The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1543: The rest of my life will live up to you-he said, do you want to watch or bark? (Six m

Then there was a messy voice on the phone, "What do you think of the patient..."

"Hurry up and take her back..."

"How can she explain something wrong..."

Finally, the sound of the phone being hung up, Yu Sheng listened to the prompt sound from the phone.

My heart is messy, Feng Xi must not be you.

They are certainly wrong and deserve to be punished, but they cannot be so.

Yu Sheng didn't eat lunch. After returning to the company, he was always disturbed.

After thinking about it, she finally called Feng Yan.

The company that Feng Yan came to personally.

When Feng Yan sat down, he said to Yu Sheng, "If you don't look for me, I am just looking for you."

After Yu Ye called Yu Sheng, the people at the mental hospital contacted Hanbing.

Upon checking, I knew that the call was made to Yu Sheng.

Therefore, Feng Yan also wanted to contact Yu Sheng as soon as possible, but did not expect Yu Sheng to call him first.

"What's the matter with Yu Ye, why did he get into a mental hospital?"

Yu Sheng's intelligence naturally knows why Feng Yan said he was looking for her.

"I didn't want you to know about this. She has a mental problem, and now it's good and bad. People like her are best to stay there."

This is what Feng Xi said, and he has never seen him hate a woman so much.

"Where is my foster mother?"

Feng Yan said that Yu Ye had a mental problem, so he would not lie to her.

"Dead, suicide!" Feng Yan looked at Yu Sheng for a while before saying.

The pencil in Yu Sheng's hand was abruptly broken by her and died...suicide...

Yu Sheng's eyes were full of pain, but she did not cry.

Because it was too sudden, her emotions were too late to bear the result.

The gentle smiles of the adoptive mother flashed through her mind one by one. It was originally clear, but gradually became fuzzy until it was invisible...

"Shengsheng, this is a relief for her, because before she committed suicide, she pushed Yu Qiang downstairs and fell to death..."

This time Yu Sheng cried, not because Yu Qiang died, but because she knew that the adoptive mother did all this for her...

The woman who is always beaten by her husband and rejected by her children uses this extreme method to protect her...

"Feng Xi bought her a cemetery, and the burial was very good. She is relieved and should feel happy..."

For these things after death, Feng Yan always believed that happiness and unhappiness, liberation but not liberation, letting go without letting go, these should not exist.

However, to comfort Yu Sheng, Feng Yan still said it.

"When did it happen?" Yu Sheng's voice trembled, and she still couldn't accept this fact.

"Just after your accident...your adoptive father took the money and left. Yu Ye was sent to a mental hospital because he was stimulated."

"The reason why you gave your foster father money and let him go is because you don't want him to trouble you. You just had a miscarriage and your body can't stand the toss."

"This is also why Feng Xi concealed you. I hope you don't blame Feng Xi."

The following things were all Feng Yan was doing, so Feng Xi didn't know about Yu Ye calling Yu Sheng.

Naturally, Yu Sheng knew, otherwise, she would not call Feng Yan first, instead of asking Feng Xi directly.

These things were not what he did, they were the greatest comfort in Yu Sheng's heart.

Feng Yan is right. This may be the best result for her adoptive mother, because she has indeed been too hard and tired over the years.

A woman marries a husband who doesn't love herself. Her knowledge and accomplishment tell her to forbear, because she has children.

Forbearance, her children are disrespectful to her, because in such a bad family situation, the husband yells at his wife, and the children will be used to treating her like this.

The end result is that she has to endure her husband alone to three people later.

When it finally erupts, it will inevitably be the result.

"I understand, brother, it is enough for the two of us to know about this, and let Feng Xi think that I still don't know about it."

Then always live under Feng Xi's concealment and protection, lest he knows that he has to worry about it.

"Your sister-in-law said, are you the most suitable for Feng Xi? That's right."

Feng Yan was very satisfied with Yu Sheng from the beginning, but now he gets more and more satisfied.

"The most correct thing Feng Xi has done in this life is to marry you."

This is something everyone must admit, and it is his blessing for Feng Xi to marry Yu Sheng.

"I will have so many people who love me when I marry him."

Yu Sheng felt that she was happy and lucky, so she was grateful to her adoptive mother.

I can raise her up in such a difficult situation...

"Can you take me to the cemetery?" Yu Sheng wanted to talk to her adoptive mother.

"I will let Hanbing take you."

When Feng Yan came, he was ready to let Yu Sheng go and have a look.

When Yu Sheng returned from the cemetery, he felt much calmer, and the cemetery of his adoptive mother was very beautiful.

Flowers are planted all around, which is liked by the adoptive mother. In such a place, she will live freely and will never be abused by her husband again, which is good.

Feng Xi had already prepared dinner and was waiting for Yu Sheng.

Feng Xi picked up Yu Sheng as soon as he arrived home.

"Wife, you have a hard day at work, I will take you upstairs to change clothes, don't walk too tired."

Feng Xi said to Yu Sheng with a smile, not forgetting to kiss her a few times on the cheek.

The butlers and servants are no strangers to this situation, and everyone can do what they should do if nothing has happened.

However, Yu Sheng will be uncomfortable, "Stop making trouble, I can go by myself, I'm not tired."

Yu Sheng really couldn't laugh or cry. How could Feng Xi do such a humble thing so handily?

Don't you feel awkward at all?

Do you have to make yourself so dependent on her?

It seemed that he was the little lover she had taken care of.

"Why not tired, my wife works hard to support her family, and I feel distressed."

Holding Yu Sheng, he walked upstairs with a light pace.

"Don't, your injury is not completely healed, stop making trouble."

Yu Sheng struggled slightly, and suddenly remembered that he still had injuries.

"It's all well, it's okay to hug you."

He carried Yu Sheng into the bedroom and put it on the bed, "I'll get you clothes and wait for me."

It's not that I take your clothes off, but that I take clothes for you. For men, what a restraint is.

Yu Sheng didn't move, and just sat on the side of the bed and waited.

After a while, Feng Xi brought home clothes.

"My wife has worked so hard, my husband will undress you..."

With a smirk at the corner of Feng Xi's mouth, he went to unbutton Yu Sheng's shirt.

"You really don't go to the company to see? The employees of the company thought that you were going to marry me and gave me the company because of what demon trick I did.

Although Yu Sheng was a little embarrassed, he didn't avoid it, and let Feng Xi do whatever he wanted on his clothes.

"What they said is also the truth. I don't even think about it. How come I was so fascinated by you, I don't want to do anything, just want to guard you..."

When the shirt buttons were unbuttoned one by one, Feng Xi's voice became hoarse.

"I'm hungry, I didn't eat at noon..." Yu Sheng said with a kiss on his face as Feng Xi leaned down.

"Let's change clothes and eat..." Feng Xi sighed helplessly, even if he wanted to do bad things, he had to feed his wife.

It is very tiring to support him so hard to make money.

Feng Xi was really obedient. He changed Yu Sheng's clothes properly, then hugged her downstairs and put her directly on the dining chair.

He even washed his hands before, which is a bit exaggerated.

"I can eat it myself." When Feng Xi wanted to feed her, Yu Sheng refused.

If you have to feed rice, it would be really shameful.

"No, you are tired after eating, you just need to open your mouth."

Feng Xi had made up his mind to feed their daughter-in-law, so he wanted to do so.

"Are you trying to make me indigestion?"

Yu Sheng really couldn't laugh or cry. Where is she tired, she must not work hard?

I have to say that the heads of various departments assigned to Feng Xi by President Li are very efficient.

Therefore, her work is also very relaxed, but she really enjoys the current rhythm.

"How come, these are all made by me personally, to ensure that you will be very healthy after eating."

Feng Xi picked up a shiitake mushroom meatball and brought it to Yu Sheng's mouth, and made an ah action.

Yu Sheng pursed his lips and smiled, really losing to him.

Although he said rejection, Yu Sheng's heart oozes honey.

This feeling of being loved as a child is really happy.

However, Feng Xi won't let you feel that you are dependent on him. Instead, he will instill in you all day, and he will have to support him.

This is the sense of security and love that Feng Xi silently gave her.

Who said this man was immature, although he would do something exaggerated, just like now.

However, he is doing good things for you in places you can't see.

You don't need to know, don't want you to feel burdened and stressed, just do it for you silently.

Yu Sheng felt her luck again. It was really her blessing to marry Feng Xi.

She never thought about her future, being with a three-year-old man.

And you will be loved to such a degree, life, that's it, there will always be many things beyond your imagination.

"Your craftsmanship can open a restaurant, it's even more delicious than Xiao Jiangnan's."

Yu Sheng often talks about Feng Xi's cooking skills. You know, the chefs in Xiao Jiangnan are all old chefs who have been in charge of cooking for more than 15 years.

"What a joke, my craft will serve you alone."

Feng Xi didn't listen to it anymore. How could he cook for others with his unique craft? He had to cook it for his wife alone.

"Well, I eat it myself, you eat it too, it will be cold for a while."

Yu Sheng just felt that what Feng Xi gave him was not rice, but honey, not sweet.

"If you are worried about the cold, you feed me!"

Feng Xi said, looking at the chopsticks on the table with a smile.

Yu Sheng once again learned what it means to laugh or cry. She feeds him and he feeds her. How is this different from eating by herself.

She feels that eating like this is more troublesome and more tiring, okay?

Besides, it feels so greasy to feed each other.

Let the servants see what it looks like...

"No, eat your own, otherwise, you sleep in the guest room at night!"

Yu Sheng said to Feng Xi firmly.

But what Feng Xi brought to her mouth to eat, she still subconsciously ate...

"Look, did I feed you better!"

Feng Xi smiled and kissed Yu Sheng's slightly flushed face...

The words spoken are spoiled.

"..." Yu Sheng was speechless.

The two of them froze for an hour and a half for a meal, just like that, you and I feed each bite.

How could Yu Sheng beat Feng Xi's soft and hard foam, he finally agreed.

After dinner, Feng Xi took Yu Sheng and walked slowly in the courtyard.

Feng Xi's yard is not like Chu Baiqing's house, there are so many plants.

His yard is much simpler, but also very delicate.

After Yu Sheng moved in, Feng Xi specially asked someone to make a wooden swing. The wood color is very beautiful. Yu Sheng liked it at first sight...

"Tomorrow on the birthday of the knight and the baby, I will have someone prepare a gift today. I will pick you up at noon tomorrow, and go early. You have not been to their home!"

"What gift did you prepare?" He Tingchen said that the knight and the baby were celebrating their birthday that day.

"Transformers, the knight likes it, and the piano, the baby likes it!" Feng Xi said proudly.

Yu Sheng actually wanted to say, you know they like this, and others know...

So Yu Sheng thought for a while, and he had better prepare some gifts that children would like.

The important thing about birthday gifts is that children will like them.

On the way to work the next day, Yu Sheng asked Jiang Yu to drive to a creative gift shop she had visited before.

I chose an archaeological dinosaur chocolate for the knight, with a small tool inside. After breaking the soil made of chocolate, I took a small brush to clean it up a little bit, and then a dinosaur fossil was revealed. It was made of white chocolate. lifelike.

She thinks children will like it, especially the Cavaliers like to do it themselves.

I bought a music box for my baby. She likes music, a very beautiful carousel, and beautiful lights...

I bought some sweets for other children.

When she came out, Yu Sheng's cell phone rang, she glanced at the number, it was He Lianting who called...

"Hello!" Yu Sheng got into the car, spoke to Jiang Yu and answered the phone after returning to the company.

"Have you eaten?" He Lianting's voice came from the phone.

Yu Sheng almost laughed, this is to ask her if she had breakfast or lunch?

It’s a bit late for breakfast and a bit early for lunch...

"Breakfast is eaten, lunch has not yet..." Yu Sheng finally answered He Lianting.

"Let's eat together at noon, I'll pick you up at the company!"

He Lianting hung up the phone after speaking, leaving Yu Sheng stunned...

Pick her up? Eat with her?

Does that mean she can see him? After all, she can’t eat with a mask...

Yu Sheng was so excited that she forgot that Feng Xi had also said that he would come to pick her up at noon.

Because Helianting was coming to eat with her, Yu Sheng couldn't concentrate on work all morning.

She was thinking, did he come to pick her up this time?

She and Feng Xi went to Helian's house. Will they be able to solve the mystery of how her mother died?

If her mother was really killed by Helianting's mother, do you have to be brothers and sisters with him?

These problems repeatedly appeared in her mind and caused her headaches.

Then Yu Sheng thought of He Tingchen again. She wanted to help him...

After receiving a call from He Lianting, Yu Sheng took the things and went to the underground parking lot.

She also expected that he would not go upstairs to pick her up just like him.

Yu Sheng looked at the modified RV. Would you like to be so exaggerated?

It's too big and luxurious...

This is the first time the two have met alone, and Yu Sheng still feels embarrassed.

But seeing He Tingchen from should be the bedroom, Yu Sheng was still quite surprised when he walked out.

Because he is wearing a pair of pants...

Obviously he hadn't expected that he would see Yu Sheng.

He smiled and walked into the bathroom...

There was no embarrassment on his face.

He was hit by something like this, He Lianting humiliated him far more than this.

It should be that they haven't seen each other for a few days, and He Lianting did that directly to He Tingchen as soon as he arrived.

Compared to a pair of pants by He Tingchen, He Lianting wears a white shirt with trousers.

A well-made white shirt is worn on his body, and everything is good...

Outline his perfect and healthy body...

Still wearing his silver mask surprised Yu Sheng.

She thought he would take off the mask this time...

Couldn't she know what her only brother looks like in this life?

Yu Sheng didn't speak, and sat there, with his own bag and shopping bag on his lap. Inside were gifts for the knight and the baby, and candy for the children.

"Have you seen him?" He Lianting asked suddenly.

The voice was low, if the man sitting across from him was a man, he must have heard how satisfying Helianting's voice was.

"Who?" Yu Sheng asked unclearly.

When he raised his head, his delicate little face still had a dazed look.

Helianting's head turned towards the bathroom...

Because it is a RV, even if it is a large space, it is such a large place, you can see at a glance...

"Oh, I have seen it. I ate at my brother-in-law the other day.

Only then did Yu Sheng react. He Lianting was talking about He Tingchen, did he or she meet him...

After answering, Yu Sheng suddenly looked at He Lianting again. What did he mean by this?

Is it because you know her and He Tingchen's plan?

This is unlikely...

After all, they are talking about this at home, and they will not be seen.

What does He Lianting mean?

No wonder He Tingchen would say that he would never leave Helianting in his life.

Her brother's insight and brainpower are beyond the reach of others.

"What are you doing looking at me like this?"

He can hear Helianting's voice with a smile.

"Could you think what I have with him?"

Yu Sheng reacted quickly, using such a sentence to cover up his shock just now.

Yu Sheng's words were questioning.

Looking at Helianting, his eyes became cold, which just made you obviously feel unhappy and angry.

"The temper is not small!" He Lianting said solemnly.

"If I have a bad temper and have already left, who knows if you are my brother!"

Yu Sheng is actually a little nervous, but she can only cover up with brutality.

He Lianting didn't speak. What Yu Sheng didn't know was that He Lianting under the mask frowned slightly, seemingly surprised by Yu Sheng like this.

Because the investigative report given to him by the person below is that Yu Sheng has a very good personality, which is good?

Yu Sheng seemed to feel that he was over too much, did he react too much?

"Want to see me?" He Lianting asked when Yu Sheng was a little awkward.

"..." Yu Sheng didn't say anything, didn't deny it, just wanted to see it.

"It's okay, but I have to call him brother!"

Helianting made his offer.

Yu Sheng's face flushed slightly, and he wanted to know what he looked like, but it was not so easy for her to scream for her.

Even she has accepted the fact that they are brothers and sisters.

However, if someone who has been missing your life for more than 20 years appears in front of you, he will be called brother. She can't do that.

At dinner that day, she also asked the third sister-in-law. When she met her eldest brother, she was awkward.

Sansao also said that when she didn't know her eldest brother was her brother, she kind of hated him.

Also talked back to him and didn't wait to see him.

At that time, the eldest brother always loved to discipline Sansao, which made her very unhappy.

I always want to work hard against him, who knows that it will be her brother in the end.

As for the subsequent processes, they are all natural. Things like bones and blood are all figured out, and there is no need to deliberately do what.

"dont see……"

Yu Sheng turned his head to the side, and after throwing these two words, he stopped talking.

At this time, He Tingchen changed his clothes and came out. He was about to turn back to the bedroom, but He Lianting stopped him.

"We will have dinner together!" He Lianting and He Tingchen always speak with a sense of oppression.

Yu Sheng felt this once after hearing it.

"Okay." He Tingchen only said a good word, then walked over and sat beside He Lianting.

Then I looked out of the car window without talking, it was as quiet as a sculpture.

"Don't want to watch or bark?"

He Lianting held He Tingchen's hand, Yu Sheng saw He Tingchen struggling slightly, it seemed that He Lianting tried hard, he finally gave up and continued to look out the car window.

It seemed that the struggling movement just now had never happened, but Yu Sheng was dazzled.

"I don't want to call..."

Yu Sheng's voice was a bit angry. In fact, when He Lianting called her yesterday, she actually wanted to call her brother.

It was an uncontrollable impulse, but when she calmed down, she couldn't speak out again.

What I don't want to call is that I want to see what he looks like, but I can't call him brother.

"Then don't call it and don't watch it!"

He Lianting seemed to be angry, and squeezed He Tingchen's hand severely.

Yu Sheng saw He Tingchen's painful frown. He had the kind of seductiveness that was painful.

His pale face made people feel distressed when he saw it, but he still endured without making a sound.

Yu Sheng watched him biting his lips tightly, and it seemed that he couldn't bear the pain.

He Lianting spread his anger on He Tingchen.

Yu Shengqu can’t directly accuse him face to face, because He Tingchen’s face will not survive, and being suppressed is pitiful enough...

"Is it called Brother?"

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