The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 848: A Gu Qingxin——turned around to provoke you again

Gu Jue's state is definitely going to cause a big disaster, eldest brother, only that day said he should stop and stop causing trouble.

Watching Gu Jue get directly into his George Button, the car flew out with a bang.

Feng Xiqi stomped straight, "Fuck, I didn't read the almanac when I went out today. I should stare at home with Coke and come out for a fart meal."

Coke is an Alaskan dog, fostered by his third brother.

Feng Xi hurriedly got into his sports car and chased it out. His driving skills were utterly rotten.

It simply couldn't catch up with Gu Jue's car.

No way, he could only call Chu Baiqing and tell him to be careful.

Gu Jue's imposing manner is completely to blow up the bunker.

What's so special is that Chu Baiqing won't answer the phone, it's dying...

I can’t call the eldest brother, nor can I call the third brother, who else can I call?

Feng Xi thought about no one...

I can only slam on the accelerator to chase...

When Gu Jue's George Button suddenly stopped in the courtyard of Chu Baiqing's house.

Chu Baiqing heard the roar.

Jiang Duo is taking a shower in the guest room.

He just came out of the kitchen and made two cups of hangover tea.

Gu Jue always drank too much, so the house always kept hangover tea.

When Chu Baiqing walked into the living room with tea, Gu Jue walked in aggressively.

Looking at him holding a tray in his hand and two cups of hangover tea on it, Gu Jue walked over with a sneer.

When his staff said that Chu Baiqing brought Jiang Duo home, he still didn't believe it.

Because Chu Baiqing has a habit of cleanliness, no outsiders are allowed to come to his house except the aunt who comes to clean regularly.

Of course, his Gu Jue is an exception, and only he can come and go freely.

However, now, he brought Jiang Duo back.

The hangover tea made by Chu Baiqing was only drunk by Gu Jue, because it was specially prepared for him, and none of them had drunk the eldest brother Feng Xi.

However, now Gu Jue is cooking wine and tea for that **** Jiang Duo...

Gu Jue walked up to Chu Baiqing and knocked over the tray he was holding with a direct wave of his hand.

The glass smashed to the ground with a crisp cracking sound.

Chu Baiqing watched as Gu Jue didn't speak, then looked at the broken glass and the steaming tawny hangover tea on the floor...

"You brought Jiang Duo home, what do you think?"

Gu Jue squeezed Chu Baiqing's chin and asked him to look at him, speaking like a fire.

In Gu Jue's heart, Chu Baiqing's home was the home of the two of them.

He doesn't live very much in his own home, and basically lives with him.

At first, his mother said that Chu Baiqing had a soft temperament, and that she could run in with her hot temperament when she was with him often.

Over time, a habit was formed, living with Chu Baiqing and living together.

Chu Baiqing has a good temper, but when faced with problems like Gu Jue, he wants to get angry.

"You don't recognize me as a fool!"

Gu Jue said in Xiao Jiangnan, "Yes, I have no right, I have no standpoint, we are just friends, just friends... go to your friend, I will not recognize you as a fool in the future. "

It really made Chu Baiqing feel wronged, how could he become a fool.

When his Gu Jue was upset, he would say whatever he wanted to say, or scold whatever he wanted, completely disregarding the feelings of others.

After he was happy, he completely forgot what he had scolded or said, and turned around to provoke you again.

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