The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 843: Yi Gu Qingxin——Have you never had a girlfriend?

When they arrived in Xiaojiangnan, the manager had already counted the time, and the food was served when they arrived.

Although there were only two of them, Chu Baiqing ordered all the signature dishes here.

"Still can't drink?" Jiang Duo was quite willing to drink, but he remembered that Chu Baiqing did not drink.

"The amount of alcohol is fine now."

He doesn't smoke, but he can drink, just the opposite of the third brother.

Li Beichen smokes but does not drink. He does not smoke. The eldest brother always said that both of them would not enjoy eating and smoking.

One does not drink alcohol and one cannot smell smoke.

"Then let's drink until it's good, don't drink too much, don't image you at work tomorrow."

Jiang Duo was two years older than Chu Baiqing, but he was several years older than Chu Baiqing.

"Okay, listen to seniors."

Chu Baiqing felt very gentle and easy to get along with, just the opposite of Gu Jue.

Gu Jue gave people the feeling that it was very difficult to approach. He always kept his face cold, and lost his temper before two or three sentences.

Eating and drinking and chatting, both of them are very happy, Jiang Duo can chat especially.

"Bo Qing, do you have a girlfriend?"

Jiang Duo gave Chu Baiqing a small glass of liquor.

Chu Baiqing discovered that when Jiang Duo pours him more than half a glass, when he pours himself it is full.

This is hard to come by. Most people pour more for others and less for themselves.

This is also the reason why Jiang Duo's popularity is very good.

"No, I'm too busy, and I haven't considered this matter."

This is what Chu Baiqing said to everyone. When he is his age, people will always ask why they haven't had a girlfriend, why haven't they married...

"No matter how busy you are, you will not delay dating. In my impression, you have never had a girlfriend, right?"

Jiang Duo took a bite of the food, and Xiao Jiangnan's taste was indeed different.

Every time he comes home from school, he passes through Xiaojiangnan. Those who can come here to eat are either rich or expensive.

And he saw Chu Baiqing many times...

The student who studied very well and was very low-key was also a rich man.

"Senior, haven't we talked about a girlfriend!"

Even his mother asked him why he didn't find a girlfriend and don't look too high.

No one knew about his sexual orientation, except for Tan Song and the dead Shen Congwen.

He didn't want to and would never let others know.

"Bo Qing, I don't like women. Naturally, I don't know how to have a girlfriend, but I have two boyfriends."

Jiang Duo's words were very plain, and he was not embarrassed to say his sexual orientation.

This is probably also related to the longer time spent in foreign countries and more open-mindedness.

Chu Baiqing's hand holding the chopsticks froze there, and after knowing Jiang Duo for so many years, he really didn't expect that he was also...

He is also his own kind, this feeling is very subtle, as if their already very good relationship has become more intimate because of this kind of thing.

It is said that the same kind can see the same kind clearly. At first, Tan Song knew that he liked Gu Jue...

So did Jiang Duo discover that the person he likes is Gu Jue?

"How do you scare you? Do you think I'm a pervert?"

Jiang Duo smiled and asked when Chu Baiqing was frozen.

"No." Chu Baiqing replied quickly, without hesitation, how could they feel abnormal because they are the same kind.

"Bai Qing, thank you for not looking at me with strange eyes."

Jiang Duo suddenly held Chu Baiqing's hand on the table with some excitement.

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