The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1530: I'll live up to you for the rest of my life-I'll pull a zipper for you and

Feng Xi's kick was too fast, and Yu Sheng didn't even react.

Yu Ye had already been kicked out.

Jiang Yu all doubted whether their young master's usual weak and innocent appearance was pretending to be.

This is simply hidden?

The straight long legs slowly retracted, there is a limit.

After all, it was a corridor where people came and went, and Feng Xi kicked it out, and immediately attracted a lot of people's onlookers.

"What are you looking at? Haven't seen a man beat a woman?"

Feng Xi's handsome eyes swept away, and those people shrank back in shock.

Those who can come here to eat are either rich or powerful. No one knows the second master.

"Your family raised my wife alone, but what she gave back to you is to raise your family. You don't know how to be grateful. What's the difference from a beast."

Feng Xi didn't quite understand what kind of things such as kindness existed in ordinary families.

However, seeing Yu Ye's face like this today made him feel sick.

Yu Sheng bit his lip and watched Yu Ye being kicked to the ground, holding his stomach, and sighed slightly. Yu Sheng, put away your compassion.

Yu Ye's distorted psychology must make her learn from the pain before she really wakes up completely.

"What do you see her doing? See why she hasn't had the effect of the medicine yet?"

Feng Xi watched Yu Ye viciously waiting for Yu Sheng, and asked with a sneer.

A flash of unreliability flashed in Yu Ye's eyes, how could Feng Xi know about the medicine?

The last trace of pity in Yu Sheng's heart was also wiped out by the words "medicinal effect".

Yu Qiang is at Yu Ye's house, and Yu Ye prescribes medicine for himself. What is this going to do?

At a young age, Yu Ye actually had such thoughts, how could a person be so vicious.

In any case, they are all a family, how can they give her such a hand? This is chaotic...

Yu Ye was trembling all over, today's plan is so perfect, how come this is the end in the end...

She was not reconciled. Why could Yu Sheng be with a man like Feng Xi and still have his children?

Why? Obviously she is the abandoned person, the person not to be seen, how can she be so fate...

From childhood to most people praised the one, Yu Sheng is so good, Yu Sheng is so good, Yu Sheng is so good...

People from all over the world circled her Yu Sheng so much and said she was good.

Obviously she is more beautiful than her, but it is said that Yu Sheng has a good temperament...

Obviously she went to university better than Yu Sheng, but it was said that Yu Sheng was the most promising...

She has been living in the shadow of Yu Sheng since she was a child. She should be the princess who has attracted attention, but Yu Sheng has stolen the limelight for everything...

Just now, she thought Feng was always really interested in her, but it was just that he was venting his anger to help Yu Sheng.

Do you use her leftover leaves as a clown?

She will not make them feel better, she will not...

She is now a star anyhow, she will let Yu Sheng come to her one day, and she won't let Xihui really marry her.

The marriage of a wealthy family has always been about being right. What she has Yu Sheng, will not be swept out at that time.

"Dirty and dirty people don't deserve to be alive." Feng Xi glanced at the resentful Yu Ye with disgust, and said impatiently.

Feng Xi hugged Yu Sheng and turned around. He hadn't eaten anything at all. Looking at the woman Yu Ye, he would have to vomit.

When Yu Sheng turned around, he glanced at Yu Ye. At that glance, there was no temperature.

"Yu Sheng, don't forget, your surname is Yu, you are from the Yu family all your life, and you were raised by the Yu family!"

Yu Ye had heard his father talk about this since she was a child, and at this time, she said it to Yu Sheng intact.

The expression and tone are the same as her father...

"Then don't forget, it's me for your school."

Yu Sheng didn't look back, she always had a clear conscience.

When walking out of Xiao Jiangnan, Yu Sheng looked at the sky and cried silently, stubbornly not letting himself make a sound, and bit his lips tightly.

But the family members for many years are so unbearable...

It's chilling, no, it's disgusting.

It was really disgusting and wanted to vomit, and Yu Sheng really vomited.

Feng Xi watched Yu Sheng's vomiting, feeling distressed.

At this time, Jiang Yu, the most insightful, hurried back to the car, took a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Feng Xi.

Feng Xi stroked Yu Sheng's back lightly, not at all disgusted, his wife vomited so much.

After Yu Sheng rinsed his mouth, he let Feng Xi hold him, leaning in his arms as if he had no bones.

Feng Xi was worried that Yu Sheng would be unwell, and asked Jiang Yu to drive the car to the hospital, where the director was already waiting.

Yu Sheng was checked carefully, and nothing happened.

Feng Xi was also relieved. It was already past nine o'clock after the toss from the hospital to home.

When Yu Sheng said he wanted to take a bath, Feng Xi just squeezed in, saying he was worried about her.

Yu Sheng didn't drive him out either, anyway, they did everything they should do.

Even if he didn't make a full set, Feng Xi was dishonest when he got on the bed.

In particular, after Yu Sheng discovered that she was pregnant, Yue Xiong became significantly older than before.

Every time Feng Xi was kneaded, he would say, "It seems to be a little bigger."

Whenever he said this, Yu Sheng would shyly close his eyes.

Even if there are children between the two, Yu Sheng still can't let go of this aspect.

I always feel awkward, especially since Feng Xi also said that he would take a bath together.

He said that this would not only ensure her safety, but also save water and electricity, but Yu Sheng refused.

The two of them were in pajamas anyway, but when they entered the bathroom, they had to take off their clothes.

No need to think about what will happen, you will know.

"Sit down, I'll take it off for you, don't be tired."

The bathroom is very large and there is a toffee chair, which Feng Xi specially ordered after Yu Sheng moved in.

Feng Xi took Yu Sheng to sit on it, and then undressed her.

Yu Sheng closed his eyes and let Feng Xi slowly take off her clothes.

She also knows that it can be done now, but be very careful. The doctor also said it is possible, but also be careful not to be too intense.

She heard Feng Xi asked the director, and the director also said that she is in good physical condition and the system is good in all aspects, so there is no need to worry too much.

Yu Sheng also knew that Feng Xi had been suffocated recently, and she was fine in this regard.

Most help him with his hands, but it is also very stupid.

Feng Xi also teased her, saying that she could still use her mouth, but she couldn't imagine how she would do this with her mouth.

It's not that she feels sick, because it's Feng Xi, so she won't...

After all, she will not, because she has never touched it.

That day, Feng Xi also found a disc to show her. At first she thought it was a movie. Later, when she saw Feng Xi's appearance, she guessed what it was.

However, she just watched the beginning. When she was surprised that it was such a film, Feng Xi turned off the TV and said, "This is not a good prenatal education!"

At that time, Yu Sheng laughed, and she knew that in the future, Feng Xi would be quite painful to the child and he would be a good and responsible father.

Even at that time, the child was still the size of a soybean in her belly.

Don't look at Feng Xi's usual shameless temper, but in this huge bathroom, he would actually be nervous.

Yu Sheng's shirt buttons can't be unbuttoned anyhow, are they easy to unbutton?

"I'll do it myself..." Yu Sheng was blushing because of Feng Xi.

Isn't it easy to take off your clothes?

Why is it so clumsy?

"Be obedient, don't move, I'm here, how come it feels like a flower candle night in the bridal chamber, wife, touch my heartbeat!"

Feng Xi grabbed Yu Sheng's hand and placed it where his heart was, with a serious smile on his face.

Under Yu Sheng's thin white palm, there was a powerful heartbeat, banging, as if to jump out.

After the shock, Yu Sheng's heartbeat also accelerated. What kind of feeling was that, dry mouth and tongue, to be worthy of the four words blushing heartbeat.

"Just talk nonsense, the kids are there..."

Yu Sheng was amused by Feng Xi's serious appearance. Sometimes she really likes Feng Xi's childishness, which makes you feel sweet and happy.

Sometimes he will become a big man again to make you feel at ease.

During this time, Feng Xi looked as cynical as before, but Yu Sheng knew that he had changed a lot.

While cherishing her, but also respecting her, Feng Xi did a great job.

If there is no Feng Xi today, and if she eats the medicine cake, her innocence will not be preserved, let alone the child's safety is the most important.

If you take the medicine, maybe the child will not be able to keep it. After thinking about it, Yu Sheng feels that his back is chilly, and he is very scared.

"Who ruled that you can't have a wedding night in the bridal chamber with a child, wife, is our bridal chamber okay? Look at me for so long..."

Feng Xi took off Yu Sheng's clothes and looked at her shy and timid look.

The blood flowed down and burned to his place, with his head held up in shock.

Feng Xi thought that there would never be a woman again, like Yu Sheng, but it just made him think of the words "the night of the bridal chamber" and it would be hard.

Yu Sheng lowered his head and said nothing, but did not say not to...

Feng Xi saw this tacitly, "My wife, you are so good, and my husband promises to be gentle."

Yu Sheng had no impression of himself and Feng Xi for the first time. It was completely fragmented. Later, when I remembered some scattered fragments, it was also incomplete.

To be honest, she didn't know what it was like to do that.

Is it the same feeling that Feng Xi did with her hands? She doesn't know...

In short, she didn't know anything, even if the two had slept for so long.

Even after holding back for a long time, Feng Xi was not impatient at all, and patiently gave Yu Sheng a bath.

Yu Sheng kept his eyes closed all the time.

"Will it hurt?" Feng Xi gently rubbed the towel on Yu Sheng's back.

He asked in a dumb voice against the base of her ear.

"No!" Yu Sheng's voice was like a pot of boiling water, a little dry, but moist.

It's the kind of nasty and seductive tone.

Realizing how his voice was like this, Yu Sheng shut up quickly and changed his head to shake his head.

She didn't understand. Why would it hurt if she used a towel to gently wrong her back...

Isn't Feng Xi intentional...

"Will the water temperature be too hot?" Feng Xi's mouth was grinning badly, and his front body was tightly pressed against Yu Sheng's back, as if he was jumping for a long time, shaking left and right...

Yu Sheng shook his head again this time, bleeding from his biting lip.

It was too torturous. Feng Xi also said that he had never had a woman before, so that he would get **** up. Could it be what he said clean? She must doubt it...

"No more..." Yu Sheng was really uncomfortable being rubbed by him. After pregnancy, her body became more and more sensitive, and she would want to...

She didn't know what she wanted, it was an instinctive reaction.

Especially in the atmosphere of the bathroom, Yu Sheng felt like he was full of fire.

The fire burned her with heat waves...

The heat wave forced her to scream to be more comfortable.

However, Feng Xi is so bad, "It hasn't been washed yet, what are you worried about, it hasn't been washed here..."

When Feng Xi was speaking, his hand followed Yu Sheng's side waist, all the way down the hip bone...

This kind of ambiguous atmosphere ignited when Feng Xi met there.

"Why are you so bad..." Yu Sheng really cried, his red nose was very affectionate.

Feng Xi turned Yu Sheng's body, "I'll be bad to you, don't cry, the more you cry, the more I want to bully you."

Feng Xi kissed the corner of Yu Sheng's eyes, and kissed away all the tears that shed from her face because of her shyness...

Such gentle movements, kisses little by little...

Yu Sheng hugged Feng Xi's neck tightly, because his body was soft and weak, he was afraid that it would just fall.

What happened afterwards, Yu Sheng was confused, and Feng Xi was completely dominating her.

"My wife, you are sober this time, you have to be responsible to me..."

"Shameless..." Yu Sheng said weakly, not tired, but extremely comfortable.

He didn't even have the strength to lift his fingers, and his soul flew away completely.

"What you want to do with your face is enough!" Feng Xi groaned as he spoke, like a child begging for sweets.

"Feng Xi, let's go to register tomorrow. I'm responsible for you." Yu Sheng still said calmly without even raising his eyelids.

Although it was a very faint voice, but with a smile, it was a happy voice.

"Really?" Feng Xi immediately asked excitedly.

There was joy in his eyes, and he didn't expect Yu Sheng to actively say that he wanted to register for marriage.

It seems that what happened to Yu Ye tonight has touched her a lot.

"Well, tomorrow, go!" Yu Sheng slowly opened his eyes and touched Feng Xi's face.

"Thanks to your love, it makes me feel like the happiest woman in the world, even if everyone abandons me!"

The corners of Yu Sheng's eyes were moist again, and she didn't know what was wrong, her mood was especially prone to fluctuate.

She used to be so miserable and difficult, she didn't let herself cry, but now, she cries at every turn.

Could it be that someone can rely on, so they can become unscrupulous?

"It is I who thank you for loving me, tolerating everything I have, and making me the happiest man."

If Feng Xi would not believe it before, he would have said such sensational words.

However, facing Yu Sheng, he just said it, so naturally.

Yu Sheng hugged Feng Xi's neck, "Feng Xi, thank you for giving me a home, so that I can really rely on for the rest of my life, and no longer drift away!"

Speaking of the family character, Feng Xi felt Yu Sheng's trembling, knowing that she was feeling uncomfortable again.

"We not only have a small family, but we also have a family. Everyone in the family will love you and love you, and my husband will love you well, just like just now, OK?"

Feng Xi was not serious again as he spoke.

In fact, he didn't want Yu Sheng to be affected by mood swings anymore.

There is no need to make myself unhappy because of family members like Yu Ye Yuqiang.

It's really not worth it. For such a family, the farther you go, the better.

Everything is not over yet, he will let Yu Ye and Yu Qiang thoroughly taste the feeling of falling from a height to the bottom.

"Sleep..." Yu Sheng said silently.

It was originally a sentimental atmosphere, but Feng Xi suddenly took it seriously.

"Yes, my wife, sleep!"

Talking about Feng Xi's hands are starting to be dishonest again...

Yu Sheng was forced by him to do it again.

Next day

It was rare for Feng Xi to wake up with an alarm clock. He got up by himself, took a shower, and picked clothes in the cloakroom. It was not beautiful.

When Yu Sheng got up, Feng Xi had already dressed himself very handsomely.

Yu Sheng smiled and walked into the bathroom. After washing, he saw Feng Xi holding a red skirt in his hand when he came out.

The color is bright red, very beautiful...

"Wear this one today!"

Feng Xi thought that Yu Sheng would be very beautiful if he put on this.

Yu Sheng also likes this dress very much. She likes it very much. She has never tried this color before.

On this day, she wants to put on this red makeup, register with Feng Xi, and walk through this life hand in hand.

Yu Sheng smiled and took the clothes to the cloakroom, but Feng Xi also followed.

Yu Sheng didn't pretend to ask him to go out, changed his pajamas and put on this skirt, the zipper was closed by Feng Xi.

"How do I feel, if you pull a zipper, it will be hard for me!"

When Feng Xi spoke, he rubbed against Yu Sheng's back waist badly, as if he had to grind out the fire.

"..." Yu Sheng couldn't say a word, what could he say? Everything is dirty.

This skirt is very simple, both front and back are V-necked, the V is not deep, but the front is also looming.

Yu Sheng's figure is really good, very good, especially round, firm and full, and the shape is also very good-looking.

Feng Xi hugged Yu Sheng from behind, and the two looked at each other in the mirror.

Feng Xi kissed Yu Sheng's side cheek, "My wife is so beautiful, I want to hide you."

Feng Xi was telling the truth, and I had never found Yu Sheng so beautiful before.

Because there are so many good-looking people around me, it is really aesthetic fatigue.

However, after being with Yu Sheng, he felt more and more that she was the most beautiful.

Even Sansao is not as beautiful as their family...

"Where is it hiding?" Yu Sheng could feel Feng Xi's heartbeat, so intense.

The sound of burning Yu Sheng is full of heat.

In such a quiet morning, the sunlight refracted in through the white veil, sprinkling the ground with broken gold.

With such a simple and comfortable atmosphere, Yu Sheng closed his eyes and seemed to be able to see that many years later, she and Feng Xi were also standing in front of the dressing glasses, and Feng Xi was hugging her like this behind him.

The same golden sunlight, the same tranquility and peace, really beautiful...

"Hiding in my heart is enough, no one can steal it!"

Feng Xi rubbed Yu Sheng's profile, this feeling was really good.

Yu Sheng smiled. Who said Feng Xi could not talk about love, who was she and anxious...

Isn't this still saying that she can't talk about love? What she said is honey in her heart.

When the two went downstairs, the butler had already prepared breakfast.

Yu Sheng is also used to the servants calling her young grandmother.

Many things really take time to adapt and change.

Probably because of the good mood, Feng Xi felt that today's breakfast was particularly appetizing, and also praised the chef's skill.

The butler looked surprised, it was not picky, but praise, which is really rare.

Yu Sheng also thinks that today's breakfast is delicious, which is probably the reason for his good mood.

When Jiang Yu came, Feng Xi and Yu Sheng dared to finish breakfast.

Jiang Yu's face was not very good, and he wanted to say nothing, all written on his face, "I have something to say, but I don't know how to say it."

Feng Xi didn't care much, he didn't look at him when Jiang Yu came in.

His eyes were nailed to his wife's body.

However, Yu Sheng saw it, "Jiang Yu, what's the matter?"

Yu Sheng could see that Jiang Yu had something to say to Feng Xi, but he couldn't say something in front of her.

On this point, Yu Sheng believes that he can't be wrong.

All these years as a secretary, she has cultivated the ability to look at people's faces.

"That... it's okay, Sister Yu..." Jiang Yu obviously didn't expect that Yu Sheng would see it and asked him directly.

"If you have something, just say, what's the matter?" When Feng Xi heard Jiang Yu stammering, he knew that he had something to say. When he was nervous, he would just stammer.

"It's okay!" Jiang Yu immediately grinned and hummed.

However, something was clearly written on that face.

I don't know why Yu Sheng feels that this matter must be related to Feng Xi, and it is related to them, which is not a good thing.

No wonder she woke up in the morning, her eyelids kept jumping...

As soon as Feng Xi wanted to scold Jiang Yu for speaking well, his cell phone rang, and he glanced at the call from his brother.

After Feng Xi glared at Jiang Yu, he answered the phone, but as soon as the call was connected, Feng Yan's angry voice came from over there.

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