The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 818: A Gu Qingxin—Gu Jue will be there if you blink your eyes a few times

He can rely on Tan Song, he will answer all his doubts, as if omnipotent.

However, when Tan Song was in front of Shen Congwen, he seemed to have lost everything. Shen Congwen needed to do everything for him.

He just enjoys all his care and petting.

And Shen Congwen felt that he was very happy with such a dedication.

When Chu Baiqing came in, Tan Song had just taken a popsicle out of the refrigerator.

Seeing Chu Baiqing, he opened the refrigerator and took one out.

"Shen Congwen just sent it!" When handing it to Chu Baiqing, he looked at him left and right.

"I saw him at the door." Chu Baiqing tore off the popsicle wrapper and took a bite, feeling a lot of physical and mental relief instantly.

"Although it's a small quarrel, it's not okay for you two to be so noisy every day! Sooner or later, the quarrel will be gone."

Tan Song held a popsicle in his mouth and stretched out his hands, his black guy grabbed his trouser legs and climbed up.

This little black cat was also given to him by Shen Congwen. Tan Song likes cats.

"Brother Song, do you think Gu Jue would like me?"

Chu Baiqing touched Xiao Hei's head and asked with a smile.

Chu Baiqing's words stunned Tan Song. Obviously, this question made him unable to answer.

Gu Jue is straight, he is not born to bend, he will not like that, and in this age, many people don't know what's going on.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are good friends who have grown up together since childhood.

One has a burst of temper, the other has a mild temper, so one bullies and the other endures and grows up slowly.

It's natural to be intimate together, just like being a real brother. This kind of like is also true, but it's definitely not the kind of like that Chu Baiqing asked.

"Heh... it's impossible, but I always have an illusion. It seems that I am expecting too much fantasy, and my brain is not enough, so I just think."

The meridians that were a little refreshing just now because of eating popsicles will be blocked again.

"Bo Qing, this is normal. If you like him, you will feel this way. This is normal."

Tan Song likes Chu Baiqing's younger brother very much. He is very good in everything, and everything he does is methodical.

However, it is this emotional problem that has been bothering him.

"Bo Qing, next semester, I will be in the third year of high school. Maybe there are things you can put aside, just as giving yourself a quiet time to be quiet. Don't think about the things you like Gu Jue, just treat him as a buddy, emotional things. , Wait until you finish the university entrance examination."

Many parents now have high expectations for their children, but Chu Baiqing's parents don't expect him much.

They have always been thinking about letting him go abroad, so they don't take the domestic college entrance examination seriously.

However, Chu Baiqing was looking forward to the college entrance examination. He wanted to see if he could achieve the goal he set.

However, it is clear that in the recent period, his whole state is not suitable for the college entrance examination.

This is also the reason that aggravated Chu Baiqing's moodiness, because Gu Jue's every move and every word and deed would always affect his mood.

"Although the college entrance examination is still more than a year away, it is just a blink of an eye."

In coordination with the speech, Tan Song blinked, just like the cat in his arms, lazy and playful.

"But Gu Jue will be there if you blink your eyes a few times."

Chu Baiqing smiled. Every time he was in a bad mood, chatting with Tan Song, he would get better. He was a good medicine to heal various emotions.

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