual, with respectful and humble tone.

"Walk slowly, don't send it!" Feng Xi squinted at Du Xiaoyu, looking straight at Yu Sheng.

He kissed Yu Sheng affectionately on the cheek. Yu Sheng stiffened and said nothing.

The play was performed to this point, and she couldn't let Feng Xi lose face at the end.

After Gu Shaoting bent his waist at Feng Xi and nodded his head, he walked out first.

After Gu Qiwen glanced at Yu Sheng unwillingly, she covered her face and followed behind Gu Shaoting.

Du Xiaoyu glanced at Yu Sheng with complicated eyes, bent at Feng Xi, and followed him away.

Yu Sheng's mood at this moment is very complicated. This is the dominance of power. People like Gu Shaoting, Gu Qiwen and Du Xiaoyu, in front of Feng Xi, nodded and bowed, not daring to say a word.

A few words from Feng Xi can turn Gu Qiwen and Du Xiaoyu into enemies...

It is really sad that the ugly face of human nature is exposed at this moment.

"Satisfied?" Feng Xi kissed Yu Sheng on the cheek intimately.

Yu Sheng didn't make up, his face was smooth, firm, and clean. Feng Xi liked this feeling very much.

Yu Sheng took back his thoughts at this time, "Thank you, Mr. Feng, I have something to do, so I will leave first!"

Yu Sheng said that he was about to get up, but Feng Xi's shoulder was severely pressed.

"That's it?" Feng Xi was a little annoyed. He wasted so much time and energy in exchange for "Thank you, Mr. Feng, I have something to do, so I will leave first!"

In exchange for this sentence?

"Well, thank you again, Mr. Feng!" Yu Sheng said seriously this time.

"Yu Sheng, I just announced that you are my woman, why would you give me this response?"

Feng Xi was annoyed. He didn't even think of her angering himself again and again, admitting that she was his woman, what else would she do?

Still holding it with him, not knowing how to raise it.

"I'm not your woman, Mr. Feng!"

Yu Sheng's face was cold and serious.

I don't know why, after knowing that he was pregnant, Yu Sheng realized that he had a feeling of being unclear about Feng Xi.

I don't know if it's because they have one more connection-the child.

It's because he just protected her and said, "My woman..."

In short, Yu Sheng can feel that some emotions have become different.

She was pretending that she didn't care, she knew it clearly.

"Yu Sheng, do you want me to hold a press conference to publish our intimate photos and announce to the public that you are my woman, do you want, eh? Do you want?"

Feng Xi turned sideways, confined Yu Sheng on the sofa, pinched her chin and pressed her.

"Don't..." Yu Sheng replied directly.

Those photos were originally intended to threaten Feng Xi, but now Feng Xi threatened her in turn.

Yu Sheng was angry and annoyed...

"Then tell me well now, are you my woman?"

Feng Xi was very satisfied with Yu Sheng's fear of exposure. It was better to be afraid. He pinched her weakness and feared that she would not be obedient.

Yu Sheng bit her lip, her body stiff, she and Feng Xi's body were pressed tightly together.

The little white hand pushed Feng Xi, but couldn't move it, "Feng President, can we sit up and talk?"

Although the two had already had a relationship, Yu Sheng was still embarrassed by the closeness between them now.

"Are you my woman?" Feng Xi looked at Yu Sheng's blushing face and knew she was shy.

However, she deliberately rubbed her body, and her slender fingers rubbed Yu Sheng's lips.

The distance between the two was very close, and the scorching breath that Feng Xi exhaled from talking hit Yu Sheng's face. The tickling sensation caused a strange electric current in Yu Sheng.

It was a feeling I had never felt before, like someone was scratching her heart again and again.

She wanted to avoid it because it was too itchy, but she felt very comfortable. This feeling was very contradictory.

"President Feng, I don't..." Yu Sheng blushed and was bleeding.

However, what Yu Sheng wanted to say, "I am not your woman..." was kissed by Feng Xi.

Feng Xi's kiss was very domineering, and he did not give Yu Sheng a chance to refuse.

Directly attacking the city, sucking and biting arrogantly, completely following his instinctive reaction.

As soon as Yu Sheng got on it, Feng Xi felt like he was going to explode all over.

It seems that there are thousands of troops roaring, yelling, "I want her, I want her, I want her fiercely..."

All Yu Sheng's reactions were so jerky, shy enough to make Feng Xi ecstatic.

But Yu Sheng is like that...

He wouldn't even be able to kiss her, his little white hands were holding his shirt tightly, as if he was a drowning person, and he couldn't breathe.

The zipper of Yu Sheng's shorts didn't know when Feng Xi opened it. When the man's well-knotted hand reached in, Yu Sheng bit on Feng Xi's tongue.

Feng Xi had to end the kiss.

Lost and intrigued by the kiss, Yu Sheng's voice was sensually hoarse, sweet to his bones.

Feng Xi tasted the blood in his mouth, and then looked at Yu Sheng's red and swollen lips that he kissed.

All irritated Feng Xi, he urgently needed to put out the fire, otherwise he would really burst into death.

Yu Sheng's eyes were covered with water vapor, as if wronged and helpless.

She was imprisoned by Feng Xi, completely unable to move.

Yu Sheng panicked when Feng Xi was about to eat her.

The doctor said that you must never exercise vigorously for the first three months, and you must not do that.

But now she can't tell Feng Xi that she is pregnant, she can't...

"Feng Xi, I beg you, let me go, take it out..."

Yu Sheng didn't dare to move, panicking and crying for Feng Xi.

How did Yu Sheng know that her crying begging for mercy would stimulate Feng Xi's Gu Qian even more.

The corner of Feng Xi's mouth was grinning, that smile was extremely seductive, and Feng Xi's handsome man was really angry.

Yu Sheng bit his lip fiercely to prevent the strange voice from slipping out of his mouth.

She wanted to call, Yu Sheng was forced to cry by Feng Xi abruptly.

Yu Sheng yelled "Jiang Yu" in a hurry

Feng Xi did not expect that Yu Sheng would call Jiangyu at this time...

Frozen there, and what Feng Xi didn't expect was that Jiang Yu actually rushed in when he heard Yu Sheng's shout.

Feng Xi smoothly pulled his shirt over Yu Sheng's body.

"Get out!" gritted his teeth and shouted at Jiang Yu who was there.

Jiang Yu immediately closed his eyes, and just about to turn around and run out, but he heard Yu Sheng's cry for help.

"Jiang Yu, save me..." Yu Sheng couldn't get rid of Feng Xi.

According to Feng Xi's posture, if it continues, the child will definitely be unable to keep it.

Yu Sheng didn't ask for help, but she didn't care so much this time.

Hearing Yu Sheng's weak cry for help, Jiang Yu couldn't get out.

Master, is this going to be stronger? If people don’t want to, don’t make it hard...

"Jiang Yu, get out of here!" Feng Xi didn't expect Yu Sheng to ask Jiang Yu for help.

He just wanted to do with her, but didn't want to kill her. Is she like this?

What's wrong with Feng Xi, making her resist so much.

"Jiang Yu, save Sister Yu..." Yu Sheng asked Jiang Yu for help again, she did not look at Feng Xi's cannibalistic eyes.

Jiang Yu stood at the door with his back to them, clutching the doorknob tightly.

One is the master and the other is the one who just called the sister. What should I do?

"Jiang Yu, why don't you get out again, you know the consequences."

Feng Xi watched Jiang Yu not moving, and finally issued a warning.

Jiang Yu naturally knew the result of disobeying the master's order, but he couldn't just watch Yu Sheng reluctantly and was forced by the young master.

"Master, Sister Yu is unwilling, or you will...that next time."

Jiang Yu didn't dare to look back. The young master had just covered it with a shirt, but there were scenes that could not be seen.

The young master didn't put on his shirt, and the zippers of his pants were unzipped. When he came in, he only caught sight of these.

"Jiang Yu, you are dead, dead..."

Feng Xi just wanted Yu Sheng again, and at this time he was softened.

"Yu Sheng, you are good, you are really good, now I let you go!"

Feng Xi got off Yu Sheng, gritted his teeth and pointed at her.

Yu Sheng wrapped Feng Xi's shirt and ran into Feng Xi's lounge with his own clothes.

After a while, Yu Sheng got dressed and walked out. Without even looking at Feng Xi, she ran towards the door with her bag and mobile phone.

At this time, where Yu Sheng is still calm, he will be completely flustered.

It was like a deer escaping from the hand of a demon.

"Jiang Yu, take her back to my villa and lock her into my bedroom. If you dare to let her go, I will chop off your hands and feet and throw you to the overpass to beg!"

Feng Xi pointed at Yu Sheng evilly and felt annoyed when he saw the tears on her face.

Gu Qianqiu's dissatisfied people were already very angry, and Feng Xi was not a good-tempered person.

Yu Sheng staggered back two steps, because the disgusting feeling hit again, she covered her mouth to prevent her reaction from showing.

Jiang Yu looked at his master with a look of embarrassment and lovelessness, "Master..."

Jiang Yu wants to say, Master, your temper comes up with roaring, catching and turning off.

When you are relieved of your anger, forget about the anger, you have to think about the law.

Why are you, chasing women is not like that.

However, these words are useless to their young master.

Jiang Yu knows too well. When their young master is angry, he won't listen to anything you say to him.

Then, when he is angry, he will say, "Then why don't you say..."

"Jiang Yu, do you want me to let you break your hands and feet now?" Feng Xi couldn't vent Gu Qian, which would dominate his emotions.

"Um... Sister Yu, go and sit at home!"

Jiang Yu looked at Yu Sheng embarrassedly, and looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Feng Xi, don't be embarrassed by Jiang Yu. I will go home and pack my things. I will move to your house, but if I disagree, you don't touch me."

Yu Sheng tried to relax as much as possible, watching Feng Xi with alert eyes.

When Feng Xi heard Yu Sheng's words, his expression immediately eased a lot.

This is the so-called cohabitation, right?

Slowly cultivate your feelings, and then you will have a child by doing it, not bad...

"Okay, I agree!"

Feng Xi readily agreed, but he didn't believe it. He was so handsome and Yu Sheng could hold it.

Yu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to leave, but was stopped by Feng Xi.

"Jiang Yu, follow her."

Feng Xi meant that he didn't want Yu Sheng to take things by himself and let Jiang Yu work as a coolie.

"I gesture to underwear, what do you want him to do with me?" Yu Sheng asked, looking at Feng Xi.

Jiang Yu blushed immediately, he was innocent!

"I am waiting for you at home, if you dare not go, I will catch you myself."

Feng Xi naturally couldn't let Jiangyu see Yu Sheng.

Besides, Jiang Yu seems to be very close to Yu Sheng. She was called Sister Yu just now, so she had to guard against...

Yu Sheng didn't say anything, walked past Jiang Yuye with his head down, and said thank you.

Yu Sheng took a taxi home directly.

When she got home, she quickly packed up things briefly.

How could she move to live with Feng Xi? She wants to leave now and leave Beicheng, wherever she goes.

Feng Xi was only interested in her for a while, and when his energy passed, he would not remember who she was.

And she must protect her child, she now only has this child.

Yu Sheng locked the door with his handbag and left.

She did not dare to take the train or plane, she went directly to the bus station.

Leaving Beicheng first, and then thinking about where to go, I can't go back to my hometown.

When Yu Sheng got on the long-distance bus and watched the car leave the toll gate and get on the expressway, Yu Sheng exhaled heavily.

After leaving the city like this, Yu Sheng felt empty, unable to tell.

The nerves relaxed, Yu Sheng felt sleepy, and she fell asleep leaning against the window.

I don't know how long I slept, when she opened her eyes, she saw that it was dark already.

Then she rubbed her eyes and became stiff. This...

She is not on a long-distance bus, but in a sedan...

The luxurious car was driving, Yu Sheng looked at the gloomy man sitting beside him, unable to say a word, what's the matter?

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