The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1567: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-doesn't he say you just go?

Chu Baiqing and a few of them talked about their plans, and they immediately attracted them to applaud.

"My little mom is still the smartest."

Ji Chenzhou suddenly felt that he had been beaten in vain. When he was really able to outsmart, he could not use force.

"But let's do this, can He Tingchen stand it?"

Feng Xi thought of He Tingchen's injured look again. If he was treated like this, would he be unbearable?

To rectify the eldest brother, just treat him like this?

"Don't worry, He Tingchen will understand that we are helping him."

Chu Baiqing said with a smile, he would not do anything that really hurts people.

"Maybe we are making such a fuss. He Lianting will find that he has feelings for He Tingchen."

Naren, who had not spoken all the time, opened his mouth.

"That's not a bad thing."

It would be a good thing if they could really make Helianting recognize his heart.

When He Liansheng came to the ward, Feng Xi happened to be in Ji Chenzhou's ward.

When Lux saw Heliansheng coming, he would get out of bed.

"You lie here and don't move, how does this hurt?"

He Liansheng put down the bag and walked over with the fruit basket in his hand.

"I met an older brother today. He and his elder brother were a little bit conflicted, so he asked me to help him beat his elder brother. Who knew that his elder brother would break my wrist directly, and then that brother doesn’t care about my medicine. fee……"

Lux reported the process truthfully.

When He Liansheng heard about her elder brother, he thought of her brother.

However, she didn't think about Feng Xi and her brother.

She would never believe that there would be such a coincidence in the world.

Lux would know her brother and Feng Xi, and such a ridiculous thing happened.

"You said that you kid, someone you just met, you helped him fight. This is a wrist injury. If you are killed by someone, you won't have eyes when you steal it."

"That elder brother doesn't look like such a person, who knows that he has no money when he mentions money..."

Feng Xi didn't look like a person with no money. He was full of noble aura, and seemed to tell others all the time, brother, I am rich...

"The point is not that I care about whether he has money or not, but, sister, I have no money, I am a student, at least half of the medical expenses are OK for us!"

Lux didn't want to blackmail Feng Xi, but he felt that he really couldn't afford it.

When the nurse came, he secretly asked her how much the single room cost per day.

The nurse told him nine thousand and eighty a day, if he lived for ten days and a half months, he would not be able to afford the medical expenses and the money for the single room even if he sold the kidney...

"Sister, do you know how much this house is for a night? Nine thousand eight? I can't be half with him now, at least he has to take it. I really have no money..."

At this time, he couldn't care whether he would be laughed at by Heliansheng.

"You stupid boy, he is not only responsible for the medical expenses and nursing expenses, but also for your mental damage and lost work expenses!"

He Liansheng sat on the chair, how could there be such a person, asking someone to help fight, and he would not be responsible if something went wrong.

Actually let Lux live in such an expensive ward...

Then Heliansheng suddenly realized a problem.

She is really too busy with her head.

The hospital paid in advance. If there was no money, how could he arrange such a good room for Lux.

Lux probably didn't know this process.

"Where is that person?" Heliansheng asked.

"One of his friends was also injured by his elder brother, so I went to see him."

Lux wanted to sit up, but it was inconvenient to support his body with one hand.

Heliansheng got up to help him.

"His elder brother is quite amazing..." He Liansheng said so smoothly.

"You will also have a good memory in the future. If someone asks you to do such a favor, don't go forward stupidly. Why doesn't he fight it himself."

Heliansheng watched Lux's arm hang up, his wrist was wrapped, and there was a fixed underneath.

The wrist is the place of movement, it is estimated that it will take a long time to raise it.

The right hand was injured again. Recently, this life must be inconvenient.

After all, he is young and he doesn't think about things.

"He can't fight, he will give orders, and then he will rush!"

Lux thought of Feng Xi leaping on him, he wanted to laugh.

Looking at a very arrogant person, he can't actually fight.

However, in the face of such a person, you still don't know how to laugh at him, because he is really cute.

"Puff, don't you go if he says it?"

Help Lux put a pillow behind to make him sit more comfortable.

"Well, it's not. As soon as he said it, I jumped on it, and before I could start the fight, he jumped on me and pressed it again, and called my master to come up and rush him to press him!"

At the thought of that scene, Lux wanted to laugh.

That is to say, children will fight like this!

Except Feng Xi, there really is no one who would do this.

Hearing what Lux said, how did Heliansheng feel that this was something his family Feng Xi would have done.

"Sister, in fact, I shouldn't say this. After all, it's his personal business. But, don't you want to negotiate with him later, I will tell you, he is a little boy..."

The kid Lux ​​was very sincere. When he said that, he still said sorry to Feng Xi in his heart.

After all, this is his privacy, he can't tell others.

However, his sister must know this fact, he has no money, he is a little boy.

"Little white face?" He Liansheng thought of Feng Xi's name as Lux.

"Well, I was raised by a rich woman. He still wants to introduce me..."

When Lux said this, he felt uncomfortable all over his body.

It's not that he doesn't look down on Feng Xi being taken care of by a rich woman, but he thinks that if a man behaves like this for money, he is really sick.

"What kind of friend do you know? Don't contact me anymore."

That day, I heard Jiang Yu said that many wealthy women in their fifties like to take care of little boys, and a few sisters will bring the little boy out to party together, so they are more handsome than their little boyfriend...

A lot of money is spent on these beautiful little boys.

What about true love? Those boys really love their money.

Jiang Yu loves gossip about these weird things.

"He said that his wife gave him food, clothing, housing, and transportation. He is really handsome. Sister, don't be hooked by him for a while. He is especially good at coaxing people!"

Lux hurriedly gave He Liansheng a vaccination first. Don't talk to Feng Xi for a while before he was attracted by his masculine appearance.

"You are so handsome, I am not tempted, he can still be more handsome than you?"

Heliansheng looked at Lux's nervous look and wanted to laugh.

Besides, Feng Xi is the most handsome in their family. Can anyone be more handsome than him?

"Sister, do you think I'm handsome too? Don't be too superficial like those girls. You always talk about handsome or not, it's not good..."

Lux doesn't like that people always say how handsome he is.

He would rather others say that he is really handsome on skateboarding and handsome on basketball...

Because he himself thinks they are very handsome.

"You kid, kind of cute!" He Liansheng smiled, and the first time he met he didn't want others to call him handsome.

"By the way, sister, you have to tell my instructor about my injury. We have an exam tomorrow."

Lux is now a special kiss called by a sister.

It was as if Heliansheng was his sister.

There was no awkwardness in his tone and expression.

Heliansheng also felt that he was taken into the role of his sister.

"Well, in your case, you can make up the exam at that time!"

For a while, I couldn't hold a pen with this skill. This fight didn't tell me the crime and delayed my study.

"Sister, you can wash me some grapes to eat!"

Lux saw that the grapes Helensheng brought were fresh, and he was willing to eat grapes.

"Okay, I forgot all about it!" He Liansheng just remembered, and brought fruit by himself.

She was a little uncomfortable with Lux's passion for not treating her as an outsider.

There is a small kitchen in the room, and Heliansheng took the fruit basket and went in.

As soon as she entered here, Feng Xi entered over there.

"You didn't sleep for a while."

When I came in, I saw Lux sitting there quite vigorously.

Although young people are in good spirits, Ji Chenzhou is asleep over there.

"My sister is here, that...she will tell you about medical expenses..."

In fact, Lux raised the medical bills, and felt uncomfortable. After all, he was helping.

However, with Feng Xi's attitude, he didn't need to be ashamed of him.

He really has no money and can't hold on.

Feng Xi was taken aback, he forgot about the medical expenses.

I was just teasing the child, but I didn't expect him to take it seriously.

"You called your sister here specifically for medical expenses?"

Feng Xi asked dubiously.

"Well, I can't make any sense with you, my sister can tell you!"

Lux looked in the direction of the small kitchen, waiting to eat grapes.

"You kid, it's really interesting. Do you believe I won't pay you for medical expenses?"

"You said you don't have money, and I don't have money, but I have to give the hospital money too!"

Lux also wanted to say, you don’t have money and you let me live in such a good and expensive room...

"I have no money, you just called your sister, and I have no money either!"

Feng Xi teased Lux ​​again, and he found that the kid was really funny.

Does he not know that the hospital has to pay in advance?

And his sister is also a fool, her brother does not understand, she does not understand?

"My sister will definitely let you take the money out!"

Lux believed that Heliansheng could handle this matter.

"You two brothers and sisters are really interesting, they are all stupid!"

Feng Xi said with a smile, laughing loudly.

"Who are you stupid?" Heliansheng asked, standing in front of the kitchen with grapes.

She was washing grapes inside, and vaguely heard someone talking, she still felt that the voice was a bit like Feng Xi.

But I think it can't be him...

Who knew that Feng Xi was really standing there as soon as he walked out.

Feng Xi suddenly turned around. When did his wife come?

Is she the sister Lux was talking about?

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