The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 820: Gu Qingxin—he should not smoke, drink, or pick up girls

Feng Xi was brought to their circle by the third brother. He hadn't played together a few times, and Chu Baiqing didn't know him very well.

I didn't expect that Gu Jue would bring him here to eat skewers.

He thought that Gu Jue had only brought him here.

"His house is very delicious, I brought a friend over to try it."

Chu Baiqing is talking about friends, not classmates...

"I came with Gu Jue, do you want to sit together?"

Feng Xi pointed to Gu Jue who was sitting there and asked.

This is an outdoor food stall, with a large table and stools. Gu Jue is sitting at two tables from Chu Baiqing.

When Chu Baiqing looked back, Gu Jue was sitting there and looking over here, breaking a pair of disposable chopsticks in his hand.

Break one, take another break...

Gu Jue didn't mean to say hello to Chu Baiqing, his eyes were cold.

"No, it's inconvenient. Let's eat together another day!"

Chu Baiqing turned back and smiled and said to Feng Xi who was still standing here.

I invited Jiang Duo to dinner today to thank him for giving himself a topic.

Jiang Duo didn't care about having so much unhappiness with Gu Jue last time.

However, it does not mean that he would be willing to have dinner with Gu Jue.

And Gu Jue's temper will definitely not make everyone happy.

He and Jiang Duo's topics are mostly mathematics, and Feng Xi and Gu Jue don't like learning, and they simply can't talk together.

"Okay, I passed!"

When Feng Xi left, he also glanced at Jiang Duo.

Chu Baiqing sat there, even if she didn't look back, she could still feel the scorching gaze behind her.

Before she knew it, Chu Baiqing drank another bottle of beer, except for the last time Gu Jue poured him wine. This should be considered Chu Baiqing's first drink.

However, after drinking two bottles, there was no drunkenness. I just thought it was interesting to chat with Jiang Duo about math and drinking wine.

Just ignore the person two tables behind...

It was the first time Feng Xi came to eat skewers in this kind of place, and he thought it was quite new.

"Gu Jue, Bai Qing can still drink! I thought that a student like him should not smoke, drink, or pick up girls."

Feng Xi was willing to play with Gu Jue because they were both people who were unwilling to learn.

The eldest brother went to the military academy and took first place in everything. Not to mention the third brother, the recommended university is even more a student.

Chu Baiqing is now in the third year of high school, and it is likely that she will also be recommended.

He was born unwilling to study, just like Gu Jue, who was born without knowing what learning was.

Gu Jue didn't drink bottled beer, only a can of beer. After drinking a can, he squashed it with his hands.

He squeezed it in his hand and glanced at Chu Baiqing's back several times.

"No, what are you doing, you have to be joking, and you can't bring the face of Bai Qing's friend."

Gu Jue liked to hit Chu Baiqing with a can when he was fine, he had seen it before.

However, he really admired Chu Baiqing's temper, so good, no matter how Gu Jue troubled him, he wouldn't be angry.

However, this was in front of his friend, and if Gu Jue were to be smashed or bullied again, it would lose face.

"Eat yours!" Gu Jue glanced at the nagging Feng Xi, and threw the squeezed can out.

"Hey, fuck..." Feng Xi watched the can fly out, but it was not Chu Baiqing who smashed it, but Jiang Duo, who was sitting opposite him...

He could hit Jiang Duo in the head even through Chu Baiqing, I have to say that Sir Alex's skill in throwing cans is quite accurate.

What is the cause of this trouble again, what are you doing? Isn't that Chu Baiqing's friend?

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