The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1595: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-

Feng Xi changed the plate to his other hand, and shook it in front of Yu Ye.

Yu Ye was really starving, with green eyes, staring at the grilled lamb chops in Feng Xi's hand.

"Don't worry, my wife will live well, very well, and will live a hundred years." Feng Xixie said.

He didn't mind wasting some time to torture this mad woman.

He didn't want to do those things that beat people, because he was too tired.

"She's going to die, she's going to be, everyone is dead, just one of hers...Haha, just one of her..."

Yu Ye smiled madly, her eyes still staring at the plate in Feng Xi's hand.

Has been swallowing.

Feng Xi squinted, what Yu Ye said was not crazy.

What does it mean to send him a wife when everyone is dead?

Feng Xi took another plate of braised pork, the color and taste were very attractive.

This is what Feng Xi asked Xiao Jiangnan's cook to do specially.

Yu Ye's breathing became rapid, and she constantly wanted to get rid of the handcuffs, she wanted to eat a bite of meat, she was really hungry.

People in the mental hospital said that Yu Ye was very greedy, and she focused on eating meat every time she ate.

Therefore, Feng Xi would use such a trick.

He now needs to know more about behind the scenes.

"No one died!" Feng Xi sent the plate of braised pork to Yu Ye again.

Jiang Yu on the side had been watching carefully, for fear that his young master would be hurt by this crazy woman.

Just let him do this kind of thing, he has to do it himself, what if he gets hurt.

"Dead, all dead, every child is dead... Yu Sheng is left, haha, she is left..."

When Feng Xi said that he was not dead, Yu Ye shouted frantically.

The handcuffs gave blood to the wrist...

However, she didn't feel any pain at all, and she was still struggling.

"Kill her, kill her, you must kill her..."

Yu Ye's spirit at this time was a little confused and abnormal, but what she said was subconscious.

At this time, Feng Xi knew what was going on.

Yu Ye said, it should be the children born to my eldest brother and other women. They all died, so he left his wife to stay alive...

Therefore, the eldest brother's mother is going to kill her now, so all the children born to her husband and other women will be killed...

Feng Xi couldn't imagine how many children were killed by that woman, or the children who were still born.

If his wife hadn't been abandoned by her biological mother, she would have been killed.

This woman wanted to cut the grass and roots, and only let the Helian family leave her bloodline, and the eldest brother was an heir. From now on, the bloodline of the Helian family for generations will only be the eldest brother.

This woman is really cruel.

"Let her watch these foods, as long as she doesn't die from starvation!"

Feng Xi got the answer he wanted, and didn't want to stay here for a moment.

When he left, his wife was still asleep and had to go back before she woke up.

Feng Xi worried that He Liansheng would be uneasy if he didn't wake up to see.

Probably after Lux was stabbed, Heliansheng became less courageous, and when he fell asleep, he would not feel trembling.

So someone must be around.

When Feng Xi walked out of the interrogation room, he took out his mobile phone.

He dialed a phone number from He Tingchen.

It rang silently and was picked up, "I’m Feng Xi, tell your master, what’s coming for me, I’ll play with her, since she doesn’t want to live anymore, then I will send her to die and accompany those who were caught The children and innocent women she killed!"

Feng Xi hung up after speaking, with a rare and solemn expression on his handsome face.

Those who dare to kill his wife, he will definitely not let it go, and it will make her die.

Now he doesn't care about his elder brother.

If this continues, the mad woman may do something else.

Last time Su Jin's matter, he should attack directly instead of scrupulously.

This time his wife and children were fine, but Lux was still lying there.

He can't tolerate it, and the danger always exists around the people he cares about.

He must eliminate all these unsafe factors, no matter who the opponent is.

He thinks his elder brother will not be an unreasonable person.

If he is so embarrassed to be on his mother's side, he will have no elder brother in Feng Xi.

If his elder brother was on their side, he would definitely serve him and provide for him.

When everyone was busy in the hospital, He Tingchen disappeared.

The disappearing silently...

When Naren woke up, He Tingchen was gone.

He thought he had gone to the hospital, but Ji Shenzhou called back in the afternoon and asked him how he was feeling. Only then did he discover that He Tingchen had disappeared...

Ji Chenzhou immediately asked people to find it, but there was no trace.

At this time, Helianting's guards were also looking for He Tingchen...

He Lianting, who had just walked out of Lux's room, took advantage of a face and slammed his mobile phone against the wall.

He Tingchen actually ran away...

And without everyone knowing...

Had it not been for Ji Chenzhou's people also looking for him, Helianting would have doubted whether Ji Chenzhou had hidden the people for him.

Ji Chenzhou regrets it so much now that he shouldn't let He Tingchen go alone.

Knowing that he is in a bad mood, you should stay with him, not let him...

What he was worried about now was that He Tingchen would not think about it. The years passed by were too depressing, and he still had a tangled feeling for He Lianting in his heart.

After hearing those words Helianting said to Lux, he should really give up.

What people fear most is heart death, especially after experiencing so much torture.

But no one can be found anywhere...

At this time, Ji Chenzhou never thought that He Tingchen would go with Master Xiu.

Because what he knew He Tingchen wouldn't ask for help from unfamiliar people, let alone face Helianting, he didn't want anyone to provoke Helianting because of him.

Three days...

Lux moved from the critical illness to the general ward, but He Tingchen still has no news.

Helianting's temper became more and more violent...

one day ago

The moment He Tingchen got off the boat, his breathing stopped.

This island is really beautiful, everything is the original ecology.

This place is like a piece of pure land, without a trace of dust.

He Tingchen, you are free...

Coming this way, if it weren't for Master Xiu, he wouldn't be able to get in here at all.

No wonder Ji Chenzhou said to send him here, here, He Lianting will never find...

In the distance, a man walks on the soft sand, as if bending over to pick up shells.

He Tingchen thinks that person should be Qin Nan, right?

However, He Tingchen thought again that Qin Nan didn't have his legs broken...

How can I walk...

He Tingchen looked at Master Xiu next to him, and saw a softness on his cold face.

He Tingchen could be sure that the person in the distance was Qin Nan.

"Master Xiu, I'll go around!" He Tingchen thought it was better not to disturb Master Xiu.

"Well, you can go anywhere, it's safe here!" Master Xiu's eyes kept looking at Qin Nan in the distance.

"Okay." He Tingchen left with a smile.

Such freedom not to be disturbed is what he dreams of.

However, now that he has it, he is not as ecstatic as he imagined.

Is this freedom too easy, or is his mood already different...

He Tingchen, you still give your heart to Helianting after all...

Qin Nan looked at a blue shell under the fine sand and stooped to pick it up.

It's so beautiful to lift it up in the direction of the sun!

Because Naren likes shells, even though he grew up here, he saw too much and picked too much, but he still liked it.

So Qin Nan would come to pick up shells every day when he was free.

There are shells that can never be cut, because the sea will continue to provide gifts.

Such surprises and happiness will stay with you forever.

Qin Nan slowly lowered his arms and looked at the people walking not far away, facing the hot and dazzling sunlight, like a king.

The shell Qin Nan picked up just now fell into the fine sand again.

Together with the sound of the waves, it stirred up unrest, as if in line to welcome the return of the owner here.

The walking posture of the walker and the domineering body made Qin quiet stand there in an instant...

Master Xiu...

When Master Xiu got closer and closer, Qin Nan realized that cold, stern face, and then reacted.

Turn around and run...

These days of exercise, although you can't run as fast as before, but you can run normally.

"Qin Nan, I'm here, where can you hide?"

Master Xiu's voice had a hint of majesty, but it was more gentle.


Lux can't move now, because the wound will be pressed by his arm hanging, so he can only put the right hand with the splint on the bracket.

Because the wound hurts when breathing, Lux feels a little uncomfortable.

However, what made him even more uncomfortable was seeing Helianting.

The first person he saw when he woke up was Helianting, and he was holding his hand.

Some words echoed in his ears, not real, and he didn't think that such gentle words were said by Helianting.

Everything is a little messy, because He Tingchen disappeared...

When the accident happened, they had just prepared the ingredients and wanted to eat, but they hadn't eaten a bite before something like that happened.

After he woke up, he joked with his brother-in-law, "My spicy skewers were not eaten..."

When he said that, he still thought that after he was done, he would go to eat with He Tingchen again.

But I didn't think he would leave...

Although no one said why he left, Lux just felt that it was related to him.

"Brother-in-law, did I say something that I shouldn't say or did when I was in a coma?"

Lux couldn't help but asked Feng Xi.

"You said you were in a coma, so how can you talk or do things, my brother-in-law!"

Feng Xi was massaging Lux's legs.

He was lying inactive, and his blood circulation would not work for a long time.

In the past two days, Feng Xi has lost some weight, because Heliansheng is having a miscarriage, and some slight abdominal pain, but not serious.

As for Lux, Feng Xi took care of him personally, because he was so grateful that he might have lost his wife and children if it weren't for his brother-in-law.

Although Lux said this is what he should do, it is his sister and he must protect it.

However, Feng Xi also told himself that such kindness must be remembered for a lifetime.

"Here, here, scratch it, itchy!"

Lux said to Feng Xi.

"Yes, right here..."

Feng Xi scratched him right, and he smiled comfortably.

If others were to see it, they would definitely not believe that the master who was waiting before him would be Feng Shao.

"Hey, didn't I hold your elder brother's hand when I woke up... Shao He left, I wonder if it was because of me!"

Lux exhaled softly, not daring to use force.

The action on Feng Xi's hand paused, and then continued.

If he tells Lux that his elder brother has said that he likes him, and will accept him, it is estimated that the child can jump from the stairs.

If he could blame himself, he would definitely attribute He Tingchen's departure to himself.

"It's just that you woke up, and my elder brother was excited, so I held it!"

Feng Xi naturally didn't want his younger brother-in-law and elder brother-in-law to get together.

"Then why has he been here with me these two nights?"

He Lianting was here to accompany the bed these two nights.

"You didn't save his baby sister, naturally you want to be treated at this level."

Feng Xi actually didn't understand it. Uncle, why is this?

Originally, he could accompany the bed, his wife was asleep, he could come over, or let Jiang Yu accompany the bed.

The elder brother was very irritable because he couldn't find He Tingchen, but when facing Lux, he was very peaceful.

The caring for him was the same level as when He Tingchen was hospitalized at that time.

"Then you can let him give me some money, don't let him take care of me, I can't bear it, and I feel sorry for Shao He in my heart..."

"Moreover, I am also afraid that if he continues to treat me like this, I will be unable to control myself, become greedy, and want more..."

Lux liked Helen Ting in the first place, even his sister-in-law said he shouldn't like it and would be hurt.

However, he thinks he rarely likes a person, just put it in his heart, and won't get hurt.

However, now he discovered that feelings are not something you put up when you want to.

Moreover, Lux also found that his feelings for Helianting had changed...

Before, I could control it, but now I can't control it completely.

Therefore, he dare not see Helianting now, because he is afraid that he will sink deeper and deeper.

Looking at Lux's tangled appearance, Feng Xi's heart sank.

Feelings are the most difficult thing to control. Once it spreads, you will lose yourself completely.

Just like Luxe now...

When He Lianting came in, holding the phone in his hand, his face was angry. It was obviously the phone call just now, and the news was not found.

He Lianting came over and said to Feng Xi, "You go to see Shengsheng, I'll come!"

Lux sees Helianting now and feels a little nervous, for some reason.

"That... let me do it!" Feng Xi didn't want to let Big Brother and Lux ​​get along alone now.

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