The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 814: Yi Gu Qingxin-with whom? Male female?

Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing are in different classes of the same grade, in fact, they are no different from the same class.

Gu Jue is in the third class and Chu Baiqing is in the first class.

When it was okay, Gu Jue came to the group to look for Chu Baiqing. When the tablemate of Chu Baiqing saw Gu Jue entering the door, he immediately got up and gave him a place.

Gu Jue is the boss of the Ninth Middle School, and no one dares to provoke him, but there will always be people who do not know how to make trouble.

After all, they are all young and vigorous, just like a firecracker.

"Go to Big Brother to shoot after school!"

Gu Jue lay on the table and said, looking at Chu Baiqing who was writing.

This tone is not a question but a notice.

Chu Baiqing's skin was white, and under the sun, he could see the fine hairs on his face.

The sun shines through his ears, so transparent.

Gu Jue couldn't help but look a little dazed by the look of writing seriously.

"Go! I've made an appointment with someone to go to the library together."

Chu Baiqing stopped writing and smiled softly, his smile seemed to have magical powers.

People will be deeply attracted by watching it, just like Gu Jue at this time.

Most of the time, Chu Baiqing smiled at Gu Jue and had no temper.

"With whom? Men and women?"

Gu Jue was still lying there. He looked at Chu Baiqing's eyelashes, so thick and curled, how could he not notice that his eyelashes were so beautiful before.

"Jiang Duo." Chu Baiqing glanced at the time, and the class was in two minutes.

Jiang Duo was in the third year of high school and Chu Baiqing's senior. He studied very well. Chu Baiqing had some questions that he didn't understand, so she went back and asked him.

"Then I'm not going to shoot, and go with you." Gu Jue got up and shook his neck. He slept a lot today and his neck felt uncomfortable.

Chu Baiqing looked at Gu Jue in surprise, did he hear that right?

He doubted whether Gu Jue knew where the library of No. 9 Middle School was.

Besides, how can a person like him sit still in the library.

Chu Baiqing thought again, probably because she didn't explain it clearly, or Gu Jue didn't hear clearly where he was going.

"I'm going to the library!" said to Gu Jue with a smile again.

"Fuck... I know it's the library, waiting for me after school."

Gu Jue turned irritably and left.

He was actually quite surprised, he was going to the library...

It's just that he doesn't know why he wants to accompany Chu Baiqing.

Jiang Duo...

When school was over, Gu Jue was still sleeping, and he didn't hear the ringtone.

Chu Baiqing waited for him in the class for a while, but didn't see him here, thinking that he was just talking about how he would go to a place like a library.

After finishing packing, Chu Baiqing went directly to the library.

When he arrived, Jiang Duo had already arrived, because there will be a holiday tomorrow, so there are not many people in the library.

They were sitting near the window, and the afterglow of the sunset glow came in, very comfortable.

Chu Baiqing likes the library at this time, it's especially quiet.

Jiang Duo not only studies well, he is also handsome, and he also plays basketball well.

I am very cheerful and lively, and I have a good relationship with everyone.

"Which questions do you not understand?" Jiang Duo and Chu Baiqing were sitting on one side, he asked when he approached Chu Baiqing.

"This is the review material given to me by others. It's difficult, and it's hard to do, but it's interesting."

Chu Baiqing smiled and pointed to a few questions and said to Jiang Duo.

Jiang Duo's mathematics is very good. Chu Baiqing admires this. Nowadays, there are not many people who play well and learn well.

And Jiang Duo generally doesn't do much review, even if he is a senior in high school.

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