The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 808: Gu Qingxin——Who dares to bully him, I will abolish whoever

Chu Baiqing looked at Gu Jue like that, Yu Guang could already see the hand of the board, and he was about to touch it.

Just as Chu Baiqing was about to raise her hand to stop, Gu Jue had already kicked a boy's leg.

The boy was kicked out and hit Bancuntou's body.

"Fuck, all go up, look at Nima!" Bancuntou staggered when he was hit and almost fell on the ground.

Angrily shouted at a few stupid companions.

Several boys rushed to Gu Jue, and Chu Baiqing walked out of the alley quietly, waiting for Gu Jue at the intersection.

Six people, at the speed of the fight that takes care of Jue, within five minutes, it's over.

He didn't understand why these people were so willing to fight.

Since he and Gu Jue went to school, their classmates did not know their family background.

Just because Gu Jue was so embarrassed that he didn't give any face to anybody, he kept making appointments. There are schools in all schools, as well as in society.

When the wailing became louder, Gu Jue walked out.

Taking a look at Chu Baiqing who was standing there, the fire in her eyes burst even more.

Chu Baiqing glanced at him, and after making sure that he was not injured, turned around and left.

Gu Jue grabbed him by the arm, "You will only stand there to make people bully. If I won't come, he wants to touch your face, so do you stand like a dead man and let him touch it? "

Gu Jue's temper is notoriously violent, and what he can't stand for is Chu Baiqing's temperament.

Weak people are bullied and don't fight back.

"It's not because of you that they are looking for me, so can't you stop fighting? Fighting every day, you can't study peacefully?"

Chu Baiqing just couldn't understand why Gu Jue was so willing to solve the problem with his fists.

It was as if Gu Jue couldn't understand why Chu Baiqing was so willing to learn.

"You want to take care of me!" What annoyed Gu Jue most was that Chu Baiqing told him to study.

His parents didn't care about what he was studying, but he kept worrying about it.

"Then you don't care about my business, I am willing to be bullied!"

Throwing away Gu Jue's hand, Chu Baiqing left with his head dull.

"Fuck, you're so promising, Chu Baiqing!"

Gu Jue shouted at Chu Baiqing's back, feeling extremely depressed.

The only response to him was the wailing of the male classmates in the alley.

He turned around and walked in, kicking again, "If anyone dares to bully him any more, I will abolish someone."

Family compound

Chu Baiqing returned home, took a shower and lay on the bed, feeling very bored.

He was playing with a keychain with the number seven in his hand, and closed his eyes slightly, wanting to sleep but unable to sleep.

Finally sat up, changed clothes, and went out.

It's more than six o'clock, and every family is cooking, and the compound is full of independent two-story villas.

No matter how old you are, you will be called a kid in the compound when you go out.

Shen Congwen was there when he came to Tan Song's house.

Tan Song and Shen Congwen are both older than Chu Baiqing. Shen Congwen has just started working, and Tan Song is taking the postgraduate entrance examination.

The reason why Chu Baiqing likes to come to Tan Song is because they are the same kind of people.

They both like men. Tan Song and Shen Congwen are a couple. They have been together for several years. When they were together, they were as old as him and went to high school.

"Why did Bai Qing come here? Have you eaten yet?"

Tan Song asked him with a smile. When he laughed, there would be two dimples on his face.

Tan Song lives with his grandparents, his parents are diplomats, and he stays away all year round.

"I haven't eaten, I'm not hungry, I just come to sit down! It's annoying."

Chu Baiqing picked up Tan Song's cat and sat on the windowsill.

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